Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 8: Epilogue

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 10:06 PM

This is the final installment for The Story of Raptor401. Also, thank you Gojira2K for proofreading this. This will rather be short, by the way. Enjoy!

Thomas was a very old man. He just turned 86 last week. That day, the last thing he cared about in this world died. Raptor401. After they rescued the surviving raptors, Raptor401 was healed of his injuries. Raptor401 was missing an ear, but they replaced it with an artificial one. Spike was given a robotic arm, and they just designed an eye patch for him. They also gave Spike some artificial teeth. The scientists never bothered much too completely fix the raptors, for they didn’t care.

Spike lived for 45 years after that. He died do to a heart attack. Spike never really bothered to eat healthy.

Thomas decided to just keep living at the site. The raptors were classified as a failed project, and Area 401 just decided to make robots from then on. No longer were they going to clone any more animals, everything was just going to be full of giant killer robots. The 2 raptors were just left for Thomas to care for.

The 3 of them lived their lives most of the time silent. They missed their friends so much. Raptor401 died that day just because he was getting old, and he was a dinosaur, so he didn’t live as long as a human. The average human lived about 185 years.

“99 years to go. Yeah…” thought Thomas.

Thomas was in the graveyard specially built for the Raptors and Levine. When he died, he would also be buried there. He officially lost all reasons to live. That day he realized that he deserved this.

“If I had just accepted the rules of nature, this would not have happened. I should have accepted the fact that souls, human souls, should only be brought through this world with a mother and a father… naturally. If I had accepted this, and not give human characteristics to these creatures, the raptors would have just been soulless animals. Levine and I probably would not have… not have loved them. And now, 2 of them died, and my friend died trying to save something that was not meant to come in this world… and now everybody had to pay the price of something that started because of… because of me. If I had accepted the cruel fact that my brother, my own brother Alex, if I had accepted that he was going to… that he was going to die, none of this would have happened. I would have just lost him, and only him. Now I lost him, my parents, my creation… my children, and Levine. Now what do I do now? Do I just live my life, waiting for something to kill me? Should I just continue my job? My job is useless now. No one in this damned place wants to make friends with me, and there is nobody else to interact with. If I go back to society again, where would I go? I am old now, I wouldn’t be able to make friends, and I’m just… I’m just too old to that stuff nowadays. When I was a kid, nobody wanted to make friends in real life, they made friends through some stupid technological device. They hardly interacted with each other by talking to each other. My life is ruined…” thought Thomas.

Thomas looked at all of the graves. He then lifted his head up to the sky, and thought of something. He then started to talk out loud.

“If I can’t make friends, I am going to MAKE ONE MYSLEF!” He then walked into the lab. He opened the door. It had the frozen body parts of some of the raptors. He realized that he could get the DNA from the body parts, and create something for himself.

“Screw nature, I created life before, so I will do it again!” said Thomas. He was blinded by all of his depression so much, he took his mind away from what he had just learned, and threw it out of his mind. What he was about to do was definitely illegal. He knew deep inside that he was being stubborn and stupid. He knew that someday he was going to yet again pay the price for what he was doing… but he didn’t care now.

“I’ll make one male and another one female.” said Thomas out loud. He thought to himself that whenever he needed a friend, he could always just make another one.

“My children’s legacies shall live on! If you raptors can hear me, behold… my new creation!”

“Behold… The Next… The next Generation.” said Thomas.

Leave your thoughts on what you thought about the ending and the WHOLE SERIES itself.


5 Replies

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 10:18 PM

Great series, and I think Thomas is insane lol

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2014 10:18 PM

Good story and nice ending.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 10:19 PM

Thank you and Thomas does turn in insane!


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-22-2014 7:25 AM

Really good story and a great ending.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusFeb-22-2014 12:08 PM

Possible sequel, by the way. I tried to make it obvious in the ending of this story.


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