Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 3: Teenage Years

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 6:36 PM

A special thanks to user MrHappy9097 for generously volunteering to proofread this story before posting. This chapter is about just as long as Chapter 2. Just like chapter 2, it contains minor profanity, but all censored.


A year had passed, the dinosaurs were now equivalent to a 16 year old human. Thomas was in bed. Tomorrow was the birthday of Raptor401. He couldn’t stop thinking of Alex. He came back home, one day, from his daily job as an intern, to find Alex on the floor lying still… he wasn’t breathing… He called the police, apparently he had a heart attack, because he had some rare disease. Since the disease was relatively new, they wanted to charge a lot of money. Also, it was pre-wartime, so all medical equipment and treatment was significantly expensive. Thomas’s parents had hardly any money to barely have Thomas stay in a school, the old fashioned way. They had just payed for his eye repair, so they were almost in debt. Thomas was 19 at the time, so young. Thomas became depressed, he thought it was his fault. Thomas realized he was going to have to be the real superhero, or his brother was going to die. He remembered that day how stupid and idiotic he was to insult his brother and say he was embarrassing.

He tried again, like he did every night, to erase that memory, but it would never work. He took a sleeping pill and fell asleep, which he had to most of the time to make his mind stop thinking about Alex.

The 6:00 AM bell rang, it was time for breakfast and roll call. All of the raptors lined up. Since there were only six of them, it was never tough to do roll call. But man they eat!!!! Every day, they would consume 8 full meals a day! And that’s not counting “snack time.”

“In just 6 months, you will be ready to go to the real battlefield,” said Thomas. “You guys have learned teamwork, jump and attack on enemies, and the ‘401 maneuver’.

The 401 maneuver was a special move Levine had come up with for the raptors. It was simple to explain, but complicated for the raptors to perform. It required the raptor to hit the speed of 80mph in less than 5 seconds, jump on their victim, bite the neck, and finally jerk their head violently, left and right, until the body would rip off from the mouth while the head stayed in the mouth.

“You have also learned the 401 spin.”

The 401 spin, also came from Levine, was a special move where the raptor would jump 14 feet in the air, into a group of enemies, and when in midair, it would start to spin and land, and keep on spinning. The electrical club on their tails would hit and shock their victims.

“And finally, you have learned the 401 roll.”

The 401 roll, was just a roll. They realized, though, that the spine on their back would easily break while doing this. So at birth, they made the fin EXTREMELY tough, strong, and durable. The raptor would jump and consecutively roll over soldiers, with the fin being sharp and stabbing it’s victims.

Levine came in. “You will also have armor being prepared for you today.”

All the raptors were about 4 meters long, and 3.5 meters tall. They weighed about as much as an elephant. Thomas and Levine were quite sad these days. These raptors, they were… they were… they were humans on the inside… They had souls.

These raptors weren’t just warriors to Levine and Thomas… they were there… they were there children.

Raptor401 knew that the past month and a half they were very sad and worried whenever they thought about them going into the battlefield.

“You don’t have to worry, Thomas! We will protect each other! We are strong!” Said Raptor401.

“Yah! AIN’T NOBODY GONNA F*CK WITH US!!!” Said Spike, always being immature and cussing to make himself sound funny.

“Yah, Spike’s right! No sane fool is going to want to mess with us! They gonna be like, “F*ck that sh*t!” said Snake-eyes.

“Oh guys, I think Stardust is about to activate into b*tch mode 9000 again.” Said Catore, being shy but loud and revealing when it came to insulting Stardust.

“First of all, allow me to give you the finger,” Stardust pointed her middle finger at Catore.” And I just wanted to say that there are these magical things called tanks and other vehicles that will make all of our powers and us being useless.” Said Stardust.

“Well, I see being with Spike and Catore has caused you guys to frequently cuss like immature children.” Said Levine.

“Yah guys, you ought to keep that sh*t under control, muthaf*ckas.” Said Archfiend, always trying to be the funny guy.

Everybody laughed hysterically, but of course Stardust rolled her eyes and called them a bunch of immature morons.

“My God, guys! I mean I cuss every here and then, but it is honestly getting ridiculous! You need to get serious, in 6 months, you guys are going to be fighting against soldiers with dangerous weapons, helicopters and tanks!” said Thomas.

Everybody looked down. “Well, let’s go and get you all measured for your armor.” Said Levine.


Levine went to bed. He remembered when he was 17, Thomas came to school one day, all shaken up. He was extremely silent, and probably didn’t say a single word that whole day. He saw his face and thought it would be wise to shut up and wait for Thomas to reveal to him what had been going on. After 3 days, Thomas told him about Alex. Levine already knew their family was in risk of debt. Levine went to his parents to ask if they could pay for it… but they only cared for themselves and Levine. Levine was their only concern. They were very selfish parents. He remembered saying to them that if they didn’t help, he would dishonor the family.

Man, did he regret THAT.


The teenage years for the raptors wasn’t much fun. Thomas and Levine always tried to throw parties in for them, but the fact that every single day meant a day closer to being in the battlefield. Ever since that day that Thomas made them fully realize what they were going to be up against, they became depressed.

One night, Thomas and Levine were in bed, in their dorm, when they were just up at night, thinking.

“Do you ever wonder if our families our still alive?” said Thomas.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” Said Levine.

“Easy for you to say! You hate your parents!”

“Yah, well your parents loved you because you were their son! They loved me because I was going to become rich, educated, and live on the family name!”

“I know, I know. Look, I forget. It’s just that I always wonder where they are?” said Thomas

“Let’s just go to bed. We let go of our families once, and let’s not do it again.” Said Levine.

Thomas knew he was talking about the Raptors.


1 week was left until it was time for them to finally enter the battlefield. They already had their equipment and their armor ready. These days Stardust had been quite strangely silent for some reason. Catore didn’t care, though. In fact, nobody did…

One night, it was the final night before they would finally enter the battlefield. The raptors were silent, all bunched up together in one room. Stardust was fast asleep in the corner of the room.

“Do you guys remember when we pulled off that prank with Stardust, as revenge for her being always annoying?” said Raptor401.

“Do you mean the time when we purposely fed her Pepto Bismal tablets saying it was candy?” said Catore with a smile.

“Yes, heheh.” Said Raptor401.

One time, when they were 1 ½ years old, Thomas had set aside some Pepto Bismal tablets aside on a desk. He told them to only use them when we didn’t feel good. He made sure to say to only take one tablet. He told them that they make your feces black, and that it would make them constipated if they ate more than one. Thomas had left the room. Catore had a huge smile in his face, and so did everyone in the room. Stardust was taking a nap, like she always did when they were that age. They got the tablets, and when it was snack time, they told her that they were absolutely delicious. She ate seven of them. They had so much time trying to stop from laughing hysterically. They came back from recess and found that she ate all of the pills. There about 50 pills in them. She was already a nagging jerk, and they thought she got what she got.

“Ha, and she couldn’t use the restroom for 4 weeks!” said Snake-eyes.

“And every time she went to use the restroom outside, she would come back after 2-3 hours!” Said Archfiend, laughing hysterically.

“The b*tch got what she deserved! She always did pranks on us, even spitting in our faces! She learned to never screw with us!” Said Spike, laughing and feeling excited at the same time.

They remember hearing Thomas and Levine laughing from upstairs.


Chapter 4 will most likely be longer since the raptors are actually going into the battlefield this time. It will take a longer time to write and pots, because I have a crap ton of work to do, so it might not get posted in a while. I have a lot of work, but you can always read previous chapters. Other than that, please leave a comment on your thoughts!


17 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-17-2014 6:37 PM

You already know what I think, so good job again.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 6:38 PM

Thank you again, anyways!



AdminAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 6:48 PM

Good read. :D


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 6:52 PM

Chapter 4 will be much longer! Maybe it might even have to be split into two seperate parts!


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-17-2014 6:56 PM

If you do have two parts, I'd have it something like Chapter 4: The Battlefield Part 1, and Chapter 5: The Battlefield Part 2. That's just me though.


Something tells me something bad happens to Stardust and the others actually feel bad about it. That's just my guess though.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 6:59 PM

Thank you for the advice! I will leave no comment on the second part, but it doesn't mean it WON'T or happen or it WILL happen.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-17-2014 7:01 PM

That's fine, I'm just saying what I'd do if it was me.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 7:03 PM

Yah, Just saying too. I will try to avoid foreshadowing, because I want everything to be a surprise!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 9:00 PM

Great chapter, that prank the raptors did was hilarious.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 9:06 PM

Yah, it comes from a true story!


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 9:18 PM


"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 9:19 PM

Yah! Sorry Primal King that you didn't get to proofread it, it's just that people wait for this. I even get people messaging me when the next chapter will arrive!


Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 10:25 PM

Thats alright! This os really good

"If you can't see it... It's already too late."

-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 10:29 PM

Thank you! I already sent you chapter 4 to proofread!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 11:09 PM

What do you mean, it comes from a true story?

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-17-2014 11:14 PM

When my dad got revenge on one of his friends...


Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-19-2014 3:15 AM

Ha Ha,, that prank was really funny, my favourite one whe Stardust eat al 50 OF the pepto bismal pills. That's hilarios. XD

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