Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaur battling Squadron ) : Chapter 4 : First Operation

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 6:02 AM

Chapter 4 : First Operations

A day before get into the battle, and all Soldiers From Squadron 007 were really nervous, especially Trevor, the leader, he worried for the safety of his own Crew, and by night, everybody was asleep accept Trevor, Martin, Joe, Louise, and Clarence, a Suchomimus. They are arranging the assault plan.

“ Alright, we are here at the south, and the Bunker were northeast, Clarence, you and other Spino were moving from the west, Martin, you and the other went to the East, you two were taking down the Machine Gunners and The Man Soldier “ Trevor said

“ Alright, Sir “ Both Clarence and Martin Replied

“ Louise, you and other Sauropods were near our base, take down the Enemy Choppers and Dino soldiers, use both your Cannon and the Minigun. “Trevor Orders Louise

“ Yes sir..” Louise answers silently

“ Joe, You and Other Raptors Follow me to the bunker, take down the guards, grab the document, and get the HELL out of there as soon as possible “ Said Trevor to Joe.

“ Yes sir “ Joe replied back

“ Alright, told them to your friend at the morning, you guys better go to bed “ said Trevor.

And they went to the bed. 3:00 AM At the morning, all guys were wake up, get breakfast fast, wear armor and get injected by the hormone that Jeff made, than they said Goodbye the their friend and go to the Choppers, while in the Choppers, Trevor Explain back the Assault plan, and in 15 minutes, They change vehicles, and went to the site by armor plated Vehicle. Once get there, they silently get down from the vehicle than gathered to one spot that they had decided, than Trevor check for situation, than they move in place silently


Clarence and the Gang went to the west, while Martin and the other rex Went East, and gather to the Back of the Bunker.

“ Alright, we suppressed the machine gunners, than You taken Down the GOD DAMN HELL Soldiers “ As Martin said to Clarence.

“ Great, let’s set to move. “ Clarence Replied back

They back to the cover than suddenly, Martin And the Other Tyrant attacks the Machine Gunners, and before the soldiers can do a thing, Clarence and the other Spino move in for the kill. They kill all of the guards, makes the outer line of protection empty.


While Clarence and Martin finishing the Outer guards, Joe, Trevor and the other Raptors move in to the door, they have to break through, so Trevor asks Martin to Ramming the door, once it opened, they went in and take down the Soldiers inside. They immediately take the Document and went out. They immediately go to the vehicle, but just as they arrived,they saw the Sauropods fighting against the Dinosaur soldiers, they immediately know it will be a bad day.

“ Guys, I glad you are here, help us fight with this bastard B*tches “ Louise said while fighting

“ Alright, You Hold them up while we going to kill them “ Said Clarence in Worries

“ Good, I can’t hold on to this B*tches up Anymore “ Louise said While Trevor and Joe were running straight to the Army.

Joe were immediately run to one of the Soldier than swing the tail to the soldier’s leg, electrocuted it to the Dead, than rush out to the next, while Clarence and Martin face the enemy soldier face to face, and kill them all out, they so focused on the enemy Dino soldier that they don’t know that a Guy were about put a Bomb into the Vehicles, Joe see him, than charge towards the man than sink his 4 Inch moon claw to his neck, puncturing around the Blood Vessels, prevent the man to plant the bomb, while the rest of the others were fighting in on the Terrance’s Dino Soldier.

Joe and the others mercilessly fighting for 3 Hours Non Stop, and the Enemy wasn’t Giving up, Louise and the Other Sauropods Were Exhausted and out of ammunition, but they still having the Rocket, that were only used when urgent time. Trevor and Clarence help to put the rocket onto Louise’s Rocket launcher , he Aimed Down, And Shoot. The Rocket blasts of and hit the Target, all of the Enemies were Blown up, leaving only a little piece of them, and they were Vctorious.

“ Finally, that GOD DAMN HELL Son of A B*tch, can be beaten too “ Said Clarence

“ Fieeewwwwhhh…….. I’m Happy it’s all over, Sh*t, let’s go home and have some Beers “ Said Joe

“ You Read My Mind “ said Louise

They all going home, tell that they had successfully taken the Document, while the others were having Beers Trevor and Joe were at the office room to read the Documents, they affentually find that that a massive bombing were going to take place at the Presidental Compound, they Send the message to the White house to warn the President and the Others staff to cover them selfs, but they won’t care, they think it was just a prank, but 2 Hours later The Bombing was Happen, but luckily the President was not harmed, the bomb was only kill several staff. But it wasn’t good news for EDBS Team, it means that they can’t protect the world properly.

“ Sh*t, there just a Bombing at the White House “ Said Trevor

“ Geez….. Is The President Was Killed “ Asks Joe

“ No….. Only was only some Staff was killed “ Said Trevor Again

“ Guess were gonna go to another Ops right “ Said Joe Again

“ Yeah get your self some Drink with your friend “ Said trevor than he went away

Joe than went to met his friend, and tell them what’s happen, but they wasn’t really care, they get another Operation tomorrow, and they was have to get to Germany and fight against Terrance’s Killer Robots. They get ready for tomorrow.


Over at Terrance’s Bunker, he receives that the Documents were stolen and the attempt to bombing the White House was Failed, he Was So angry about it

“ Whaaaaaatttt …… the Bombing was Failed. “ said Terrance

“ y….yes, sir and also the Document has been Stolen by the EDBS Team, and we been getting the Dino Soldier too, but they have beaten “ Said one of the henchman

“ That F**king Son Of A B*tch, F**k you America “ said Terrance In Madness

“ Sir, please don’t be so mad, sir “ Said the Henchman



While Terrance were mad at the bunker, Joe And his friends were having a good time, but tomorrow, will be a really diffrient Day Morning, and all of them was already wake and they were like usual, having a Breakfast and going to wear Armor, and get into the Plane. They all went to Germany, at there they move as plan, but they met a Diffrient Twist, the Robot was Bigger than All the Robots they had seen, destroying everything at it’s path We Will see

How they Take Down The Robots At Next Chapter……

i going to write the chapter right after thisand you can give me some ideas about what happen next , if there some thing wrong please tell me : D

1 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-21-2014 3:55 PM

Good chapter. I've read them all BTW.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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