Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaurs Battling Squadron ) : Chapter 6 : Real Battlefield Part 2

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusMar-11-2014 4:11 AM

Sorry for being late, i got a Test that really important and also my computer was broken this last 2 days, well.... enjoy !!!!!

At Strasshoff, the EDBS Team 001 and 007 were already taken a backup the EDBS 005 and Steve, the Terror Bird clone, they now have backup, but they not out of the Trouble yet,luckily they bring also a plenty of ammunition of rocket, minigun, and cannon ammo also they’ve bringing some new fully-functioned special Electrical Tail Club. The raptors were immediately taken off the Old and out of energy Club and change it into the new club. They quickly surrounded by Terrance’s Dino Army.

“ Mean, Those Dino Army were Endless “ Shout Louise to His Battle Companion

“ Yeah,…. How Did We Beat This BullSh*t “ said Joe In Confusion

“ I Know,… HARD CORE ALL YOU CAN BEAT BUFFET “ Shout Martin To Everyone

“ I Hate to said This, But The REX Was Right “ Said Steve

“ Oh, Really ? “ Asks Joe Back

“ Really ! “ Replied Steve

They Immediately ran to the Cavalari and Attack the army, Joe was get to the Robots that he Control and attack the army with the magma cannon, Martin with Clarence were assault with all the rage, they both attack with their Powerful Bite Force, Steve were deployed his Machine gun. Louise and the Sauropods were Deployed their Cannon and Magma Minigun.


But when the Dino team were fighting off the enemy Cavalari, at the bunker, Terrance and his team were fighting off something else, the plan to bomb the President, the Second Time.

“ So… the first time was failed, probably we need a bigger Bomb “ Said one of his right hand

“ No,…. That time, we only bomb at one place, probably the president at somewhere else, we have to bomb at difrent place with a small but really powerful bomb “ Said Terrance

“ Right…..so What kind of Bomb Should we Use, C4, Dynamite, or Anti Material Bomb “ Ask one of his Henchman

“ The Best one is the PDRT Chemical Nuclear Bomb “ Replied Terrance

“ That Bomb ? Man…. That’s Powerful, a single bomb could easily collapse a 10 Stories Building “ Said His Henchman

“ we need about 5 Of those Bomb to kill the President, because the president protective wall was really Strong, that’s another reason we Can’t succeeded to kill him “ Said Terrance.


Meanwhile, At Germany, the EDBS Team was really not improved to beating down the Enemy Army, and Joe’s Robots were Started to lose the Energy.

“ Sh*t, This Bot were Lose the energy “ Said Joe by himself

On the Ground, things were get tougher for The EDBS Squadron 001, 005, 007, and the remaining Navy Seals team, because the waves of Terrance’s Dino Army just kept coming, and Joe’s bot were out of power. Now… they were in Serious danger.

“ Gosh, What’s happening to that Bot “ Asks Louise to Clarence

“ I Don’t know, might be it’s running out of Energy or Something “ Said Clarence with confused face.

“ Probably, that means we are in Serious trouble “ Said Steve Slowly

As they continue Fighting, Joe was get out the Robot and tell his Comrades that his bot are out of Power.

“ Sh*t, guys……Bad News !!!! “ Shout Joe Running towards his Friends

“ What is It ? “ Asks Steve

“ You know that bot that I Controlled, huh…..huh…….huh….. It’s run out of Energy “ Said Joe in desperate

“ What !!!!!!!!!!, Sh*t, were in bad Situation, what should we do. “ Said Everybody while looked into Joe.

“ There’s Only one thing, the robot were running from electric charger, if I can deliver much energy from my Club, it’s has to been working, sadly, it’s going to take all of my club power, Steve, do you had extra club ? “ Said Joe

“ Sadly, I don’t had any other, so….. Good luck “ Replied Steve

“ Good thing I learned art of Hand Shooting, I could take some of the weapons and the ammunition from the Man Soldiers dead body “ Said Joe back

Than Joe run back to the Robots, than he search the energy tank, than transfer the Club energy, than recharge the Robots. After that, he risks his life and took a light machine gun, and took also the ammo from a corpse, then they ready to action, meanwhile….


Over at Terrance bunker, he is monitoring the movement of his Dino army, than he see suddenly, one by one, the signal was gone, That means that the soldiers were dead one by one.

“ We cannot wait longer. Quick, plant the bomb into the presidential compound, than set the detonator to 5 Minutes. Than KABOOM, President Dies “ Order Terrance To his 2 Hitman

“ Yes Sir ! “ Said his 2 Hitman.

Than the hitman were leaved, they fly to U.S with their Supernova Stealth Craft, than land silently to the Presidential Compound, they plant the bomb carefully, then they left without a trace, 5 Minutes later, the Bomb Explode killing both the president and the vice president.


In Germany, the Squadron faces another challenge, an Ever Lasting waves of pure ferocity of Terrance’s Dino , now Joe has regain the energy, but loses his tail club, he had to fully depend on the Robots and the Machine Gun that he took from a soldiers dead body, he really had to depend on those equipment to survive.

After a few hours, the EDBS Squadron starts to having control on the battle, although they have no idea that the White house has been bombed and the president has been murdered by the bombing, but they were fighting to the last point of blood.

“ Clarence ! what a Good Day to DIE HARD isn’t it ? “ Shout Martin to Clarence

“ Good thing I’m ready to DIE HARD !! “ Shout Clarence again

They 2 were straightly attacked the Dino Army, bite down one by one with their powerful jaw, but suddenly they meet a deadly opponent, a group of tanks arrived, the Dino army backed up, giving the way to the Tanks, but the tanks were diffirient, it’s actually an Regeneration of Maus Tanks, the Giant Tanks that Build at WW II, as Hitler’s NAZI Super Tank’s, but was stopped because of the size on the Tanks, now, they were upgrade the Tank’s and was called the Tyrant Tanks, it’s about 30 Ft Long & 7 Ton Heavy. Armed with an 88 cannon, the Tanks can breaking down a 4 Stories Building with a single Shot. when it came, the Team was Shock.

“ What The HELL is That Tank ? “ Asks Trevor

“ I Don’t Know, But it was really Deadly, it has an 88 cannon and 2 Magma Heavy Machine Gun, Moves About 30 Km/Hours, Size about 33 Ft long, 7 ton’s heavy, could be a Tyrant “ Said Martin

“ Well…. Looks like we have more problem, more Tyrants to come ” Shout Joe in worries

“ Sh*t !!! what should we do ? “ asks Clarence

“ Looks like the only thing that we do is use the Sauropod’s cannon “ said Joe

They were like 7 Tyrant in the battlefield, and the sauropods were prepared rocket, but before they can deployed the cannon, they’ve been Bombarded by the tank’s. the tanks were claimed a victim, a sauropods were get Shot at the head, kill it instantly, a big lost for the sauropods, but it give the other Sauropods a chance to shoot, and Louise shoots, and Bingo. A Tank blew up.

“ Nice ! One down, 6 to go ! keep it up guys. “ shouts Louise

“ Alright, we’ll load it up, you kept shoot, Joe, Deployed The Machine gun, give us cover, from the man soldiers “ said Trevor.

“ Yes, Sir ! “ Said’s Joe

They quickly move to the position, and they kept Shoot the Tanks, another Sauropods were died, so as another tanks destroyed, it kept going till only one sauropods, Louise, and one Tanks remaining, it’s a race between who’s can reload faster, and Louise were reload faster, and shoot the Tank, blew it up in one clear shot, Joe finishes up some few remaining soldiers with his machine gun, and the rest’s retreat, but before they left, one Dino Soldiers Spoke up.

“ We maybe lost the battle, we win the war “ Said the Enemy Soldiers.

“ What is that mean right now before i land my metal bullet into your F*cking Head“ Said Joe

“ We’ve Killed Your beloved President “ Said the Enemy Soldiers and he vanishes into the Wood.

They were shocked, but not believed in his words, they returned to U.S, and find out that the President and the Vice President were killed in a Bombing. The Team were Shocked and especially Joe, because he seen a lot of his Friend and Family Were Killed in the battle.

“ Terrance, You can’t hide out Forever, someday, I will get my Revenge, F*ck you Terrance !“ Said Joe in His heart.

The next day they find Terrance’s hiding Spots, and they move into Action, that could be Terrance’s final cruel resting place.

5 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-11-2014 7:14 AM

The Maus was somewhere along the lines of 200 tons if I remember correctly. Most Panzers were upwards of 20 tons, and the Tigers were pigger then that. 7 tons for a tank isn't very impressive, but an 88mm cannon is pretty big.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusMar-12-2014 6:54 AM

I made it light, so it can support the Tanks Speed of 30 Km/hours.

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusMar-12-2014 7:03 AM

and also you know that only 2 maus was made in the world, but it was so big, and it was really a fuel eater, from a National geographic show the " NAZI Megastructure " they said that a maus can spend 1 liter of Diesel every 30 Meters, that's pretty wasteful Tanks, and no body will make another tank, that size again, also i going to make a replica of Gustav Gun at next Chapter, but it belong to the Allies, our Team.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMar-12-2014 7:52 AM

A litre of diesel for 30 meters, that's it? The Queen Elizabeth (a cruise ship) goes through a gallon of diese. For every 6 inches it moves.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusMar-13-2014 4:15 AM

Must be a really massive cruise ship, huh!  But for a tank that size, that was pretty wasteful, even tought that time fuel was really scare.

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