Jurassic World Movies

Project EDBS ( Elite Dinosaur Battling Squadron ) : Introduction

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 11:25 PM

  It is around year 2283, roughly 50 years after the first successful Dinosaur cloning, the Raptor401. The world still raging in WWIII, the economy falling down, and a lot of nation started to cloned various type of Dinosaur Soldier, America still at the top of the Dino clone, but the scientist founded that the Hybrid Dinosaur are not Long Lived, because of that, from year 2230 they decided to cloned pure Dino Breed, started from Experiment 521, they Find out that pure dinosaur breed were stronger, Healtier, longer live Spand, and more intelligent than the hybrid one. And because of the pure clone, now they can Cloned female that the scientist use as breeder.

  The Scientist now could extract the Best Dino Gen, than inject the DNA into artificial Sperm, than inject it to the female to make selective dinosaur soldier.Dr.Phillip, is the leader of the dinosaur cloning, said “The pure Dino soldier breeding was really successful operation, now we can produce a much better soldier to support us at the battleground”. Now they created A Hormone that Stimulate the dinosaur brain to work in group and take orders from humans. The Guy that Design this is Dr. Phillip Assistant, Dr. Jeffrey. Right now, Only a few Dinosaur Soldier that fighting with Raptor401 still live to tale the tale, one of them was Experiment 554 that named “ Trevor ”, a 50 Ft Long 7 Ton Giganotosaurus Carolinni and Experiment 667 that named “ Sergei” an Acrocanthosaurus. They are one of the first pure Dino Breed, and one of the most experienced Soldier.

 Now, scientist were take Raptor401’s DNA , Inject it into Artificial Sperm, and inject it to Experiment 996, A female Utahraptor, after 2 weeks she laid 12 perfect egg. Now the scientist were watch over her for 2 months till the Eggs hatch.

  Little that they know, one of the hatchlings will become one of the best Soldier in the war between the world.

2 Replies

Acro Rex

MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 12:10 AM

good start :) i have a feeling i'm going to enjoy these

"Our lives are in your hands and you have butterfingers?" - John Hammond

Like a Bossk

MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 12:33 PM

Sounds cool.  Kinda like a Terminator/Jurassic Park mix.

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