Jurassic World Movies

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MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 9:13 AM





One person had access to the script of the film and released on an american forum ALL THE DETAILS of the plot of the movie!






Triceratops and more.

The dinosaur that appears most in the film is the T-Rex. We will have deadly Velociraptors (more than in the others films). The Carnotaurus is the new big carnivore, and he has the ability to chameleon (camouflage), as well as in the book The Lost World!

New Park:

Patel (Irrfan Khan character) buys the island of John Hammond, and reconstructs the park on Isla Nublar. The park has an attraction, which is a species of Sea World with marine reptiles.


Owen (played by Chris Pratt) ex-military of Navy convencido is to go to the park with his brother Matt. When the dinosaurs escape, Owen promises to help the small group os survivors to reach the safety off the island.

Beth (played by Bryce Dallas Howard) scientist of Patel Corporation, who has custody of his nephews and struggle to relate to them while dealing with the safety of the Jurassic World.

Gray (played by Ty Simpkins) yougest nephew of Beth, who lost their parents in a car accident. He is emotionally stunted and does not talk much, until it meets Owen and create ties with him.

Zach (played by Nick Robinson) older brother of Gray who blames himself for the death of the parents and ends up walking away from his brother, until Owen and Beth help them reconnect.

Robbie (played by Jake Johnson) a guide of the Jurassic World. Is a comic character.

Patel (played by Irrfan Khan) CEO of Patel Corp. and new owner of Jurassic World. Patel did not really care for the safety of the park and did not expect all the shitthat follows.

Morton (Vicent D'Onofrio) Patel's lawyer who plans to steal his company for sabotage in Jurassic Park on opening weekend, without for all this shit.

Matt (no ator) brother of Owen.

About that rumor about Katy Perry in Jurassic World it's a lie: 


Billy Brennan - Like computers do not like? Alan Grant - I like the abacus, Billy.

9 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-18-2014 12:52 PM

Awesome, and thank the heavens on the KP thing. Looking forward to the King's triumphant return.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 1:49 PM

Finally Carnotaurus! I am so happy about this and about B.D.Wongs return this is going to be a great movie! I also hope that maybe Muldoon will return. Who knows what can happen.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W


MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 2:15 PM

This sounds convincing and entertaining but the choice of dinosaur species is lazy....I mean carnotaurus is the only new animal so far. I hope more new types come soon.

Oh, I forgot about the aquatic creatures but still...those dinosaurs are tired.i like the characters though, especially Beth and Owen.

How far can we push nature before it pushes back?

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-18-2014 2:54 PM

Unfortunately, Muldoon will not be making a return because Bob Peck (the actor who played Muldoon) died of cancer back in August of 1999. It's a shame, and I'd love for Muldoon to be in the movie too. Maybe they at least give him some recognition in the new movie.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-18-2014 2:55 PM
I certainly hope that there are a few new choices aside from carnotaurus. T-Rex returning as a central dinosaur is fun, though. Hail to the king, baby.

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 3:14 PM

Oops I forget about Peck. Such a shame he passed away. Maybe their will be a descendant of Muldoon in the movie. Hopefully at least one more original character will return. I heard Wayne Knight wants to be in Jurassic World. Maybe Nedry will have something to do with the failure of Jurassic World.

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 3:17 PM

If this proves to be true, then I'm pumped. Get to see good ole' Rexy return, the classic raptors, and many others(including Carnotaurus as the new killer). Keep in mind, at the end of the dinosaur list, it did say many others, so I bet we see more dinosaurs, perhaps Brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus,, Spinosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and maybe some pterosaurs or aquatic reptiles.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 5:14 PM

exciting indeed, especially if the carnotaurus is in it.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2014 9:56 PM

Im looking forward to this more and more. The King has returned!

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

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