Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 2: Childhood

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 7:19 PM

A special thanks to x_Paden_x for generously volunteering to proofreading this story before being posted. This story contains a small amount of profanity, all censored, but we are all mature, and people should not get offended. The story would not be the same without them. other than that, please enjoy.

Chapter 2: Childhood

The raptors generally grew really fast. They grew up just like kids. They'd hang out, outside, and they would talk. Thomas and Levine were sort of fathers to them. The raptors grew up to fight, and they would enter simulations to attack anyone who wasn’t on their side. They predicted that this war was going to be the longest one ever in history.

One night, though, Thomas went to bed, as usual, but these he could never stop thinking about his little brother, Alex. Alex had always looked up to him as a positive male role model since their dad always had to be working overtime. He remembered one time at school, it was superhero day. You were supposed to dress as your favorite superhero for that day. Alex had tried to dress up as his favorite superhero… Thomas. That day Thomas had cried out of happiness. Now this time he was crying because he remembered how he said it was embarrassing that day and he left the building. Then, out of nowhere next day, he came back from his nightly job as intern, he parked his car and-

“Hey, Thomas!” Levine said, interrupting Thomas of his thoughts.


“Rap-- Wait are you? Why are you crying?” Levine Asked standing at the door way of Thomas's room.

“None of your f***ing business!” Thomas stated, sitting up in his bed.

“Jesus, Thomas! What the HELL is up with you today!?”

“I am so sorry, Levine, I am just not myself these days… Sorry for cussing at you.”

“Are you thinking about Ale-, I mean him again?”

“Yes. I prefer that you would tell me why you are here at 11:30 P.M.?”

“Raptor401 is crying again, I tried to calm him down, but he said he won’t calm down until you came...”

“Okay, be there in 5 minutes, tops.” Thomas said with a slight sigh, tossing the covers away and quickly getting dressed


Raptor401, Snake-eyes, and Catore always liked Thomas more because he was more on the gentle side when it came to training. The others liked Levine more because on the inside, Levine was nice when it wasn’t training time. Every day they would wake up at 6:00 AM, and make them run and teach them more advanced vocabulary.

Raptor401 was waiting for Levine. He always obedient, and sometimes a show off. He always came up with an excuse for everything. The dinosaurs were all 3 years old, but were just as smart as 12 year old humans, according to the computer. 

Catore, always shy and afraid to do some of the stunts they had to do. He always sat alone during free time, never conversing with anybody.

Spike was the competent one, and was sad sometimes because everyone was afraid of touching his deadly sharp spikes. So a lot of times the other raptors stood away from him.

Then there was Snake-eyes, who was pretty normal, like a normal civilized human. Archfiend always looked like some spawn of the devil, when he really was nice man raptor thing who treated everybody with respect.

Finally, there was Stardust. Whenever you asked somebody about her, all of the raptors, Thomas, and Levine would say: “To be brutally honest, she is a b*tch. She always thought she was better than everybody. She was the only female super-dino in Area 401. You think all the other males would be interested, but she was so whiny and annoying, they would rather live the rest of their lives lonely.

“My God, 401, why do you always fake-cry just to get Thomas here!? You know how tired, depressed, and exhausted he is these days!” Said Archfiend. Archfiend’s voice was very rough and deep. He was very nice but at times bitterly sarcastic.

“Well, why not guys? Levine’s cool and all, but Thomas is more fun!” said Snake-eyes. Snake-eyes was always feared by the others. He was pretty normal. He had an “eye for an eye” philosophy.

“Well, I am bored, and you guys seem to forget that humans only need about 8-12 hours of sleep, while we only need 5 hours. We have to stay quiet, and I was planning that maybe we could-“said Raptor401, being interrupted by Stardust.

“MY GOD, can you guys just like shut the HELL up!? It’s late, and I need to go to sleep, tomorrow were going to learn how to cordinate in the battlefield!” Stardust Complained

“WELL it looks like SOMEONE had an extra bowl of b*tch flakes before bedtime…”said Catore inusual soft and low tone. Catore was shy and quiet, but he had a bad habit of revealing his thoughts to the public, without hesitation.

Everyone chuckled. Everybody loved Catore. He was one of the favorites. He was secretly Levine’s favorite, even though Catore didn’t favor Levine over Thomas.

“If I wasn’t tired and completely exhausted, I would be using my middle finger right now“ said Stardust.

“WOAHH, Catore, you gonna take that!” said Spike. Spike was very immature and extremely loud. He was never really serious, no matter what the subject was about.

Thomas's footsteps were heard, and he came in.

“I know you 401, you pull of some stupid crap so I can come, what do you want to do that you want me to also do with you?”

“Could you tell us another one of your jokes?” said Raptor401. Everyone got excited, except for buzzkill Stardust. Everybody else loved Thomas’s jokes.

Fine! Let me think… Oh, I got one! But only one, guys, I am way too tired today! Let’s wait for Levine, though, he LOVES jokes than the lot of you combined!”

“Are you going to say a joke!?” said Levine!” Thomas nodded, and then proceeded.

“A woman goes to her husband and says Honey, I have cancer, I am going to die!!! The husband says, You’re not going to die, let’s calm down. YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! I HAVE STAGE 4 CANCER!!! I AM GOING TO DIE!!! You’re not going to die, lady! I AM GOING TO DIE- Okay, fine, fine, I have a solution. Go outside to the backyard and put dirt on your face. Why!? Will it make me live longer!? No, but you will get used to being underground when they bury you!” said Thomas.

Even though it wasn’t that funny, everybody still laughed, all but Stardust. She tried not to laugh, and she succeeded. Nobody liked her, really, and nobody really liked her back.

Thomas left  and headed back to bed, but Levine stayed. Raptor401, Catore, and Snake-eyes went back to bed because they were tired and didn’t really want to hang with Levine. Thomas always told jokes, but he was most of the time sad. Even when they were kids, Thomas was always depressed.

It was the 5th grade, Thomas and Levine were new. Thomas was a grade behind, and Levine was a grade ahead. Even though public schools were gone, some parents, but few, chose to have their kids be taught the old fashioned way. There were probably a total of 16 kids in the class, all from super rich families wanting their kids to be old fashioned. Thomas and Levine were like the Ugly Duckling, they were ugly in the beginning.

They were excluded out during recess and P.E. They were even more left out when they discovered that they were interested in Dinosaurs, but all the other kids were stupid and thought that it was stupid an uncool to like dinosaurs. All of their interests were different. Thomas and Levine loved instrumental music, but the other kids liked rap and garbage music. They had to wear glasses, even their parents wanted them to grow so old fashioned that they didn’t even want to pay for an operation that would fix their eyes. Eventually they realized that it was better to fix their eyes, so by 7th grade they did. But Levine had already transformed from the Ugly Duckling into the beautiful swan… but not Thomas.

Even though everyone was a year older than Levine, he suddenly became very popular… but then he started to ditch Thomas. He remembered one time, he told Thomas when they became freshman at High School that he was now popular, and Thomas was now alone. Thomas grew pimples, but he was soon to start his transformation into the beautiful swan. One day, all of Levine’s friends started beating up Thomas. Thomas was bleeding, and was getting bruises everywhere.

They even started to take off their clothes, but Levine grew up inside. That day forward he realized that losing a best friend for fake friend who only want you for something was not worth it. He came to Thomas, and told them to stop. They told Levine that if he didn’t back off, he was going to have it. Levine thought about it, he had two options- become a “loser” again for Thomas, and become completely humiliated in front of everyone, but get back his true best friend, or just say he was just joking and go back to his normal life and leave Thomas out in the dark. He chose to be friends with Thomas.

For the next hour and a half, they were stripped of their clothes, beat up, and were even almost dead. If it hadn’t been for Levine’s dad getting worried and driving around looking for them, they would be dead. They were taken to the hospital, and were left in the Healer, a machine where you are sedated for 15 hours, and then you would wake up, healed from your injuries. They woke up, and Thomas was standing beside him.

“You didn’t have to do that, why would you do that? Levine, before now, I… I… I hated you” Thomas began crossed in a spider web of his own thoughts.

“That’s what friends do… we suffer for each other, we give up, no, sacrifice what we have for the better of friendship.” Replied Levine.

“This sounds like some bull sh*t you watch on old movies.” Thomas complained.

“Aw f*ck you, always being an ungrateful piece of sh*t.” Levine Shot back
They stood silent for about 15 seconds.

After that, they started laughing hysterically.

Thank you for reading, please comment about your thoughts. Chapter 3 might take a couple of days, because I have bairly started writing it as of the time this has been posted.


10 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-16-2014 8:01 PM

An extra bowl of Bitch flakes, that was funny.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 8:03 PM

Yah, I just HAD TO do that!!!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 8:08 PM

Better the second time I read it over.


A suggestion from a fellow writer. Keep a document with each of your posts on the story, Because whens its done you can post it as a volume.


(Made that mistake a few times with FBR)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 8:09 PM

I write it on Word, and then paste it.



MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 8:12 PM

Thats smart thinking there Tex.

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 8:13 PM

yah, plus sometimes I forget to select a forum and my whole discussion gets deleted...



MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 8:38 PM

Great chapter, I like that it was long.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


AdminAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 8:39 PM



MemberAllosaurusFeb-16-2014 8:41 PM

I guess people like longer chapters, then!


UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusFeb-17-2014 6:52 AM

Good chapter. And i actually thought that the joke was very funny.

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-

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