Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaurs Battling Squadron ) : Chapter 3 : Teenage years

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 3:25 AM

Chapter 3 : Teenage years

In the third year, our Raptor is Equivalen to the 17 year old Teen’s next year, they will be battling on real battlefield, against their enemy one by one. But some were still kind of childish, not really ready to face the world as we know it. Came time for Joe and his Brothers to learn some battle Tricks like: …..

“ 401 Manuevers “ This was simple but difficult to mastered, it involved you have to run 80 Mph less than 5 Second than jump to the victims back, and break their neck. After they down The Raptors have to Ripped the head clean from the Enemy’s Shoulder

“ 401 Spin “ It includes run at 60 Mph than jump 12 feet into the air, as you in the air, you must spin, because your tail were Equipped with special Electrical club, while you spin, you can use the the club and stunt the enemy.

“ Lightning Call “ Special Move that Jeff Made, you must jump into several Enemy, lift your tail to collect your lightning energy than smash it to the ground, deliver the electrical by ground, stunt and kill the enemy soldier, and it’s effective in 500 meter range.

The new soldierswere still confused by the tactics, but they all can Master it in 2 hours, making them ready for the battle. Joe went to meet his Friend, Louise And Martin. They all going to hanging out, in there they asks what will Joe’s have For his Birthday. He hang out with his friend till 10:00 Pm, feel Tired, all of them went home. Joe’s went Home, than at 6:00 AM, all Raptor waked Up and have Breakfast, they usually have 5 Kg of beef meat and 10 cans of Sardine fish in one Breakfast, making them fit to go to The battle, for the last 2 Month, they had to go to intensive training, Making Joe can’t meet his Friend.

6 months later, the big day has come, the squadron Selection, and all of the participant were nervous, including the judge. They all have to master all 3 moves and apply it to the Battle Sequence, but just before the training Starts, Bad News arrived, that America had lost the recent battle, lost because of the Enemy Dino Soldier, all of the enemy soldier were marked by a star on their neck. All of them were shock, but not Phillip and Jeffrey, they are confident about their Soldier, and for that, the Selection was Holded for 2 hours, but the selection will be continued, and on the first were Joe. He entered The Sequence, first, he have to make it to entered the Best, the Team 007,onlya few of them can make it to the Squadron, and Joe were Determine to Get there. Came the time for Joe to Start, and It begin. First he had to passed the obstacle course, and he nailed it next, he had to pass the battle, applying his moves, first, it had to do the 401 manuevers, than 401 Spin, and Finally The Lightning Call. It took about 15 Minutes to passed them, and he managed to nailed it, and back without harm.

Phillip was the first one to congratulate Joe, And other else, and he was so proud, after he congratulate Joe he went to his lab, but, just about he start to work, the lab was bombed by Terrance Henchman, kill everybody, Including Phillip And Jeffrey, it makes his Friend and family really blown, including Joe, that was celebrating his victory, that makes him so angry, it make Joe even more Determine to Kill Terrance with his own hand, so every day he trained really hard and diligently, make himself stronger than before, and then the final Result of the selection came, and He Managed To Get in To the Squadron 007.


Already 4 year since Joe was Born, and his biggest day starts, he went to meet the rest of the Squadron, was ha a shocking discovery, he met some of his Old Friend, the Team Consist of 15 Raptors, 7 Rex, 7 Spinosaurs , And 5 Sauropod, also 1 Giganotosaurus, the Leader . He met again With Martin, the T-Rex, And Louise The Dicraeosaurus, he was really happy to met them.

“ Hey Martin, Remember me “ Joe Asks With Excitement

“ Son Of A B*tch, you get in here too “ Martin can’t Believe what he Sees

“ Yeah “ Joe were excited

“ Joe, Is that You ? “ Louise Asks

“ Yeah, it’s Me man you’re so huge right now “ Joe Replied Back

“ Sh*t, It is You “ Louise Said while Joe was Smiling

“ Yeah it’s me B*tches “

Joe Replied They are really happy to met Each other, but their Excitement breaks when a Big Dark Dino Shows up.

“ Time To Said Goodbye to Your Mom And your Punk ass home and said hello to the real world, you B*tches” And the big guy showed up, it’s Trevor, the leader of the 007 Squad

“ oh… I see Some New Comers, for You, I said Welcome to the Big Time, For the Ones who had Experienced it, well….. you’ve seen Nothing yet “ Trevor shout Again

“ Yes…. Sir “ Everybody Shout

“ I Can’t hear it you F**king Son of a B*tch !!!!!! “ Trevor Shout Again

“ YESSS….SIRR !!!!! ”Everybody Shouts Again

“ Good, we begin our Training at 5:00 Am, everybody, Break up” Trevor Said and went away.

Trevor was a big and mean Giganotosaurus , it has a Scar on his Face and his stomach, he has get into the war for 40 years, and have been fight once with Raptor401, he is mean and dangerous and has killed at least 10.000 soldiers.

The Raptors Wake up At around 4:00 Am, Have Breakfast and Then go to the Training, the first day they was really Suffering from the Obstacle course, but Joe wasn’t Giving up, he came This Far For Just Giving Up. Over at The Terrance Bunker, The Henchman Just confirm that they have bomb the Lab where they manage to create the Dinosaurs. Terrance Was Really Happy for it, but what he doesn’t know, that all of the Dinosaurs was at the training area of that time. And they ready to face it in just 2 Months, and till that time, Terrance Will Be Suffering.

1 Replies

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 8:46 PM

Please comment if anything wrong, :D

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