Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 5: Battlefield PART 2

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 8:07 PM

A special thanks to Gojira2K for proofreading this before posting. A LOT will be revealed in this chapter. This chapter is also a bit longer than Chapter 4, but it will be good! Enjoy!!!


Thomas went to bed, waiting for tomorrow morning to hear news about what had happened to his family over the past several years. He remembered signing up to become a doctor.

“Before you sign, there’s one HUGE condition that cause most young folks like you to change their minds about signing up.” said the man.

“What exactly would that possibly be?” said Thomas with a concerned face.

“Once you join, you have to, uh, “die” after you join.” said the man, making sure that when he said the word “die” in a way to let Thomas know that he didn’t mean it literally.

“So basically… I have to give up my life and family will think I am dead…” said Thomas with a shocked facial expression.

“…yes…” said the man.

“Well, my brother needs this or else he will die, and I need to be the hero for him. No matter what it takes, he needs the proper medical equipment so he can live a long and happy life!” said Thomas.

He signed the contract, and then next thing he knew he fell unconscious. He woke up in a plane. The man was there, and he told him that he was on his way to go to his new home, and they knocked him out so that way he couldn’t back out after signing. He understood why they would do that, so he sat by himself.

He thought about what he had done. In the end, he try to conclude what he did was right…

Right now they were coming up with a way that he would “die” and make it so he couldn’t find out.


Next day, the boss came in with a concerned expression.

“I found out what happened to your family the other day…” said the boss.

“What is it!? Tell me! …What’s with the face…?” said Thomas.

“You might want to sit down…” said the boss.

Thomas realized that this wasn’t going to be a pleasant surprise.


Levine woke up, in his bed and saw Thomas had left so he could hear after so many years of what news had come of his family. Suddenly, like he a lot of times did in the morning, remembered leaving his parents.

It was around 4:00 AM, 6 days after his abuse from his parents, and his parents were in a deep sleep. He left through the window, and got down. He ran to Thomas’s house because maybe they could help him somehow. He knocked, and he saw the door was unlocked. He came into the house to find Thomas’s mom crying.

“Miss, why are you crying?” said Levine.

“Thomas is… oh, Levine! He is… Thomas, dead…” said Thomas’s mom.


Raptor401 and Archfiend were running when they finally got into the battlefield. Then they saw the robots, and man, were they huge. They were shocked. The robots were about 60 feet tall, and were controlled by men. They were crushing all of the victims, and kicking the enemy’s tanks. It was also using its hands to hit helicopter and planes.

They looked at each other and thought about Spike and Snake-eyes.

Where. The. HELL. Were. They???!!!


“Thomas, your family… your mom… your dad… and your brother Alex… are all dead.” said the boss.

“…how???” Said Thomas, shocked and beginning to cry.

“I will try to say this as quickly as possible. A few hours after you “died”, your brother died from a heart attack, caused from the amount of stress, shock, and depression. Your mom got severely depressed, her stress, overworking, and insufficient sleep resulted in her death. After that, your dad also got depressed, and he soon killed himself, leaving a suicide note saying: I can’t take it anymore. My eldest son has died in a fire, his body burned and left into ashes. My other son's disease and his depression caused his heart attack, not even the doctors had time to save him. Even then, my truest love, my beautiful wife, has died because of stress and depression. I now have depression, too. I will not wait to die, today I take my life, and if there is a god, may he or she have mercy and let me be reunited with my family in heaven, if there is one.” said the boss.

“When did my father die?” said Thomas covered in tears.

“A month after your supposed death, I’m sorry Thomas! Oh!” said the boss as he fled out of the room, crying himself.


“What! Thomas is dead! When did he die!?” said Levine.

“Yesterday, in some fire in the forest.” They don’t think they’re going to find a body!” said the mom.

Alex was in the corner crying like a toddler.

“But at least now we will be able to pay for Alex’s medical needs, since we are getting reward money for his loss. Oh, I prayed and hoped that I would get money for Alex, but… BUT NOT LIKE THIS, DAMN IT!” Said Thomas’s father angrily, but crying at the same time.

Levine ran out in disbelief. Thomas had told him a couple of days ago via a phone call that he finally found a way to allow his brother to live.

Was his death involved with this man?


Archfiend and Raptor401 were looking around, confused.

“Okay, let’s look at the facts. Catore is safe at the infirmary, Stardust is dead, her carcass is right over there, and we are here. Spike and Snake-eyes aren’t stupid, they would have run away from something they know they wouldn’t even stand a chance against.” said Raptor401.

“But where would they go? Would they still keep on fighting in the safer side of the battlefield?” said Archfiend.

“Let’s look.” said Raptor401.

They ran, and starting calling for the others.

No answer.

They called again, this time so loud their ears started ringing.

Still no answer.

And in the distance they saw the head of Snake-eyes.

And it was only the head of the body the saw. Everything else was gone.


Thomas was in the room, he was shocked and he was crying. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. This whole time he thought his brother Alex was alive, and had grown into a man! And he thought his parents were retired, and were relaxing in their lives. His father committed suicide, because he thought he was the last one. If Thomas was alive, only Alex would have died. He had wasted his life for Alex, and in the end everybody in his family had to pay the price for it.

Even Levine.


Levine remembered standing there, outside Thomas’s house, and realized something. Thomas said that the man who had visited him came to people who needed money or a job, and was very smart and experienced in the field they were talking about.

Levine realized that this man might come to him. After all, he had no home, no job, no place to go.

The next day a man came to him in the middle of a street, and said the same stuff that the man said to Thomas.

“Hello sir-“ said the man before being interrupted by Levine.

“I know, I know. You have come to me because I am in need for a job, and you have come to offer me a job. Now I am going to ask you a question, and I mean business, so don’t give me any bull sh*t answers to the questions I am going to ask you, or else you’re going to see what happens.” said Levine.

“Okay…” said the man in a terrified way.

“Listen, I know you are involved with the death of Thomas, who supposedly “died” in a fire.” said Levine.

“Sir, I have absolutely no idea what you are-“said the man before again being interrupted.

“I SAID do not give me any bull sh*it answers. My question is why did he die, or he’s not really dead, is he, huh?” said Levine.

“Ugh, look buddy. My job is plain and simple, find people to work in the genetically engineering field and take them. I am supposed to find people who qualify and hire them and tell them the conditions. That’s all I can tell-“ said the man before he yet again got interrupted.

“I am going to give you one more chance, and that’s it! Why is Thomas dead!? ANSWER MY GOD DAMN QUESTION, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BASTARD!!!” Said Levine, now extremely impatient and pissed off.

“Okay, just please let go of me.” Said the man

“I will tell you everything, okay?” said the man.

The strange man told him why Thomas was dead, and that he agreed to fake his own death.

“Okay, listen, you. Thomas is my best friend, he is like my brother. If you want to live, here’s what ya’ gonna do. You’re going to sign me up, just Like Thomas. I am going to have it so I can work with him side by side. Is that crystal clear?!”said Levine.

The man nodded, but scared and absolutely terrified of Levine.

The same thing happened to Levine, and the next day he was with Thomas and told him why he had joined.

“Why would you join?” asked Thomas.

“Because, that’s what friends do… we suffer for each other, we give up, no, sacrifice what we have for the better of our friendship.” said Levine, smiling.

“This sounds like some bull sh*t you watch on old movies.” said Thomas, smiling and laughing at the same time.

“F*ck you, you ungrateful piece of sh*t” Said Levine.

They laughed, and they proceeded to continue on with their lives.


Raptor401 and Archfiend went up to the head of Snake-Eyes. They had no idea what to say. They just went up looking for their friends, and they found one, but he was… he was dead. They had no idea what to do. Should they just leave and save themselves, and assume that Spike was dead, also? Should they look for Spike?

“I’ll look for Spike, while you Archfiend take the head of Snake-eyes and put it aside, so we have at least part of him for a funeral or a memorial, okay?” said Raptor401.

“Okay, oh Snake-eyes! Why did you have to die…?” said Archfiend, about to cry.

“Don’t cry for now, we can mourn for him later! We must be strong! Go now, I will find Spike, dead or alive, go, NOW!!!” said Raptor 401.

Archfiend got the head with his hands and ran away. Raptor 401 ran into the middle of the battlefield.

“Oh Spike, please be alive, please be alive!” thought Raptor401 to himself.

Chapter 6 ill be part 3 of the battlefield. Please leave a comment on your thoughts or how the story went, and what you would have preferred to have happened.


11 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-19-2014 8:13 PM

Good chapter again, looking forward to the next.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 8:14 PM

Thank you! I think people might not like what has happened, though...



MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 8:16 PM

luved it!



MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 8:16 PM



Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-19-2014 8:36 PM

Too bad for Snake-Eyes though

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 8:42 PM

Yah, but I have to make the story like this, you will see the theme I am trying to make for this story at the last and final chapter!



MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 8:48 PM

I feeel bad for Thomas, though...


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 8:59 PM

Great chapter!

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 10:55 PM

Thank you!


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 9:36 AM

Nice chapter.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusFeb-20-2014 1:18 PM

Chapter 6 should be posted sometime today


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