Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2014 6:01 AMDD9097LS Final Bonus Fight
Jurassic World 2016.
A male Tyrannosaurus Rex, forty three feet long and eight tons, is exploring his paddock. He had just eaten a goat that was out in his paddock. He was recently brought from Sorna to Nublar. He was on his own when he was found and the other two Tyrannosaurs on Isla Sorna were too aggressive to be brought to Nublar. The Tyrannosaurus from the original park was killed when the military was assisting in construction of the new park. The military tried several times to get her to leave them alone, but she was aggressive and a threat. It took an RPG to take her down, and everybody was disappointed that she had to be killed.
A male Giganotosaurus, forty five feet long and eight tons, is sleeping. He is rarely sighted from the viewing area. People usually need to go to one of the park's six sniper towers and rent a pair of binoculars to see him. He doesn't mind being spotted, but prefers to be hidden, much to the frustration of park employees.
A male Titanovenator, forty feet long and six tons, is looking around his paddock. There aren't many trees in it, but he doesn't mind. He actually prefers the lack of hiding spots because he knows where he gets fed, and he gets to see the visitors and determine if they would be a suitable meal.
A male Carcharodontosaurus, forty six feet long and seven and a half tons, is resting in the shade of a large tree. The tree is next to the viewing area, and he is used to the attention. He sometimes puts on a show for the visitors, nudging the glass and then laying down. After that, he chases his tail for a moment and then rears up. The guests love it, and the Carcharodontosaurus was the most popular attraction, until the Tyrannosaurus was made known.
A Male Tarbosaurus, forty feet long and seven tons, is looking at some viewers. He doesn't get as much fame as the other large carnivores, and the few people who do walk past usually give him a brief glimpse and walk away, their children screaming that they want to see a T-Rex. All but one of the viewers walked away, and the Tarbosaurus was looking him in the eye. The man looked at the Tarbosaurus's chest for a moment, seeing a star shaped mark on his chest. He wasn't sure if it was natural or from the engineering, but it was interesting. He was a young guy, about twenty four years of age. He had on cargo shorts and a polo shirt. On his shirt, was a bronze name tag. The Tarbosaurus didn't know what it meant, and the only letters that stood out were the first, third, and seventh letter. M,l,n.
The Tyrannosaurus reached the viewing area for the first time. He has never seen so many people before, and he went to investigate. He sniffed the glass, thinking it was one of the people, and then tried to bump it. It didn't move, so he thought the people were stronger than they looked and lowered his head in submission. One of the viewers, a small child, five years old or so, hadn't seen any of the dinosaurs and started tapping the glass. The Tyrannosaurus was annoyed by it roared. The viewers all backed away, and the Tyrannosaurus tried to get closer to them. That's when he discovered the plexiglass wall.
The Giganotosaurus was awoken by the roar, and he growled in anger. He didn't hear the roar again, and decided to walk around. He reached the viewing area and looked at the guests. All of the guests started taking pictures. The cameras flashing annoyed the Giganotosaurus, and he turned and left to go back to his sleeping spot.
The Titanovenator is evaluating the people, deciding which one would make the best meal if he escaped. He focused on one man, a very large man. The guy was about five feet tall and weighed four hundred pounds. The Titanovenator tried to walk through the glass, but was stopped by it.
The Carcharodontosaurus is putting on one of his shows. The guests are all amazed by it, and a few are recording. Small children are standing at the front, and adults are standing behind them. When he finished, the Carcharodontosaurus bowed his head, as if to say "That's the show folks." He lied down and started to drift to sleep shortly afterward.
The Tarbosaurus is still looking at the man. The man was clearly fascinated by him, and a guest asked what the dinosaur was. "It's a Tarbosaurus, a large Tyrannosaur. It is closely related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but a bit smaller and not as well known. Too bad too, it is a cool dinosaur." The visitor thanked the man and then walked away, not really caring about the lesser known Tyrannosaur. The man sat down on a bench and continued looking at the Tarbosaurus when a ringing broke the peace.
The man pulled out a phone and answered it. "Hey jackass, the Titanovenator is mad. It's trying to escape." "What are you doing about it? And that's Game Warden to you." "Shut up and do your job." The man turned his phone off and started walking towards the Titanovenator paddock, muttering to himself. "Damn engineers. They think they're so great just because the cloned these dinosaurs. Those jerks wouldn't last ten minutes doing my job."
The Titanovenator had escaped his paddock, and the park was in lock down, a voice over the intercom giving orders. "Attention guests, there has been an escape in sector 5, please report to the nearest building immediately." The Titanovenator didn't understand the voice, but it singled out a target. He ran at the fat man, but he managed to get into a building before it was too late. He growled in frustration and started exploring the park.
The man was walking to a bunker, keys in hand. His phone rang again. "Jackass, remember, the thing has to survive, we might not ever get another one." "I've got it. It has to survive, blah blah, annoying engineer sciency jackass crap that you guys understand." The man opened a door and then opened a large case. As he grabbed one of the park's M72 LAWs, he said to himself, "That thing is going to survive, and then Velociraptor is going to be favourite dinosaur. Haha, fat chance." The man then grabbed three rockets, all explosive rounds, leaving the tranquilizer rounds in the case.
The Titanovenator reached the Tyrannosaurus paddock first. The Tyrannosaurus was used to his surroundings, and he accepted the fact that he was contained by an invisible force. He liked his paddock now that he had a chance to get used to it, and he was standing under a tree. The Titanovenator roared a challenge, and the Tyrannosaurus roared back. The Tyrannosaurus walked to the viewing area and roared again, and the Titanovenator charged. He bumped into the glass, but it cracked. The Tyrannosaurus took his turn to charge, and the glass shattered as the Tyrannosaurus burst out of his paddock, ready to fight.
The Titanovenator charged, and the Tyrannosaurus countered. He grabbed the Titanovenator by the neck and started pushing. He was pushing the Titanovenator for several minutes, and they didn't even realize they were in front of the Giganotosaurus paddock. The Giganotosaurus looked at them and roared. The Tyrannosaurus didn't let go, but the Titanovenator managed to escape. Just as the Tyrannosaurus and Titanovenator stepped back, something went past where both their heads were and hit the glass of the Giganotosaurus paddock, shattering it. "Are you f*cking serious? God dammit, one dinosaur is bad enough. Then it manages to break a second one free, and just as I'm about to take two birds with one stone, they move. Dammit. I shouldn't have tried the five hundred yard shot, that was my fault."
The Giganotosaurus stepped into the battleground and roared. The Tyrannosaurus and Titanovenator looked at the Giganotosaurus, and all three roared at each other. None of them were sure what to do, but the Giganotosaurus charged the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus sidestepped and bit the Giganotosaurus's neck. The Titanovenator attacked the Tyrannosaurus, biting his neck. The Tyrannosaurus roared in pain and started walking, trying to break free. After several minutes of all three carnivores battling, they reached the Carcharodontosaurus paddock
. The Titanovenator was close to being finished off, but every time the Tyrannosaurus tried, the Giganotosaurus saved him for some reason. The Rex finally got his chance when the Giganotosaurus slipped and he knocked him back. He bit the Titanovenator's neck and swung him around. He smashed the Titanovenator's head through the glass of the Carcharodontosaurus's paddock, and the Carcharodontosaurus entered the battle. "I'm going to let this problem sort itself out and pick off the winner. I don't care what the engineers say, after all, I am just one of those inferior life forms needed to run the park for the time being."
The Carcharodontosaurus attacked the Tyrannosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus hit him with his shoulder. The Carcharodontosaurus stumbled back, and just as the Tyrannosaurus was going to attack him, the Giganotosaurus bit his leg. The Tyrannosaurus roared in pain as the Giganotosaurus started to bite harder, but before he could break his leg, the Tyrannosaurus bit his neck. The Giganotosaurus roared in pain, and the Tyrannosaurus swung him around, hitting the Carcharodontosaurus. The Carcharodontosaurus stumbled back again, but he regained his balance and attacked. The Carcharodontosaurus bit the Tyrannosaurus's neck and started pushing him. The Tyrannosaurus let go of the Giganotosaurus, and none of them knew where the Titanovenator went.
The three carnivores were pushing and pulling each other, and they reached the Tarbosaurus paddock. The Tarbosaurus was lying down, ready to go to sleep. He had accepted the man as a friend, and he hoped the man would return. He liked the feeling that something cared about him, and he was looking forward to seeing the man again. He was about to doze off when the battle got his attention. The Tyrannosaurus was walking backwards, the Giganotosaurus was lunging at him, and the Carcharodontosaurus was trailing behind them. The Tarbosaurus roared as the Tyrannosaurus was pushed through the glass wall, and the Tarbosaurus was about to attack the Tyrannosaurus when he changed his mind. He attacked the Giganotosaurus instead.
The Tarbosaurus bit the Giganotosaurus's neck, and just as he was about to push him to the ground and finish him off, the Carcharodontosaurus headbutted him. The Tarbosaurus lost his grip on the Giganotosaurus and stumbled into the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus caught him and then released him, deciding to focus on the two larger carnivores first. The Giganotosaurus roared, and the Carcharodontosaurus attacked him. The Tyrannosaurus decided to back off and let them fight. He was watching the fight when he remembered the Tarbosaurus. The Tarbosaurus prepared to fight, but the Tyrannosaurus lowered his head. The Tarbosaurus lowered his head and the Tyrannosaurus was suddenly hit from the side.
The Titanovenator roared as he charged the downed Tyrannosaurus, but the Tarbosaurus bit his neck before much damage could be done. The Tyrannosaurus stood up as the Tarbosaurus and Titanovenator were fighting, and he caught a quick glimpse of the Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. They were walking away from the battle. They were both tired, and they were both heading back to their preferred spot to sleep.
The Tarbosaurus and Titanovenator were fighting, and the Titanovenator had pushed the Tarbosaurus to the ground. The Tarbosaurus kicked the Titanovenator and stood up, readying an attack. The Titanovenator charged the Tarbosaurus, and the Tarbosaurus ran at him. They collided, and they both stumbled back. The Tarbosaurus regained his balance first and attacked the Titanovenator. The Titanovenator hit the ground, and the Tarbosaurus bit his neck. He was about to finish him off, but the Titanovenator kicked him hard in the chest, breaking several ribs and causing some internal bleeding. The Tarbosaurus was in extreme pain and blood was coming out his mouth.
The Tyrannosaurus had been distracted and when he saw the Tarbosaurus was almost done, he attacked the Titanovenator. The Titanovenator couldn't do anything as the Tyrannosaurus bit his neck and shoved him into the ground. The impact cracked the pavement walkway, and the Tyrannosaurus was dragging the Titanovenator along the pavement, shredding his skin. The Titanovenator managed to kick the Tyrannosaurus, but the Tyrannosaurus bit his neck harder in response. The Titanovenator's neck was crushed, and a sickening crunch was heard for about two hundred yards.
The Game Warden heard the crunch and hoped it was the Titanovenator that was just killed. The Tarbosaurus slowly walked back to his paddock, and the Tyrannosaurus roared. The man heard the roar, and when he walked around the corner, saw the Tyrannosaurus eating. "Good. The Titanovenator is dead. Now then, should I kill the Rex, or should I lead him back to his paddock?" His phone rang, and he answered it. "What the hell are you doing moron? One of the rarest dinosaurs here is dead and you're just sitting there watching!" "I didn't expect five damn super predators to escape, I only have two rockets left." "Rockets? You were supposed to use tranquilizer rounds!" "We're out of tranq rounds, and this problem needed to be sorted out somehow." "So you get tranquilizer rounds for that big sniper rifle you have instead of blowing up the attractions!" "The sniper is in for repair, remember? You engineers can build the sh!t, but you sure as hell don't know how to use it." "Shut up and get to work! You people are morons! Why can't everyone be as smart as us engineers?" The man turned his phone of and mumbled, "Why are all engineers assholes?" The Tyrannosaurus smelled the man, and he turned to face him. The Tyrannosaurus started walking to him, and the Tarbosaurus sensed him. The Tarbosaurus walked out, and he saw the Game Warden. The Game Warden looked at both Tyrannosaurs that were walking toward him and didn't know what to do.
The Tarbosaurus sniffed him and then lied down next to him. The Tyrannosaurus reached them, and the Tarbosaurus stood up and growled at the Rex. The Tyrannosaurus stopped and thought over the situation. He looked at the man, and then at the Tarbosaurus. The man looked at the Tyrannosaurus, and his phone rang again. This time, the man talked first, "What the f*ck do you assholes want this time? I've got this situation under control. I know what I'm doing!" "Do you now?" "What the hell would you jackasses do? Look at me! I'm an engineer! I cloned theses dinosaurs! I helped make this and that and the next god damned thing on this island!" "Shut up kid." "Why don't you leave the me f*ck alone and let me do my job. You guys do your fancy high tech job, and I'll shoot the sh!t you make when something goes wrong with something else you made!" The man hung up his phone, and it started ringing again. "F*ck it." The man threw his phone onto the roof of one of the nearby buildings. The Tyrannosaurus didn't understand a word that the man said, and the Tarbosaurus was standing next to the Tyrannosaurus. They looked at each other, and then faced the Game Warden. "Seriously? Two of you vs me? That doesn't seem very fair."
The Tarbosaurus stepped closer to him and started to sniff him. "What are you doing?" The Tarbosaurus turned and faced the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus was a ton heavier, and it was easily the stronger of the two. They looked each other in the eye and then walked closer. They quickly started pushing each other, and the Tyrannosaurus was quickly overpowering the Tarbosaurus. The Tarbosaurus bit the Tyrannosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus stepped back. The Tyrannosaurus lunged forward at the Tarbosaurus, and then started pushing him.
The man had went to grab something. When he came back, the Tyrannosaurus was standing over the Tarbosaurus. The Tarbosaurus was on the ground, breathing heavily, covered in blood, chunks of glass stuck in his face, and waiting for the Tyrannosaurus to finish him off. The man had grabbed his rocket launcher and went down to one knee. "Do I take out the Tyrannosaurus and save the Tarbosaurus? Or do I let the Tyrannosaurus finish the Tarbosaurus off?" The man stood still, debating what to do. The Tyrannosaurus wasn't sure what to do either, and he hadn't spotted the man. "There'll be another Tyrannosaurus."
Before the man hit the button to set off the rocket, something hit him from the side. He was screaming in pain, and the Tyrannosaurus looked up, and the Tarbosaurus looked at him. A Velociraptor was attacking the man. Both Tyrannosaurs knew the Velociraptor came from the paddock that the Tyrannosaurus smashed the Tarbosaurus through when the man was gone. The Tyrannosaurus roared, and the Velociraptor looked at him. The Velociraptor stood up and hissed at the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus lunged, and the Velociraptor jumped out of the way. The Velociraptor underestimated the Tyrannosaur's agility, and was quickly grabbed and killed.
The Tarbosaurus went to the man's side, and the man stood up. He had deep gashes on his body, and the Tyrannosaurus had already left. The man looked at the Tarbosaurus, and he pointed at its paddock. The Tarbosaurus looked at the paddock, and then walked away. An emergency crew arrived shortly afterward, and the man received stitches. Another crew had already blocked off the sections of the paddocks that were destroyed, and all four carnivores were happy with their homes.
A few months later, after the paddocks were repaired, the Game Warden was at the Tarbosaurus paddock. The Tarbosaurus looked at him and lowered his head. After several minutes, the man waved at the Tarbosaurus and left. He reached the Tyrannosaurus paddock, and was watching the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus had the scars from the battle, and he recognized the man. He walked right to the glass and lied down, knowing he had saved the man. The man looked at him, and started talking. "Thanks big guy. If I had made the decision half a second earlier, I wouldn't be here right now."
Winner........ Tyrannosaurus Rex
The largest and strongest of all the competitors, he even squared off against his four opponents and saved the life of two different things.
Agree with the result or not, I don't care. If the result was predictable, I don't care. If I look biased or like a fanboy, I don't care. The outcome isn't important, it's the fights that the victor participated in that is.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2014 6:30 AMJack of all trades. Master of none
Rex Fan 684
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 1:00 PMMan, none of your pics worked. I'll go in and add them if you want(or you could do it, doesn't matter to me). Good fight though :)
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2014 1:02 PMI'm not done editing yet, school computers are a bitch when none of them are worth more than $50 and they are 2004 at the newest.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
Rex Fan 684
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 1:04 PMOk. Can't wait to see what pics you use.
UCMP 118742
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 1:13 PMAmazing fight, very well done, definitely one of your best pieces, but I don't think that there was really a clear winner, it feels more like a tie, since they all did very good and none were extremely injured (except for the Tarbosaurus). Anyway, I really liked the setting, how it all happened in the park and I'm glad that none died, except for the Velociraptor, but it didn't really matter.
Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2014 1:15 PMI chose Rex since he saved Tarbo and the Game Warden, and had the only two fatalities (Titano and Velociraptor). Thanks.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
Rex Fan 684
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 1:29 PMNice pics.
I re-read the Tarbosaurus description and just realized what it said about its chest. Nice ;)
UCMP 118742
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 1:32 PMI totally forgot about Titanovenator, wow. Well I guess that makes him the winner. I love both T.rex pics, especially the first one, it's hilarious.
Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-
Primal King
MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 3:30 PMThis is in my top 3 of all your fights and maybe even the forum. Awesome! Altough is it possible the T.rex was shoved around a little much for a Rex?
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)
MemberAllosaurusApr-28-2014 3:55 PMWow very good fight, you can tel you took time and effort on this one.
Yah, I hate old school computers. Thank goodness my school has 2011 computers with Windows 7.
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2014 5:20 PMPrimal, maybe the Rex did get pushed around more than what it would usually have, being a Tyrannosaurus and all, but had to make it a good fight, and what better way than having Rex get pushed around some and still kick ass in the end? Also, I was trying to not look like a fanboy.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
I Meme Everything
MemberAllosaurusJun-20-2017 11:14 AMGame Warden is Muldoon. Good fight.
"Part of the journey is the end..."