Jurassic World Movies

The reboot? And other controversial stuff

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MemberCompsognathusMar-08-2014 12:39 AM

Now, We all remember the joy we had (Well the four of us who have been online) When the fourth film was announced, And given a date...


Now here we are, wrapping up casting (Shame, They never came to north america for auditions) And begging filming. 


But what about the Two sequels we were promised?



We have not heard a word since May or June about the sequels to happen after JW, If colin lives up to his promises, when he was "Tweaking" The script before finalizing it, he wouldve had the writers set the stage for a sequel. So far, Still nothing about that. I feel like we might end up with the Ending from the 2012 movie "Battleship" We see an alien "Crash" land in scotland... And then? Nothing... No sequel announced for it... But the stage set for it.



What about the film not being a reboot??



So far, the film is turning into more of a reboot then rather an actual continuation of the events that happened in 2001 on Isla sorena. We know that Goldblum, Ain't returning, Neil was busy (I think) And Laura dern... No ones heard from her yet... The cast we currently have, are all different then the originals, Meaning a reboot.



What about Ingen and Biosyn?


Well, From speculation Ingen was bought out by the Patel Corperation. We have yet to learn what happened to Biosyn... My prediction, BioSyn went under, What they were trying to do to Nublar, was in every form, a last ditch attempt to save their company. Ingen, As stated many times, Was on chapter Eleven... They should've gone under, However bought by the Patel Corperation (Or did Ingen Change names to Avoid speculation from their prior incidents???)  



That concludes this segment...


"Good Night, Listeners... Good Night, Night Vale..."



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

2 Replies


MemberAllosaurusMar-08-2014 12:07 PM

They said JW isn't going to be a reboot. I remember the excitement when I found out they were actually going to make a 4th entry for Jurassic Park.



MemberCompsognathusMar-08-2014 7:01 PM

Heres the things, that help prove my point.


1.It doenst have any returning cast from the original trilogy.


2. It has also been-- 13 years now, yeah, thirteen, Since the last JP came out. 


3. The name has been changed. 


4. Its a new director


5. None, (So far) of the original cast, have even been contacted about the movie.


AAAAAAND, finally, Six... The movie is following practically the same theme of the original. 


I dont know what you think, But this looks more like a reboot then the new transformers movie...


Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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