Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 6: Battlefield PART 3

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:11 PM

A special thanks to Primal King for proofreading this story. If you wish to be a future proofreader for a future chapter, please personally MESSAGE me. Enjoy this chapter!


Raptor401 was running through all the fighting in the battlefield. He couldn’t believe what had happened. Stardust had betrayed them, she died, and now Snake-eyes was dead. Catore was at the infirmary. What if he was dead, to…? Raptor401 shook the thought from his head and put himself for one objective only:

Find Spike, dead or alive, and get the hell out of there.

Archfiend put the head of Snake-eyes in a place no one would find it, and went to look for Spike, too. He was hoping that Spike was still alive after so long. It was already 11:30 AM.


Thomas was still crying, and then the man who came in earlier who told him about Stardust’s death came in again.

“Sorry to tell you why you are in a bad emotional state, but I was informed earlier that Snake-Eyes has died, the computer has shown that he was killed 2 ½ hours ago.” Said the man.

“So the others are still alive?” said Thomas.

“Yes.” Said the man.

Thomas realized that he and Levine had to find a way to get the other raptors to safety. But how? They were about 1200 miles away from there. But the raptors were family to him. Thomas went to Levine and explained everything, what happened to his family, and the death of Snake-eyes.

“We have to go to their rescue immediately! But… but how?” said Levine.

“I have an idea, follow me, NOW!” Said Thomas, as he started to run.


Raptor401 was running in random directions, hoping Spike would be somewhere out there, and hopefully alive. Archfiend came up behind him.

“How about this, I will go look outside for Spike outside to see if he was smart enough to get out of the fighting area while YOU look for him inside of all the fighting, what do you think?” Asked Archfiend.

“Yah, just let me do the dangerous stuff while you look for him in the safe side, PERFECT plan, you good for nothing coward!” Said Raptor401. Archfiend was always a coward, most of the time. He always wanted the safe part of whatever the raptors were doing.

“Sorry, look, let’s just do this, okay?” Said Archfiend.

“Whatever, just go! Find him! Give me a call when you find him. If I find him, I will call you!”

They parted and began searching for Spike.


“May I ask where we are going, Thomas?” Asked Levine.

“As you know, we can quit are jobs now. We can legally ditch our jobs whenever we want. The Raptors are in the battlefield as of now! We can organize a rescue party and go and find them!” Said Thomas.

“What rescue party!?” Asked Levine.

Thomas smiled and looked Levine in the face.

“Us, of course.” Said Thomas


Catore woke up to find that he had been completely healed from his injuries. The doctor, still completely terrified of Catore, told him he could be sent to the battlefield.

Catore got up, ready to leave.

“Hold on though, while you were unconscious, we got news that one of your friends, called Snake-eyes, died.” Said the doctor.

“What!!! What about the others!?” Asked Catore.

“They’re fine, at least that’s what they said about 2 hours ago.” Said the doctor.

Catore ran out of the door. He and Snake-eyes were good friends.

He remembered the time when they pulled off a prank on Stardust. Stardust got revenge on them when she found out that it was them who pulled off the Pepto Bismal trick on them. She fought fire with fire, and put the Pepto Bismal pills in their soup, but with something else. Stardust was always a sick person, she always made sure her revenge was always 10x worse. She put Viagra pills in their soup, the whole bottle. She got the pills from the medical bin. What they were doing there, she didn’t know.

Since they were all guys, her revenge was perfect. Catore and Snake-eyes spent a whole day trying to come up with a beautiful, perfect, and flawless revenge for her. He remembered how there was a health check every 6 months for the raptors. They asked Levine to help them. Levine said yes. Levine agreed because after Stardust got revenge on them, because it was Levine who had to fix the problem the guys had…

They told Stardust that she had stage 4 cancer, and that she had 3 days to live. They told her that if she wanted to live another month, she was not going to have to eat or drink anything else. She could only drink water and eat prunes. For the next couple of days, Stardust kept on crying, and consumed about 12 bags of prunes a day, along with 20 gallons of water. They eventually broke the joke, and told her that everything was going to be fine.

That was the last time Stardust ever got revenge for something. It was him and Snake-eyes who came up with it, and now he was… he was dead.

“I am not going to lose another friend!” Thought Catore, as he bolted straight for the battlefield.


Thomas and Levine went to the office desk, and they organized a rescue party.

They were to depart in 15 minutes, and would arrive at the battlefield in 30 minutes with a new supersonic airplane.

“Good, we will be there in approximately 45 minutes!” Said Levine.

“I don’t know, A LOT could happen in just 45 minutes…” Said Thomas.


Archfiend was running around, looking for any sight of Spike… when he came across his severed leg.

He looked at it. It was the almost the whole arm. It looked like it had been shot off. On the bright side, there was a trail of blood leading to some trees.

It was possible that Spike was still alive.


Raptor401 was running around, avoiding all attacks, when he heard Archfiend do his roar. Raptor401 heard it, and ran to the sound, calling back for another roar so he would know where he was going.

Next thing he knew, an explosion erupted and he flew 65 feet in the air, and was blown about 90 feet away from the explosion.

He landed, and he rolled consecutively about 23 times. Luckily, he hadn’t rolled on his side, or else his spine would have cracked and would have killed him. He had rolled forward. He was missing his ear, the other one was ringing, both of his arms were broken, his vision was impaired, and he had broken his right leg.

He then went unconscious.


Archfiend waited for 15 minutes, calling back again and again… but he stopped getting replies, for some reason. He decided he was going to see if Spike was still alive, and then see if Raptor401 was still alive. He followed the trail of blood.

He saw Spike by a river. It took Archfiend 5 minutes to get there by running 70 mph.

Spike saw him. Spike was tired, his arm was missing. He had gotten some fallen warrior’s clothing and wrapped it around his wound. Spike was weak. Some of his teeth were missing, and his left eye was shot off, but he also wrapped that wound.

“You have no idea how difficult it was to wrap these wounds with one hand!” Said Spike, with a small chuckle.


Catore was running across, and he stumbled across Raptor401. He went to him, and was relieved to find him breathing, but he was unconscious.

He tried to wake him up, but it wouldn’t work. Then a tank came, as if from nowhere. It aimed at the raptors, and it fired.


Thomas and Levine arrived at the battlefield, earlier than expected. While they were flying, they were equipped with the necessary armor. There were 5 men with them.

“The mission is simple and easy, find the raptors and bring them back here, all of them, dead or alive! Even bring back any possible severed body parts! Even if it’s just a finger, BRING IT BACK!!! OKAY!?” Said Levine.

The team responded with a nod.


“What I am about to tell you might get you sad.” Said Spike

“I understand.” Said Archfiend.

“Me and Snake-eyes were battling, when I turn around and see a tank. It came and shot Snake-eyes, blowing his head off, making it fly far away. His body, remained standing for 3 seconds. It then fell… his blood from the head spilling… spilling everywhere! I ran off, knowing I wasn’t going to stand a chance against a tank! I was running and running, then I thought I was safe, a good distance from all the fighting. But then several warriors came at me, and 4 of them shot at my leg. I fell down, and I sort of used my tail to whip all of them, making them unconscious from the high voltage. The last one had a rifle and kept on shooting at my arm for some reason, and it fell off eventually. He then shot my eye 5 times, and then I managed to whip him. I got up, my leg hurting, and I sort of fast walked to the lake, carrying some of the clothes I ripped off from the soldiers. I stopped after a while, and applied the clothes to my wounds. It took me a while to apply it, but I managed and kept on going, looking for water. I was here for a couple of hours, and now you came. So how are the others?” Said Spike.

“Catore is a the infirmary, and I am worried about Raptor401…” Said Archfiend. Archfiend explained what had happened to Spike.

“I’ll be fine, go look for 401 NOW, just leave me, and go, GO! He is in danger, I can feel it now!” Said Spike.

Archfiend nodded and ran off into the distance.




22 Replies


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:21 PM

By the way, when Stardust pulled off HER prank, I did that just to show how WEIRD she was.



MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 6:53 PM

Thank goodness Spike is still alive. Great chapter.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


AdminAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:54 PM

Awesome. :D


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:55 PM

Thank you!



MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:56 PM

Spike is still alive, yes!


Acro Rex

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 6:56 PM

^ my thoughts exactly. Great chapter

"Our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers?" - John Hammond


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 6:57 PM

Thank you! Chapter 7 will hopefully be posted tomorrow!


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2014 7:06 PM

Good chapter again, looking forward to the next.


About the jokes, you say the Stardust/Viagara one was to show how weird she is, I thought that was funny, a whole damn bottle of Viagara in someone's food, gonna be feeling that for a while.


The stage 4 cancer thing though, I don't care who you are and what they did to you, that's just f**ked. That's just my 2 cents though, great job still.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 7:09 PM

I know, it was pretty awful. I did tell you that pranks are TERRIBLE



MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 7:10 PM

And note that I WOULD NEVER pull off that joke on somebody!


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2014 7:12 PM

The Viagara thing was funny though, I'll say that. 


If you need ideas for another prank, I've got two words for ya: Turbo Lax.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 7:13 PM


Well, WHY NOT???


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-20-2014 7:15 PM

I dunno, anything against it? I don't see anything wrong with it. A whole damn bottle in their coffe or something preferably.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 7:18 PM

I meant why not as in, well maybe. I think thw next chapter is just going to be 100% what happens, no flashblacks.


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 8:09 PM

Or how about My tums thing?

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 8:13 PM

What was that again? Did you finish watching the Lego Movie?


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 8:18 PM

Yes, it was hilarious, one of the best animated movies I've seen. The tums thing was that someone is tricked to eat a whole thing of tums and basically craps out a stick of chalk. :)

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 8:20 PM

Really? I saw the trailer and thought it looked stupid... But what I am doing for Chapter 7 and chapter 8(Possibly the FINAL chapter), pranks won't work so well.



MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 8:20 PM

And a possible Epilogue



MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 9:47 PM

I have to say you are a very great writer. It'll sad when when this is over.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 11:13 PM

Thank you! And don't worry, maybe I could write another one!


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2014 1:28 AM

Good chapter. The cancer prank was a bit over the top, but the other one was actually pretty funny imo. Glad that Spike survived, i hope that you're not going to kill 401 and Archfiend.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

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