Jurassic World Movies

Analyzing the new pre-production Photos

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MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 12:46 PM

Now, we received these photos through the social network. Read about it here http://www.jurassicworld-movie.com/news/1724


Now, If you read my comment on the actual post this is going to be the same. I'll go more the depth.




This is pre-production tests. But from the set up they have going here, I can tell you its a military Helicopter, This being Patel Corperation, I'd expect them to be american, So this is most likely an american military Chopper.


This is either an Black Hawk (Which runs the ability of being it do to its well known-ness) or An iroquois Helly. Its very hard to narrow it to an exact to a pin point. It runs the chance of being an H-146 Griffon aswell. (I say this because of the simulatrities and that its a very good looking photo helli)


I can tell because the Olive drab colouring on the outside, The lack of doors on the cargo/passenger compartment, What looks like pin up art on the front nose, And a peice that could hold a door gunner. However, it is very dark, grainy and poor quality...





Ahem, Escuse me. Now we have two things this could be.


1: Remember in the beggining of TLW Book, Levine and his guide stumble upon a Dinosaur carcass from Site B on the coast of Costa Rica (Tounge twister). They could be shooting that. The JP franchise is reknown for doing things like this. Take parts from the book and film them. (Example, The aivery.) 


2: Irrfan Khan said that he had to get his pilots licence for the film. So, he most deffinatly will have a helicopter scene. This may be his chopper (It lacks military markings) , but of course... Idiots with Iphones thinking their professional photgraphers... We won't know unless we get a new picture of this or when the film comes out.



Now Because I'm crazy, (and because of my mind connecting dots where they probably aren't) I feel we may see the Triceratops scene. You remember that scene?


Lex and the baby Trike? Yeah? This scene was scripted for the film, but cut in exchange for more time. 


We may see a baby trike...






Because this is just going by play by play... I can 74.6% Assure you this is a H-149 Griffon Helicopter. It is missing the air ducts and the little peak for the propeller. But its not moving so it doesnt need either... ALSO, LOOK closely at the tail end of both choppers, See those doors? Each one is unique to its helli. Aswell, that little glass thing I thought was pin up art on the nose, it actually glass...


Look at the relation right there... 



CH-146 Griffon


The Mystery Chopper



Are you seeing any resemblances?


As always...




Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

3 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 1:13 PM

Definitely very interesting.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-17-2014 3:48 PM

Interesting for sure. I wonder what they would need a military helicopter for.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 5:56 PM

Very nice observations.


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