Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 4: Battlefield PART 1

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:34 PM

A special thanks to Primal King for proofreading before posting this chapter 4. This chapter is a bit longer than Chapters 2 and 3. This is part 1 of the battlefield scene. Just like the last 2 previous chapters, there is minor profanity, but all censored. Other than that, enjoy!!!


Raptor 401 and all the other Raptors woke up at 3:00 AM sharp. They were about to be dispatched in less than two hours. They were to have breakfast and be ready to ride the helicopter. They ate breakfast and said goodbye to Thomas and Levine.

Thomas and Levine attempted to hug all of the raptors. Stardust left into the ship without saying goodbye, but of course that was all typical of her.

Thomas remembered how it was like to watch Alex leave from him. He was now 20, and Levine was 18. Alex’s life expectancy was 2 more years without medical treatment. His family still had no money. Thomas gave up college so his parents had money to spend. Strangely, Levine hadn’t gone to see him lately ever since he told Levine about his family situation. Thomas went to get a job, and he was earning about 10,000 dollars a week. But the money still wasn’t enough! (Don’t forget about inflation and that the fact that this disease is new.) Then, one day, a strange man came to him. He had an offer. The man said just to call him “sir” since his identity was secret.

“Will you meet me for a coffee break sometime, you know, the one at 43rd street by Swan road?” said the man.

“Sure…” said Thomas. They arrived at the café, when the man said he had an offer for him.

“I see recently you were enrolled in the genetically engineering field.” Said the man.

“Yes Sir, that is correct. I was planning to become a doctor but dropped out when-“ said Thomas before being interrupted.

“Your younger brother Alex gotten the crocodile virus and your family needed more money, so you quit and found a job.” Said the man.

“Yes, and how do you know!?” said Thomas.

“That’s why I am here, to make your problems disappear.” Said the man

“Okay, I have had enough with you-“Said Thomas before yet again getting interrupted.

“Let me finish. We are, as you know, in pre-war time and we will enter war soon, without a doubt. We need soldiers and doctors at once. We need to be ahead of the game. You are very smart, your record show you fit the job in our engineering field. If you join us in our genetically engineering field, we will pay for everything your brother needs to live, and your hard working and stressed out parents will never have to work another day in their lives again.” Said the man.

Thomas was blank to say anything.

“Let me show you proof since you don’t seem to believe me.” Said the man.

The man brought Thomas to a strange building. There were people in there, and they explained to Thomas everything about the agency and how it would work if he entered.

Thomas was about to sign the contract when the man stopped him.

“One more thing, mah boy. There’s much more circumstances and conditions we must legally tell you about first.” Said the man.


Levine looked at the raptors walked away from him, like a child walking away from his parents on their first day of school. Like when he left his parents.

“If you guys don’t even pay a single cent for Alex’s surgery, for my dear friend, Thomas, I will… I will… I will dishonor you guys!

It only took Levine 2 seconds to realize the grave mistake he had made. The reason why he hated his parents with a passion took place at that moment.

“WHAT!!! You ungrateful, ugly, mother*cking, SON OF A B*TCH!” said Levine’s father.

Levine’s father ripped the belt right off his pants and whipped Levine’s face so quick and hard, blood covered Levine’s face. The dad kept on whipping him nonstop, while his mom told his father to not stop, and keep on going. After that, his mom kicked him.

“Not get your dirty ungrateful fat ass upstairs.” Levine’s mom said.

Levine looked out the window of his room.

“What’s the point of even staying here???” He said to himself.

He proceeded to pack his luggage.


Raptor401 and the others were in the tank, quiet and still like a mouse.
“Alright, we dispatch you all in about 5 minutes. We are fighting against the Russians, and rumor has it they have killer robots.” Said the captain controlling the tank.

“Oh, well… f*ck.” Said Spike softly.

Everybody but Stardust faintly smiled.

The tank stopped. Raptor401 was the leader.

“Am is supposed to say some inspirational crap or something? I am the leader, I am supposed to command the attacks? Am I supposed to remind everybody what to do or about the key facts of this mission?” thought Raptor401 to himself.

“Uhhh…. Remember that water is one of our main weaknesses.” Said Raptor401. He had nothing else to say. Since their tails were electrical, the water would instantly kill them if it touched the tail.

“NOOOOO. CRAP.” said Catore loudly this time.

Even Stardust laughed this time.


The tank opened the door. Far from the distance were Americans and the Russians fighting. The raptors hesitated, they were confused.

“Well guys, it’s time to shine!Said Snake-eyes, trying to make himself sound cool for possibly the last time in his life.

They ran, and did the 401 spin on the first set of Russians. For the first minute, everything went fine, until Stardust jumped on Catore. She stopped him, and bit him in the neck, the only open spot from the armor. Snake-eyes noticed and jumped on her, and bit her neck. Since he was part snake, he had deadly sedative venom in his mouth. It would knock out, but only kill if he inserted the venom for long enough. Stardust fell to the ground. Spike went in and looked at Catore.

“I’ll be fine, the b*tch’s teeth didn’t penetrate too deep.” Said Catore, as blood dripped on his face.

“Should we kill her, she might do it again, after all. Better safe than sorry!” Said Spike.

“Yes!!! And fight after you’re done, damn it!” Said Raptor401 as he was fighting. He was surprised but not at the same time. Nobody was really surprised.

Spike rolled and made sure his Spike penetrated through Stardust’s neck so she would die right there.

“Shame she had to die. I assumed she always had some mental problem, but I never thought it would go this far!” said Archfiend.

“Shame she had to die, huh? Shame it didn’t happen sooner. Now two of you ought to take me back to the infirmary.” Said Catore.

“Me and Archfiend are the least strong. We’ll take him, while you guys fight.” Said Raptor401.

Spike and Snake-eyes said yes as they continued to fight the enemy.


Thomas and Levine were waiting in their dorm room. They were thinking about what they had just heard. Their services were not needed no longer, they could stay and continue training the raptors, but they didn’t have to do it anymore, if they didn’t want to. They would be able to go back into the real world, with different names and identities, and live a humble and peaceful life. But they were mostly thinking about the raptors.

“What if one of them are already dead and we don’t even know it!?” Said Levine.

A man walked in and said “Funny you should say that.”

“What do you mean!?”

“All I am here to tell you that Stardust is dead. That’s all I know.” Said the man

“Oh, thank God!” said Thomas.

“Yah, I thought it was going to be one of the other raptors!” Said Levine.


Thomas went to boss of Area 401. He asked him if he could get to know more about his family members before he left into the real world. The boss said that he would send someone to find out, and Thomas thanked him.

Soon after Thomas would regret doing that, and he would soon wish that he just kept everything a mystery.


Archfiend and Raptor401 were dragging Catore do the infirmary, and they soon arrived. Catore was already asleep by the time they started treating him. The doctor said that gauze would do fine, but the doctor was scared of the raptors, but he already knew about them, since they told everybody they might have to treat them.

“Now let’s go back to fighting!” said Archfiend.

“Yah… fight!!!” Raptor401.

“What’s wrong?” said Archfiend.

“I have a feeling today is going to be a bad day…” Said Raptor401.

“Really?” Said Archfiend.

“Not just for me… for everybody.” Said Raptor401.

“Do you think that Stardust went to hell, well if there is a place where the bad people go?” said Archfiend, trying to change the subject because strangely he had the same strange feeling.

“Well, if there is a hell… I would say yes.” Said Raptor401.

 Please leave a comment on your thoughts about this chapter. Chapter 5 will probably most likely be posted tomorrow. Fell free to comment also on what you think will happen in the story.




26 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-18-2014 5:40 PM

Good job again. My only thing is that I actually liked Stardust, but good job still.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:41 PM

Oh... Sorry... I was making it so that you were supposed to HATE her...


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-18-2014 5:46 PM

That's fine. I see what you mean, and sure, she was a bitch, but the guys were COMPLETE ASSHOLES to her.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:47 PM

Well she did to do some terrible stuff to her, but hey, I needed SOME sort of a reason for them to hate her....


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-18-2014 5:49 PM


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:49 PM

But that Pepto Bismal Prank they did on her was HILARIOUS, right?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-18-2014 5:52 PM

Yeah, that was.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 5:52 PM

I didn't hate her, but i also wasn't really too fond of her. Nice chapter.

Pepto bismal?

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:54 PM

Well thank you for liking this chapter. I hope nobody elese liked her, though.



MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 5:55 PM

The pepto bismal prank is in Chapter 3, remember?


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-18-2014 5:58 PM

Don't you just hate it when you try to make an unlikeable character and then find out people liked the character after you kill them off somehow? It hasn't happened to me before, but I guess you don't like that someone actually liked her.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 6:00 PM

Yah, I thought I had made everybody HATE HATE HATE Stardust! It has happened to me before, though.


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 6:02 PM

I had to re-read it. I didn't lie when i said that my memory is pretty much non-existant.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 6:03 PM

Oh, like Dory from Finding Nemo?


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 6:04 PM

It's not that bad, yet...

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 6:05 PM

Yet, huh?


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 6:09 PM

I was joking. ;)

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 6:41 PM

I feel sorry for Stardust, not that I like her. I wonder what made her turn against them? Do you need the next chapter proofreaded, because I could do it if you need me to.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 7:02 PM

If you did Tums instead, you could joke that she crapped a stick of chalk. Lol, but Great chapter!

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 8:38 PM

@Gojira I haven't started yet, i am still decidng what will happen in Chapter 5. I will try to let you proofread it, since I am trying to give everybody a chance to proofread!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 8:46 PM

That sound's good to me.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-18-2014 8:50 PM

I am writing as of now. I may possibly finsih in about 30 minutes or so.


Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 1:19 AM

Good Story, i Read That Levine was Being hated by his Parents, for the chapter 5 i will sugest to be kind of more Heroic, well I think That Everybody Will Died, accept Archfiend and Of coure, RAPTOR401. Probably Snake-Eye As Well, but, It will Die Because of the Wound


MemberAllosaurusFeb-19-2014 12:30 PM

Catore is the one with the wound.



MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 1:50 PM

I used to like Stardust....

But great chapter. Honestly, that's the first story in wich I'm dying to know what's next!!! Can't really wait!!!!

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-20-2014 2:52 AM

I Don't really like Stardust........

She kind a.......... Annoying. My Favourite Character was Obviously, raptor401.

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