Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaurs Battling Squadron ) : Chapter 5 : Real Battlefield Part 1

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-25-2014 11:52 PM

Sorry for being late, i've been busy a few days earlier so i can't get Scified. ENJOY !

Chapter 5 : Real Battlefield Part 1

After their successful operation on taking the document, the Squadron 007 were having another Tasks, fighting off Terrance’s Dino Army and Tanks in Strashoff, Germany, they were supposed to get into Germany by the next day, 2:00 AM In the Morning, all of the Personels are supposed to wake up, they were having Breakfast, than get their armor ready, get injected by the Wound healer Hormone, than get to the Choppers.

At the Choppers, Trevor and his Crews were having recap Briefing to all the Soldiers that have been died yesterday, they finally reaches Germany, they Skydives into the woods, landed silently and move on.

Once they get there, they immediately see some of the navy seals and EDBS Squadron 001 were already fighting in on some Tanks and Terrance’s dino army. Soon the Squadron 007 came for help, and Trevor was Shock to see one of his battle companion, an Acrocanthosaurus Named Sergei was laid down helplessly under a pine tree, Trevor immediately get’s to him he soon discovered that Sergei’s Leg has been shot by Tanks

“ Sergei, Sergei, what happen to you “ Trevor Said in worries

“ Trevor…… is That you…… please take me…. To….the vehicle, there’s some paramedics there that can help me…. Quick, before I lost my live !“ said Sergei in Pain while the rest were fighting against the tanks

“ Clarence, Quick…. Help me take him to the Vehicles Over There “ shout Trevor to Clarence

“ Alright Sir !!! “ Replied Clarence

As Trevor and Clarence take Sergei to the paramedics vehicle, Louise, Martin, Joe, and The rest of the Team were Fighting the Tanks at the fields.

“ Man, These Tanks Were Really Strong ! they’re almost Impenetrable “ Said Louise Deployed his Minigun to the Tanks

“ You’re right, I’m trying to destroy one of the tanks, Alright “ Joe Shouts Back

“ Alright, Good Luck “ Replied Louise.

Joe immediately running towards the tank, trying to opened the door and destroy it with his Electrical club, but before he ran into those Tanks the Tanks already targeted him, the tanks aimed on to Joe’s heart, but he managed to ran away and only destroy his tail club and small parts of his tail.

“ Sh*t, my tail Club Was Broken, but luckily I had Injected By The Regeneration Hormone that Jeff made, so it should be healed in 30 Second “ Said Joe While he Retread to safe place and look at his tail.

His tail were finished healed and he has to get another tail club fast, so he went to the vehicle, take another Tail club and Fight again, this time he ran in Zig-Zag move to avoid being shot, he managed to climb to the top of one Tanks and opened it, as soon he opened the Tank he immediately do the Lighting Call,he Stunt and kill everybody at the Tanks, and he ran away to avoid getting blown away. He get’s to another Tanks and repeat the moves.


Over at the Terrance’s Bunker he’s waiting for the news update, he heard that the both the Navy Seals and The EDBS Team were fighting the tanks at Germany, he actually set a trap, he soon orders to deployed his killer Robots and the Dino Army to the Spot.

“ Good, looks like the Seals and the EDBS team were overwhelmed by my Tank, they had get to my trap “ Said Terrance with Evil Smile

“ Yes Sir, should we ordered the Dino army and The Robots to Attack them “ Said one of his Henchman

“ Yes Please, I want to see if they can Handle my Robots and Dino’s “ Said Terrance, and he take his Phone

“ Hello Major, Deployed the robots and my Dino army to Strashoff, please “ Said Terrance in his phone

“With my Pleasure, Sir, they will be there in 10 Minutes.” Said The Major

“ good, all hale Me “ said Terrance

“ all Hale you “ Said the major


While Terrance is Ordering the Robots, in Strashoff, the team 007 and001 were ruthlessly fighting with the Tanks, little as they know, they have been getting into the trap made by Terrance, 10 minutes later they bump in to something big, as they turn over they see a 100 Ft Tall robot squashing over the navy seals.

“ Son Of a B*tch, that was one Big Robot “ Said Louise in Shock

“ Sh*t, it must be one of Terrance’s Creation, we’ve been Trapped “ Said Joe

“ We have to get out of this Sh*t fast “ Said Martin

Soon as they went away they get trapped once more with the Terrance Dino Army, and soon as Trevor Finishes to Took Care Sergei, he was shocked.

“ My Worth, what the HELL is this “ Said Trevor in Shock

“ Welcome Back, Mate ! Now help us fight with this Robots” Said Joe

All of this confusion makes both the squadron 001 and 007 were overwhelmed with Terrance’s Trap, but when they almost running out of ammo, Trevor Asks for help.

“ Major ,this is Trevor, the Captain of EDBS Squadron 007, we are here with the Squadron 001 and we need Backup, Fast “ Shout Trevor at the Satelite phone

“ Alright, We Will Send Backup in 5 Minutes, you Guys Hang in there" Said The Major

As then the Scientist has just cloned a Terror Bird the First Prototype , but this time they managed to cloned one that has been fully Adult, they named it “ Steve “ and will be send for backup with Squadron 005. 4 Minutes later, in Strasshoff, the Dino were keep fighting, and Joe Got an idea.

“ Hey, I just found the entrance at Robots, if I just can get in there, I can destroy that Bots “ Said Joe

“ What are you waiting for, get in there and Destroy that Son of a B*tch “ Shout Martin in desperate

Joe immediately get in that Robots entering Spot and found the Controlling room, he immediately stalks than kill the man that controls the robots, now…. The Robots is in his full control. He aiming in on the enemy Dino Cavalari , than shoots with the Bots Laser Ray, killing them all.

“ Good Decision, mate “ Said Trevor in his Heart


Over in the Bunker, Terrance get the news that his Killer Robot, has been Controlled by one of the EDBS Team, and Terrance were really mad.

“ Whaaaaaatttttt……… My Killer robots were taken control by one of the EDBS team “ Said Terrance while he Holds his Anger.

“ y…yess...Sir, but we are going to send the Back up of all Your Dino Team “ Said the Major in the phone

“ THAN GO AND SEND THE GOD DAMN HELL SON OF A B*TCH BACKUP FAST “ Shout Terrance in Madness, than he close his phone in anger he said.

“ wait for it America, no more Hiding in this Sh*t Bunker, looks like I have to do it myself “ Said Terrance in his anger.


While Terrance is in his Bunker and going mad, Situation were just getting Worst in Germany, Joe and The other still waits for the Backup, and the Sauropods were starting to run out of ammunition.

“ where are those backup, it’s been almost 10 Minutes since I was calling them “ said Trevor

“ I Don’t Know, but that not really important right now, we have to Fight “ Replied Clarence

“ Yeah, right ! we have to survive this “ Said Joe In Agreement

As the Dino were fighting off them, backup is on the way, than out of nowhere, came a large bird with the large machine Guns of it’s back, shooting over the Dino army, than right away, another group was came, the Squadron 005, but they were still confused by the Terror Bird, they said that the Terror bird was the New Member of the Squadron 007, it’s name was Steve. But they are not out of the trouble yet. They were still waves of Dino Army to came and it will be one of the most bloodiest battle in the history of WW III.

Please leave a Comment of what do you think will Happen Next :D


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