Jurassic World Movies

What do you do?- #1

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MemberAllosaurusMar-15-2014 9:16 PM

I have decided to create my own chain on the Jurassic World Forum. basically, I will put moments in peril, and ask a question of what would you do?

So here is the situation.


You just drove to the edge of a cliffside in a Jeep, and you stop the car. The whole cliffside is just dirt, and an adult T-Rex is chasing you. The T-Rex is going to to catch up with you in 30 seconds.


You only have a Jeep and yourself. You have a shotgun in your car, a flashlight, a rope, a flare gun, and NOTHING ELSE.


The cliffside, if you were to jump off, is 50 feet high and on the bottom are sharp rocks and tough waves, you would die if you were to just simply jump off. It is nighttime. The T-rex will tear your Jeep open, if necessary.


What do you do?


37 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMar-15-2014 9:40 PM

Scenario 1,

First, I would take the flaregun, shoot it (if I have flares) where to Rex could see it and hopefully he would go after while I take the rope, flashlight, and shotgun with me as I repel done the cliff side to the bottom.

Scenario 2,

If that doesn't work I would the flaregun shoot it (if I have two flares) into the eye and then the mouth to distract it andI would again repel done the cliff with shotgun and flashlight.

Scenario 3,

I would take the shotgun (if I have ammo) and shot him in both eyes and again repel down the cliffside.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberCompsognathusMar-15-2014 9:40 PM

Scenario 1,

First, I would take the flaregun, shoot it (if I have flares) where to Rex could see it and hopefully he would go after while I take the rope, flashlight, and shotgun with me as I repel done the cliff side to the bottom.

Scenario 2,

If that doesn't work I would the flaregun shoot it (if I have two flares) into the eye and then the mouth to distract it andI would again repel done the cliff with shotgun and flashlight.

Scenario 3,

I would take the shotgun (if I have ammo) and shot him in both eyes and again repel down the cliffside.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusMar-15-2014 9:54 PM

Heh, double post.

Nice. I should post more of these.



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 1:08 AM

Scenario one:


I quickly bust the casing off of the flares and throw all (four, now broken) flares anywhere around the jeep. I then quickly jump ( Land outside of the jeep), Take the shot gun, bust a part of the firing mechanisim off, and fire.  The firing of the gun ignites the black powder, setting the jeep on fire. Hiding behind the jeep, I unload on the rex. (Theres no way a shot gun could stop a rex, Even with enough cartridges to match its weight). Angering it more, the bull charges. I combat roll away from the jeep, The rex takes himself and the jeep over the edge. The rex, having millions of years of eveloution over the car with a mere 150, Survives the fall, With one last carefully positioned shot, The (Now exposed from the fall) gas tank explodes, killing the rex ikn a burst of fire an blood...


(I do not recommend this if you are being charged at by a rex)


Scenario 2:


I simply put the car into Drive and floor it. The rex who was charging needs enough run way to come to a halt, He doesn't have enough time, And falls into the rocks.


(I recommend this, Wait until the rex is closer though, If you go too early, he will simply pick your car up, and throw you over the edge...)


Scenario 3:

Drive directly at the rex... No one ever said that kamikazees were not sucessful. Go as fast as you can and aim for a leg. If your lucky, you will catch his leg off balance, thus toppling him over. If your not lucky, Your car will crash into his leg, Breaking the engine block, and barely harming the rex, From there he will most likely kick you over the edge.


(ten out of ten I do not recommend)



Scenario 4:

Drive off the cliff...


Just accept that you got yourself into this situation and that its your fault your fucked... 


Have a nice day :)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 1:15 AM


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

Smaug The Magnificent

MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 3:15 AM

Quote: Just accept that you got your self into this situation and its your fault you fucked.

I Believe In Harvey Dent

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 5:38 AM

I hide in the car and wait until the T.rex get's to me. Once he rips the roof away, I fire my flare gun at him and unload the shotgun on his face as many times as possible. I grab the rope and climb down the cliffside.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 6:51 AM

Considering I'm screwed for the most part.


Scenario 1:


The damn thing has 30 seconds before it reaches me, I grab the flare gun and take 2 shots at it (flares usually come in packs of 4, correct me if I'm wrong), and with the other 2, I break the first one open and shoot it with the second one before driving off, hoping the fire would distract along with the burning sensation in its left eye and tip of its snout.


Scenario 2:


This a more me like approach. 

I tie a rope to the trailer hitch of the Jeep, then grab the flare gun and shoot the Rex a couple times to distract it. I then tie the other end to a large tree and drive, putting tension on the rope. Before the Rex hits the rope, I realise I made a mistake and didn't put my seatbelt on. I put the seatbelt on just as the Rex hits the rope, and with the seatbelt holding me in my seat, and the rollbar protecting me, the Rex trips on the rope and sends the Jeep flying onto its head, knocking it out or killing it. After stumbling around for several minutes, I grab my shotgun and start unloading on the Rex's eye. When I run out of ammo, I grab the flare gun and take the last two shots into whatever is left of the eye socket, and that should kill it. I then disappear into the night, and when I'm found, I'm known worldwide as a badass who killed a Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Scenario 3:


The Rex is running. I have a Jeep. Thes 30 seconds before the thing reaches where I currently am. I fire up the Jeep and drive off at full speed, there's no way a Rex can catch up to a Jeep.



Quick question. Is it one of those crappy new 4 door Jeeps or one of the good 90's and older Jeeps with 2 doors? I have a 93 YJ with the half doors and a Chenvy engine in it that runs pretty good now. We have some work to do, but I was doing donuts with it the other day.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 7:37 AM

Scenerio 1

Just jump of the cliff and hope I dive in the water if I don't I died

Scenerio 2

I will grab the flare gun and just when the Tyrant saw me I will shoot the flare gun and distract it and run away as fast as I can to find a place to hide (Note I will bring my shotgun in case if their is other hostile dinosaurs after me plus I don't think a T-Rex will be fast enough to catch me)

Scenerio 3

If the T Rex is not distracted he will have to run to me and try to kill me so when the T Rex is running to me and is on the cliff I will roll between its legs and I don't think the cliff will support the Rex's weight so the T rex will fall over and die

















I still live!



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 9:11 AM

Scenario 1:

The Rex reaches the cars, and eats me- I die.

Scenatio 2:

I'm not so experienced at driving, so I take the car over the cliff, drowning - I die

Scenario 3:

I kill the Rex, but being at night, a Raptor pack finds me and kills me - I die

Scenario 4:

I kill the Rex AND the raptors, but I get myself lost, and die - I die.

Scenario 5:

I don't get myself lost, but the shock kills me - I die.


Result: I always die. I don't know what kind of superhero you are, but I'm a human, and I would surely be scared. So I die :|

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 9:12 AM

We all died in T-Rex attack lol



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 9:38 AM

Im pretty sure Mr.Happy survived...





Do people still say that?




(I think I survived...)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 9:50 AM

I'm not sure if people say that still. You survived in the first 2, not the last one.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 3:42 PM

Wow paden, that part where you said that "You're fucked", man that was HILARIOUS.

I will do more of these.



MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 3:44 PM

Mr Happy, it would be a crappy new 4-dorr Jeep, I guess. Next time I will be more specific and add pictures.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 4:47 PM

Well good, I suddenly don't feel so bad about saying I'd destroy a Jeep. If it was my Jeep, that thing would be long gone before the Rex got anywhere near me. 30 seconds and I'd be a mile away from stopped in my Jeep.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 5:49 PM

Heh, I don't know too much about cars.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 5:57 PM

That's fine. The new Jeeps just piss me off because they don't look right to me. I hate SUV's in general, but the 1990's and older two door Jeeps are fine for me. Other than that, I like pickup trucks and muscle cars.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 6:04 PM

I don't care what car I have. As long as my dad is driving fast and my windo is open, I am in my passenger seat, the radio is on, I have an ice cold Dr. Pepper to my said, and my hand is feeling the wind outside my window, I'm happy. :)


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 6:08 PM

I prefer a jacked up, loud as hell vehicle with the radio cranked and me driving. Unfortunatly, I can only drive it in the field since I'm only 15. Doing donuts is fun in the middle of a frozen pond in 2 wheel drive with a jacked up Jeep that has 33" mud tires on it. It's awesome. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 7:31 PM

Heh, you seem to have more fun in your life than mine. The closest thing I've gotten into driving a car is just sitting in the passenger seat...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 7:57 PM

The advantages of living on a farm my friend.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 7:59 PM

Well I do have advantages living in a middle-class home...

Faster Internet... Yeah!!!...






















































Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 8:02 PM

So? While most people are trying to figure out how to drive a damn car, I'm paying attention to the road instead of what I'm pressing because I know what I'm doing in a car.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 8:05 PM

That's why I put the "..."

These days I see people not evn paying attention to the road. Here in America, man. I once saw an extremely overwieght woman driving, with a huge burger on one hand, and texting in the other hand, WHILE DRIVING. And this is COMMON.

It's COMMON to happen.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 8:12 PM

Well you see, they make cars these days do almost everything. There are cars that warn you when the car in front of you hits the brakes. There are cars that warn you when you are drifting out of the lane. There are cars that tell you when there is someone in your blind spot. Then there's GPS to tell you where you are. Cars these days have a camera in the back so you can tell exactly where you are when you're backing up. There are vehicles that automatically go into four wheel drive when it's needed. There are vehicles where you can set it to what you're driving on.


My Jeep has a steering wheel and a shifter, and that's all I need. I can put it in two wheel drive, and I can put it in four wheel drive. As long as I've got a radio and my loud country music, I'm happy. Not trying to sound like a stereotypical redneck, but that's all I need for a long road trip.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 8:14 PM

Still, all these people have OLD cars.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 8:24 PM

Old as in a beater of a car that's held together with duct tape, or old as in a nice car such as a 60's to 80's Charger or Camaro? I'd assume a beater that no one really gives a damn about that would probably sell for more at a junkyard than a car lot.


What kind of car do you plan on getting eventually? Just wondering.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusMar-16-2014 8:29 PM

A 90's car or a 2000's car without all the GPS technology.

I plan on just getting an old, cheap, used car for my college years, you know, don't waste money for an expensive car, use it for your education or an apartment. Once I have a well-paying job, a house, etc., I will just get a nice, blue, and shiny car. Maybe a Dodge, if possible.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-16-2014 8:34 PM

Dodge, hell yeah. I've got my Jeep (part of Chrysler group), but I'll probably get something better on gas eventually (one of the newer Dodge Challengers maybe), as well as a big truck for hauling heavy loads (Ram 3500 Cummins prefferably).


I'm good with a car or truck that is Chrysler Group (Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Chrysler) or GM (Chevy, GMC, Pontiac, Buick, Cadilac).

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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