Jurassic World Movies

What do you do?- #2

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MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 7:33 PM


You are walking around the coast of Costa Rice, calmly, thinking you are safe along the coast, away from the dinosaurs. Suddenly, out of the water, a Suchomimus appears from the water.

CLICK HERE if picture does not work

Naturally, you start running, then you get 20 feet away and notice that he is just eating fish. You just walk away fastly and quickly, but then from the trees...

If picture does not work

...emerges a Spinosaurus.

If pic does not work

It notices you and charges at you but lokks and notices the other Spinosaur, and it wants the huge, tasty, fresh fish the Suchomimus caught. It goes and they fight, SPino quickly wins, and since you have common sense, you run to your bike and get to your bike.

However, (Disregard the land terrain in the picture) the whole ground is sand. The SPino decides it will eat you and then go back to the fish. It charges at you, it will only stop it from eating you. It will reach you in anout 1 minute, since you run fast, but not faster than Spino.


You only have yourself, a shotgun with 5 bullets, but it is loaded. You have a flashlight, but it seems useless. You also have a telphone, but it has connection. You also have a fresh 5 pound fish you caught recently. You have NOTHING ELSE WITH YOU.


It is daytime and the Spino is a grown adult. The Spino can also swim faster than you. There is no buldings near by.  Your bike is a normal 7-speed bike, no motor.

Feel free to add more details unless it doesn't go against the details.


What do you do?


49 Replies

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 7:39 PM

Keep my gun ready should I need it. Disregard the bike as the sand would hinder it a lot. I'd use the fish to distract the Spinosaurus. If that doesn't work, I'd run to try and find a tree to climb. Should it come down to it, I'd shoot the animal in the throat 3 times and twice in the face, aiming for the eyes. Hopefully I'll make a lucky shot or at least get him to back off. If none of that works, nice knowing you :)

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 7:41 PM

Good one, Rex Fan. I think I would just have a "F*ck it" moment and just run into the water shooting the shotgun at the SPino's throat, and see what would happen...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 7:45 PM

I can run faster on sand than bike, so I run (I can keep a sprint going 300 yards in snow with full hunting gear and a rifle on my back) towards the nearest treeline. I throw a fish to the ground to see what the Spinosaurus does, and I call the local authorities (not animal control like in TLW). I continue running, and if the Spino stops running to grab the fish, I throw one in the water, and leave a trail getting farther away from me until I'm out of fish. If that doesn't work and the Spino keeps chasing me, instead of accept the fact that I'm a dead man, I turn and face the damn thing. From there, when it lunges, I duck out of the way and then run at it before it turns around. I atempt to climb onto its back, and if that works, I shoot a hole in the sail (is the shotgun a 12 gauge?), and then stick the gun through the hole and hold on for dear life. If the thing stops after who knows how long, I jab the barrel as deep as I can in its eye and use the last four rounds on its eye socket, killing it with any luck. With my luck, the authorities will arrive after I kill the thing, or I don't kill it, and some kid with a BB gun kills it. When the authorities arrive, I am brought to the nearest city to be questioned, and then go home, know as a badass for killing a Spinosaurus.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 7:49 PM

Well, I did say you only had one fish and nothing else, but that was epic Mr Happy. Next time I will include the WEALNESSES of the dinosaur I am putting in.

What did you guys think of #2, compared to number #1, and what improvements could I do?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 7:53 PM

Give the gauge/calibre of the weapon used. That's me being a gun but though.

Sorry, I thought it said 5 pounds of fish, not a 5 pound fish. 

Both were great, you went into better detail with this one. Next up Raptors (maybe), with a 12 gauge shotgun and a hunting knife.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 7:55 PM

Okay, so be more specific when it comes to cars and guns.

More detail was my main focus in this one.

I will try to somehow put raptors in #3.

Thanks for the advice.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 7:57 PM

Looking forward to seeing that one. Anytime.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 7:59 PM

Next time it will be EPIC. Maybe raptors, A spino, AND a Rex...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 8:04 PM

Interesting. I have an idea. Let the games begin sometime in the next few days.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:05 PM



But I will need a partner to help me create this...

Will you help me, Mr Happy?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 8:08 PM

Hell yeah. Looking forward to see what we come up with.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 8:09 PM

alright, so this is i would do :

i first get on my bike, than cycling along the coastline fast, i use fish to distract the Spino thyan run to the nearest tree, climb it, than aim my shotgun to the Spino's Head or Heart, luckily with only one bullet, if it doesn't work, i jumped down, climb off to that Predator than stick my SG to the back of the Spino's head, hopefully the shotgun destroys the Brain, if it doesn't work, im going to use the Flashlight in it's eye to blind it off, than shot at the throat, if it doesn't work, AGAIN, well..... Good Bye Cruel World :)


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:11 PM

@MR Happy. I will message you in a few minutes

@Elite Raptor- I am pretty sure everyone would just admit that survival would be virtually impossible.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 8:14 PM

I know that survival is slim, but if I'm going to go down, might as well go fighting.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:16 PM

True. Find a way to become remembered as a...




MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 8:30 PM

Plan One-Shoot the Spino's eye and blind plus run

Plan two-Run to the corspe of the Suchomimus and make the Spino trip

Plan three WARNING HARDCORE!-Run toward the Spinosaurus and roll beneath before its jaws can crush me and when I am behind the Spino I will shoot its right leg and that is when the Spinosaur 's leg give out and fall. When the carnivore is on then ground I will grab my bike and smash it on the Spino's skull with all my force until the dino dies. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Plan four-run


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:37 PM

I think that "Hardcore" would just be probable suicide, but that was still cool.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 8:42 PM

The gun nut and Dino freak I am can point out so many flaws in the hardcore approach, starting with a single shot from a shotgun making a Spino's leg give out.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:44 PM

Yah, i noticed that too, but just let people have their fun...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 8:47 PM

I know. Haha, I doubt I could do all the stuff I put down for the survival situation, but then again, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I'm known for rising to the occasion.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 8:49 PM

I can do things I would never do in fear. I once parkoud up a fence, and I SUCK at parkour, and the fence was 5 feet tall, and t be honest, I did it like a BADASS.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 9:00 PM

Some people are different than others. I was driving a tractor down the road a 20 MPH (so fast, I know), and the thing went into a slide because the road was ice. My sister freaked out, and I prefer the term skill over luck. It was skill that I got out of the slide, not luck.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 9:05 PM

One time I was riding my bike and I went as fast as I could over a small ramp and I actually went 3 feet in the air. I was 9 at that time, so it FELT badass.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 9:14 PM

I was driving a big truck when it was 8. I've been driving tractors since I was 4. I drove an ATV up a small hill when I was 10 and went 6 feet in the air. It was 110cc ATV, so small, we have a 500cc ATV now.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 9:15 PM

Wow, i wish I could do that...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 9:21 PM

It's fun living on a farm. I have a .22, I can fire a 12 gauge with one hand. I did a donut with my dad's truck (Ram 2500 Mega Cab, 4x4, 3/4 ton suspension, tow package, it's usually the biggest vehicle on the road), I'm 15 and have a jacked up Jeep.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 9:25 PM

Lucky. Sometimes I wish I could just experiebce a life what Americans think as"Poor."


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 10:02 PM

My idea- Climb inside the Suchomimus's jaws, throw the fish to distract it, and try to hide out until the Spino backs off, shooting it whenever I can, taking out sensitive areas (eyes nose, ears, legs, mouth, so on) eventually hopefully, knocking the spino out then finishing it off, making it back off and run away, or become frightened of the gun, in which I would chase it off, shooting, like a bad-ass.

As for the coolest thing Ive ever, done, probably tame a horse that started freaking out and sprinting across a field with me on its back, and when a baby alligator nearly bit my hand off, because it was learning to "explore" with its mouth,  but I saw it coming and grabbed it out of the air. Both made me feel pretty epic, haha

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 10:06 PM

Wow, I have neevr done stuff as cool as THAT.

Climbing into the mout of the dead SPinosaur, good thinking Primal.


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 10:13 PM

Thanks! It was pretty cool. That was the first time someone had been able to tame the horse. It was already wild, but when it got spooked it was life or death. So I grabbed the reins, and whipped it around. Put it in its place,haha. As for the Gator, yeah I saw it coming and knew right where to grab it, so caught it out of mid-air.

And thanks! haha, figured it would be a good idea.

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

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