Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park Chronicles:chapter 2

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 5:34 AM

Isla Nublar:Southerb territory:7am


Sunlight’s eggs are finally hatched at night.The pack has got three new little member.The smallest of them is Snowflake,a female albino giganotosaurus.The three little dino is very active,their parents always look after them.The pack is hungry,so they need to go hunt as soon as possible.At first the pack is going to the river to drink.


The adults form in circle around the kids,and walking towards the river.The sarcosuchus is sunbathing on the coast.a few minutes later he felt that the earth shaking under him.It look up and just saw the six titan walking towards him.He quickly go into the water and swin to the other coast.

After they returned to the nests the pack is going to hunt.


Sunlight and redeye stayed with the three little dino while the others gone.Diablo sensed a brachiosaurus.They follow the scent untill they reach the grasslands in the middle territory.

They saw the brachiosaurus and the hunt is begined.The brachio felt that something wrong.Suddenly everything become slient.the four giganotosaurus emerged behind the trees towards the giant herbivore.


They don’t surprised the brachiosaurus.The brachio stomped on the land and the pack stopped.

They roared to the brachiosaurus.Diablo stand opposite to the brachiosaurus,while the others started to walk near the brachi.The circle is closed,Jaws was the first who attacked.He bite the brachi’s  left leg,but he need to watch out.After him Chimera attacked the belly,but the brachio answered to the attack with a powerful kick.It just missed her head and chiera quickly moved to a safe distance.


Then Scarface grab the brachio’s tail,but it just swing it’s tail and send scarface to fly.He landed 10m away.after that Diablo attacked and grabed the right leg,but the brachi stand up to two leg.It lift up diablo 10m up to the air.He released the brachi’s leg and fall on his leg.When he get up he felt pain in his right leg.It doesn’t broken,but he can’t move it as before.


The hunt is over.They can’t kill the brachiosaurus.They are returned to the nest.All of them are hungry and tired.Diablo’s leg is still not the best.Scarface notice that too.He challenged Diablo for the leader position.The fight begined.Scarface try to bite Diablo’s hurt leg.At first he just get an other scar from diablo.He attack again,pushed Diablo back and grab his hurt leg.Diablo roared in pain.He try to get up,but he can’t.


A few minutes later he get up.He isn’t the leader now.Scarface beat him and chased off him.

He dissapear in the jungle,and going toward to the Northern territory.



My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/
2 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-16-2014 6:04 AM

Good chapter

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusFeb-18-2014 11:39 AM
Thanks MrHappy! I think that the first chapter was much better,but i try to write the next as good as i can.
My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/
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