Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 7: Battlefield PART 4

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 12:31 PM

Pleas note that this is not the final chapter. A special thanks to Primal King and Elite Raptor 007 for proofreading this. Enjoy!


Catore looked at the tank, as it fired the missile at them. He quickly moved away, and it fire, but it went through his tail.

“Holy. Sh*t. My tail’s club has been shot off.” Thought Catore.

The tank was aiming for raptor401’s body.

Archfiend came, running at the tank, and he jumped on it. He was fighting for his life, Catore’s life, he was fighting for EVERYONE’S life. He bit the main gun off. Archfiend was mad and was fighting for his life. He got his club and rammed against the sides of the tank, rendering the tank not drivable. The people in it came out, there was about 4 of them. Archfiend then performed the 401 spin on them, killing all of them.

He turned around to Catore and Raptor401. Archfiend went and got the clothes off some of the fallen soldiers, and used it to wrap them around Catore’s wound, to block the excessive bleeding. Luckily, Levine came. He whistled and then ran up to them.

“Me and Thomas came here to rescue you guys! I whistled for him, he should be coming soon! Tell me who is alive and who is dead, also who is injured!” Said Levine.

“Snake-eyes died from a missile shot from a tank, Stardust betrayed us and tried to kill Catore, but he’s fine now, Spike is about 10 miles east from here, he lost his left eye and his arm was shot off. I came here and saw this tank fire a missile at Catore, and I attacked the tank, neutralized it, and aided Catore.” Said Archfiend.

“I came here and found Raptor401 like this, it looked like he was attacked by some bomb and landed here. I came and tried to wake him up, but then some tank came and shot my tail, and my club fell off, it’s over there to my right. Archfiend came and sabotaged the tank, and he applied some gauze with some clothes to stop my tail from bleeding.” Said Catore.

Thomas came and ran up to them.

“Thomas, tell the team to locate Spike, now! Send the rescue plane here, we need to operate on Catore and Raptor401. In short, everyone else is alive, and Spike should be alive.” Said Levine.

Thomas called the team from his walkie talkie and told them to use the computer to locate Spike. He told them to send the plane to his location ASAP. He proceeded to walk towards them when someone came from the trees and started shooting Levine in the back.


Spike was sitting by the lake. Just then a big car came. Some men came forward and told them they were her to rescue him. He walked into the huge car. The car drove up inside a huge plane.

Spike was now safe and secure.

“I am going to live!” Thought Spike.


Levine was shot 5 times after Catore jumped on the man in just seconds. Thomas ran to Levine. Levine was shot 3 times in the stomach, on time in the leg, and one bullet through his arm. Thomas ran up to him.

“I’ll be fine, nothing to worry about, Thomas.” Said Levine, as he was coughing blood. After that, a plane came…

But it wasn’t the one that was supposed to rescue them. The plane fired 3 times, at all 3 of the raptors. The fired shots were basically oversized bullets, about the size of bowling balls. Archfiend bolted it and rammed Raptor401 out of the way…

But the bullet hit him in the head. His head was completely mushed, all that was left was his body, but the head completely mutilated.

Catore was in pain and could hardly move, so the bullet went through his heart, killing him instantly. The real rescue plane shot missiles at the enemy plane, and the enemy plane was gunned down, and tumbled into the forest, causing a huge explosion.

The impact and the wind draft cause by the explosion made Thomas and Levine fly 5 feet away. Levine was blown away onto a tree, his head hit the tree so hard…

…He died…

The rescue plan came down, and men came off and immediately dragged Thomas away as he was trying to go to the lifeless body of Levine. Thomas tried to escape the clutches of the men.

“NO!!! LEVINE!!! PLEASE!!! OH GOD!!! LEVINE!!!” Yelled Thomas, as he was drawn further and further away from Levine. Thomas then went inside the plane.

Raptor401 was dragged inside the plane. Thomas looked to the left and saw Spike there. The remains of Catore and Archfiend were drawn in. He looked to the right and saw the remains of Snake-eyes and Stardust. Levine was carried in the plane. The plane door closed, and the plane flew into the sky.

Thomas stopped and thought to himself.

“8 hours. The worse hours in my life. I find out my brother is dead, my mother is dead, and my own father committed suicide. My whole life was wasted. I wasted my own friend’s life, too. I lost some of my dear friends, who were like children to me. Snake-eyes is dead. Catore is dead. Archfiend is dead. And Stardust is also dead. And I manage to lose my best friend, almost a brother to me, Levine. Oh, God, why did he have to die!?” Thought Thomas.

He went and sat between the bodies of Raptor401 and Spike. He put his hands on their faces.

“You guys are all I have left.” Thomas said.

 Please again not that THIS IS NOT THE FINAL CHAPTER. Please leave a reply on what you think about the climax. 




9 Replies


MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 2:06 PM

I got to say, you aren't afraid to kill people off.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 2:26 PM

I second that.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2014 2:50 PM

True that

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 2:53 PM

You guys didn't like the ending?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2014 3:04 PM

It's fine, good job again, just saying.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 3:14 PM

The story itself is really good, but it's just a bit shocking to see so many main characters die in only one chapter. Still a great story though.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 3:32 PM

No,  it's not that it's not it's just your not afraid to kill off characters .

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 3:40 PM




MemberAllosaurusFeb-21-2014 7:31 PM

Well only 3 characters died...


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