Jurassic World Movies

JW Pre-Production Tests? And Katy Perry might be singing the JW Theme

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MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 3:03 PM

1. This might fit with Irrfan Khan's "flight training" for JW.



2. Take this with a grain of salt, but here is the rumor:



*clickable link by **Al**
18 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 3:55 PM

OH NO.  Let's hope 2015 really is her year off.  How could you dilute the Jurassic Park theme song by adding words and letting her sing???  And an appearence in the movie?  Give me a break.

Let's hope this is just a rumor.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 4:03 PM

I hope it is a rumor, too. I want to hum and whistle the JP theme, not SING it.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 4:40 PM

God no! I'll accept that the day I start driving imports! (Not going to happen). There are few things I hate more than Pop music, and one of those few things would probably be a Pop remix of the JP theme. F*ck no! Just f*cking no! This better be a god damned rumour if JP is to be redeemed after JP 3! If this is true, I will f*cking leave this forum, ignore the movie, and paint my Jeep bright orange with a confederate flag on the hood instead of flying the JP colours! Sorry if this seems like overreacting, but no, just no.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 4:45 PM

Whilst I do agree with you, that might be just a slight, overreaction.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 4:49 PM

Yeah, I know. I would never paint my Jeep orange with a confederate flag (that's going to be my lifted diesel pickup truck). I wouldn't leave this forum either, I kill too much time with you guys to leave just because the theme is bullshit.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 5:55 PM

O.k I am going to say this as calm as possible.............................NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 6:00 PM

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 6:02 PM

I want this movie to attract JP fans, not Pop music fans. I don't want to be watching the movie and constantly hear "OMG, did you see that? I can't believe Katy Perry did that. OMG, I hope Katy Perry kills that dinosaur." And so on. If she does have a role in it, I hope her charactor is the first to break the JP no woman has ever been eaten in JP trend and get eaten alive by a T-Rex. That's just me though.


And then Satan said "Put Katy Perry in the fourth Jurassic Park, or better yet, add lyrics to the theme, and have her sing it." And his assistant said "Why not both?"

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 6:03 PM

Heres my response to (I know were suppose to take it with a grain of salt) Katy perry singing the JP theme..


What the Fluck? 

The JP theme stands out, because it has no singing... This isn't the god dammned hunger game series where we need songs written by different writers on how they survived rehab, and how its irrelevant to the story...




Katy Perry is a fairly good singer (I prefer country, so I couldn't tell you...) It ruins it if you add words......


I believe they did A large amount of the helicopter shots, In an actual helicopter... So I have no idea why their green screening it, Especially if one of the actors are getting a pilots license to do so...






Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


AdminAllosaurusMar-16-2014 6:05 PM

That news isn't sourced, so probably not real. I hope so, I really hope so. 


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 7:33 PM

Yah, I don't want 12 year old girls singing and giggling in the theatre room.



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 8:33 PM

I hate when that happens (I went to a movie once...They would not stop giggling over a picture of what I assumed was a dog on instagram...)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 8:36 PM

I would probably burst out swearing if that happened long enough. Or better yet, kick their seat really hard and act innocent. I try not to be an ass, but bug me enough and suddenly I'm the biggest ass you've ever met.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 9:51 PM

Me too...


I hate it, girls always laugh at STUPID things.

Then again, as a guy, I laugh at what girsl think are stupid...



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 11:13 PM

Unfortunatley, I prefer old fashioned methods... Which means I'm a gentleman, Which translates over to I can't be a jerk to them, Which Is why I'm friends with every girl In my grade. 


This is also the reason why I spell correctly and don't "O LOL TTYL LIKE THAT SHIRT IS SUU HOT" What the flying backwards duck is that supposed to mean?!!?!?...



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 12:12 AM

I am nice to girls, none of them hate me, but it's those things you THINK. I think of how annoying some of the girls are in my grade...

Yah, I prefer correct grammar. Sure, every here and then I make mistakes, but I hate it when people put Caps Lock and a bunch of texting acronyms... IT. IS. SO. ANNOYING.




MemberCompsognathusMar-17-2014 3:53 PM



The Jurassic Park theme needs to be left alone. I'm praying it's a rumor.

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."


MemberAllosaurusMar-17-2014 5:57 PM

We all are.


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