Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaur Battling Squadron ) : Chapter 1 : The First Year

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 12:41 AM

           Experiment 996 Just Laid 12 perfect Egg, Phillip and Jeffrey couldn’t be happier, because every egg is very important for the research facilities, because of that For the next 2 month they closely monitored Experiment 996, and all their Effort has pay off, the 12 egg had hatch 7 male and 5 female, but the youngest were Philip’s Favorite, than called it Joe. Phillip is always visited Joe from the day he was hatch. But when Joe Were only 2 Weeks old, Tragedy Strikes.

            The leader of WDC (World Domination Clan), General Terrance, were send one of his Hitman to follow the scientist to their secret Dino Lab than kill one of the breeder, when he gets there he was shock. Many of the windows there are bullet proof and heavily guarded. Than he found an opportunity, a broken window, unfortunately it was belong to Joe’s mom. The window was small enough to slip his Sniper’s muzzle, aim, and Shoot.

            Joe was playing with his brother and sister, when he heard a silent boom, suddenly he sees her mother fall with blood, than he heard the guard shooting at the origin of the boom. Than he goes to his mom to wake her up, but she won’t open her eyes. He Realize that his mother was dead, and cry loudly. Phillip and Jeffrey soon came to Joe’s Cage, and found that Experiment 996 were lifeless. They try to calm him down, but he and his Brother and Sister won’t stop crying, they now became their surrogate parents for Joe and His Brother.

They Life at Their Cage, But Now With More Guards. On the first week after her mother’s death, Joe Often had nightmare about her mother, waken and cry, often make Phillip Can’t Sleep well.

“Phillip, Phillip, wake up “

“Huh, what happen, is Joe Had Nightmare again? “ Phillip Ask

“Yeah, and he wouldn’t stop till you came “

“Alright, I’ll get there in 5 minutes, give him toys or let him watch TV “

“Alright Doctor, I’ll calm Him down “

“Thanks, Jeff “

            He grows really fast, and Phillip take care of him like his own Son, every day, he take him to this big room where he play every day with other orphan like him, while Phillip goes to His Lab To Upgrade The New hormone. There, he found a lot of friend, one of them was Louise, a baby Dicraeosaurus, they use Sauropods as heavy artillery like living M1 Abrams Tanks. They became best friends and will meet again for 2 year. He and Louise were friends again with Martin, a Young T-Rex That Her mother was dead because of illness. and new friend come, this time it was a female, her name was Linda. A young Utahraptor About as same age as Joe. They quickly became best friend and always play together from 8.00 Am to 8.00 Pm when Phillip take Joe back to his house with his Brother and Sister.He feels sad to separate, but he’s optimistic, and Cheerful, even after his mom Dead, joe were still a really energic and fun loving Utahraptor.

1 Replies

Acro Rex

MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 8:31 AM

good chapter, can't wait for the rest

"Our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers?" - John Hammond
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