Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaur Battling Squadron ) : Chapter 2: Childhood

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 1:08 AM

Chapter 2 : the Childhood life

Joe is now equal of an 8 year old kid, his battling knowledge keep expanding every day, and he’s determine to get revenge to Terrance. Than one of the most important Moment on his life arrived, his First obstacle course. He and and several other raptor, including his big brother, Samuel, went to the training area.

 The man that judge them was Jeffrey’s brother, Benjamin, he’s one of the most expert obstacle course judge, and all of them were nervous

“ Man, I’m really nervous about it “ Joe said

“ Don’t worry, I’m as nervous as you mate “ Samuel replied

“ Yeah, we’ll be fine, after this I will go and play with Martin “ Joe said with confidence

“ EXPERIMENT 1157, please go to the Obstacle course “ As Ben Shout

“ Good luck ” Sam encourage Joe

“ Come on Man, I can do it, I can do it “ Joe shout in his heart.

He came and trained this far and this is the moment of Truth, after a couple of minutes Joe came out of the door.

“ How is it “ Samuel Asks

“ Man, that’s one HELL Of an Obstacle “ He Replied

 Ben was really shocked, he never seen a Raptor so fiercely in the Obstacle course, because of that, Joe got a perfect score, 10 out of 10. He told it to Phillip and Even Phillip Was Shock.

“ Doctor, Experiment 1157 was really nailed it “ Ben told Phillip and still shocked by it

“ What ? “ Phillip Replied

“ In the Obstacle course, he really nailed it, no raptor has get a perfect score “ Ben Told Phillip

“ Really? is he nailed it “ Phillip said in Shocked

“ Here is it the Video of 1157 on CCTV Camera “ He said in Sureness

They watched it, and Phillip still can’t believe on what he See. While Phillip and Ben was Still Shocked, Joe was going to meet Louise and Martin. Once in there, they asked what took him so long, Joe was answered that he was in the Obstacle course. and as usual, they were played together, Louise was Kind Of Bored, than they decided to Watch TV.

“ Aha, this is my Favorite Cartoon “ Louise said

“ Man, Were not babies were kids, I want to watch something better “ Martin Was Annoyed by Louise Behaviour.

“ Yeah, I want to watch Soccer Match, Hey what’s Today on La Liga “ Joe asks

“ Today was Barcelona VS Real Soceiad “ Martin Replied

“ Hey, let’s watch it, I want to see if El Barca could win “ Joe Said with excitement

Martin and Joe was change the channel, watching soccer between Barca VS Real Soceiad, and Joe’s bet was right, Barca Win in score of 4-0, he was so happy. But suddenly, they smell something weird.

“ Martin, Do You Smell Rex Sh*t ” Joe Asks

“ I don’t know, It wasn’t me ” Martin Replied

“ It was you, you’re the Only Rex Here “ Joe tell martin and still obseded by Rex Poop smell

“ Let’s get the HELL Out of here “ martin decided to go away

“ Good Idea “ Joe agree

 Than they go out to Martin’s House , but in the Lab, Jeff Just invented something amazing, a hormone that make wounds heal in just 30 second

“ Yes, Phillip, Phillip “ Jeff Shout in Happiness

“ What are you going to tell, Mate “ Phillip asks

“ I Just invented a really amazing stuff, a new Hormone That Can Heal any Type of Wound In 30 Second, you have to see it “ Jeff Shout

“ Sh*t, Can I See it “ Phillip still shock

 " Let's Go " Jeff answers in Happines

Jeff took Phillip To his Lab than show it to him the new hormone, and Jeff was really happy, so as Phillip. After that Phillip going to Joe’s house and tell him the new hormone. Joe still don’t get it,but Phillip was not care, he brought home a delicious steak, and Joe was really happy, Meanwhile, in General Terrance bunker, he is also happy, because his Science team now can Create Cloned Dinosaur, Terrance was so happy, now, he feels really optimistic about rule the world with his Dino Army. and he sure to win it.

Please leave a comment, i will be writing about chapter 3 as soon as i posts this, if you have any idea, please comment, it's about Joe's Teenage year and battle Training secuence, Please comment if something's wrong :)

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