Jurassic World Movies

Prehistoric Future: The Story of Raptor401: Chapter 1: Birth

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MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 7:09 PM

Sorry for the delay of this chapter. I was waiting for Primal King to proofread it, but unfortuantely he hasn't been logged in for a while and I did not want to keep you guys waiting. I also seee some people were inspired to make their OWN stories, which makes feels happy because it was because of me want to create their own stories. Just try not to make them TOO similar to my story, okay? Other than that, please enjoy!


Chapter 1: Birth

Thomas and Levine were finished with the 401th super-dino. 401 times. Failure after failure after failure. They were expecting another one, you see, whenever one was born, they would give it a small tattoo on the right arm, with the number. To put it simply, they would create the dinosaur on the computer, and then bring the essential body parts, in a very long process that would take up this whole chapter. When they got out the egg, they were shocked. It didn’t undergo any signs of deformation. It was like that for the other last 232 dinosaurs, but there wasn’t any deformation in the body parts during scanning. This had never happened before. Thomas gave a look to Levine and they had goose bumps when they realized they might have finally completed their task. They tested the tail of the small baby dinosaur. I had the correct electrical shock they were looking for. After so many failures and hundreds of hours of hard work put in, they had it. Raptor401 was correct, perfect… complete.

But you see, in the mist of all of this, Thomas always had a weird feeling in his stomach, but not a physical feeling. He was always questioning what he was doing… was what he was doing morally right??? I mean, he always created life, but this time these creatures had human attributes… All of the other dinosaurs grew fast, most of them, after two years, were adults! They talked to each other, like humans… they felt emotions… like humans… they were humans… on the inside… His mom always told him that the only way a soul should be brought into this world is naturally through a human mother and father. But all of these didn’t have parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, etc. Most of them were violent, without any parents to teach them discipline. This became a problem, so they were forced to treat each other with respect or else they would get killed.

They kept all the dinosaurs in a huge room with extremely top quality fences, the ceiling was a huge window, but caged. The cage were made so that if the dinosaurs touched them, they would feel shock and be unconscious for a couple of hours. These things were dangerous, so it was important to keep them happy. They gave them what they want, and let them watch TV. Whenever one was born, they literally “uploaded” the English language into their brains. Like I said, in this future almost anything was possible. That’s one reason why Thomas and Levine were always respected, they got their education the original way, by studying hard, not by just “uploading” information needed to themselves. They wanted to, but their parents wanted the best for them.

He even always though, what life would be if his family and old friends thought he was alive. Was it right, that he willingly let his parents think he had died, when really he was living a cool, relaxing, and well-paying job for the government? Levine, his trusted friend, always listened to him whenever he told him about his thoughts and feelings. Levine one time almost started feeling the same, but he just stopped listening to Thomas so he wouldn’t feel guilty. Thomas understood, he could no longer go back. The boss made it clear when he was applying for the job, “Once you’re in, there is no going back. This is your life now. You no longer Richard James, you’re Thomas, and that’s that.

In secret, he and Levine befriended these creatures, since no one else wanted to be friends, and the raptors were always alone. The raptors had souls. He and Levine treated them like humans, because inside they were. However, the feeders and the caretakers didn’t they always treated the animals with abuse and with such cruelty he was surprised the dinosaurs hadn’t already tried to kill them. Maybe it was their conscience, well if they had one…

But now Raptor401 was born, and since he was the first successful one, he was immediately cloned with 5 exact copies, with different numbers. Raptor401 and 402-406 were immediately sent into training, occasionally being able to visit the other Raptors, because it was important to give them what they want, so they could be happy, and wouldn’t retaliate. Now since Raptor401 saved Thomas and Levine’s jobs and possibly even their LIVES, they decided to name the company “Area 401.” They also decided to name Raptors #402-406 REAL names since they were all successful. They also modified them a bit so they could be identified separately. Raptor402 was now Snake-eyes because they gave him a snake-like face, even a snake-like tongue. Raptor403 was named Spike because when he got the Spinosaur fin on his back, they turned the fin into spikes. Raptor404 was named was named Catore, for his cat-like eyes. Raptor405 was named Archfiend because they made his skin fiery red, like a dragon. Finally, Raptor406 was named Stardust, because she had white-soft skin. She was also the first female super-dino. Since Raptor401 was historical, they just left his name stay.

3 years passed, and now they were 3 years old, but had the same minds of 12 year olds.


Chapter 2 will be longer and it's main purpose is to give a backstory and to describe the personalities of the main characters and the sper dinosaurs. It will be 2-3 times longer than chapter 1. Feel feee to draw some fanart of the characters if you want, I plan to draw some of the caharcters soon to give you guys an image of what they look like.

Please comment, and follow for more!


13 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-15-2014 7:14 PM

Good job. Enjoying this story.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 7:15 PM

Thank you very much!



AdminAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 7:18 PM

Well done!


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 7:19 PM

Yeah! Get ready for Chapter 2, there is going to be more info on the characters revealed!



MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 7:27 PM

Check my site for CHpater 2 updates!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 10:07 PM

Great chapter. It gets me even more hooked. And thanks for helping me.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 10:08 PM

Your welcome! Just wait for Chapter 2!


Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 10:23 PM

Really nice story, i cant wait to read another one.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 10:42 PM

Thank you very much! You're wait shall not be that long, hopefully this time!



MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 11:08 PM

Its nice, I look foreward to this series... 

Also, Genetics doesnt work that way entirly, Since its the future, I'll just slide you a green card. But let me explain how it works. When you clone something, it never is the same as the original.

For explanation purposes, You could have a horse (Which are commonly cloned a lot...) You could take its DNA and clone a foal of it, This foal will not be identical to what it was cloned from, You could have a brown horse and clone it, its offspring will not have its brown coat, It could have any coat.

Im not saying you couldn't narrow down a gene that makes the offspring almost Identical to the "parent" (Heck If you ask anyone They say I look just like my dad... Its scary actually...) It might sound difficult but its not that hard. I had a science teacher, she had a herd a cattle, she narrowed down a gene that gave her calves white tails, and she just had to breed them and the gene continued by itself after awhile, Whats even scarrier, is the gene after awhile, Makes itself better, It litterally corrects itself...

You could even say...

Life Found A Way

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 11:30 PM

Well, in this future almost ANYHTHING is LITERALLY possible. And it's Science Fiction, and apparently my dad looks like Tony Starks... he does though...



MemberCompsognathusFeb-16-2014 6:13 PM

Yes, Anthing is possible, anything is possible right now, However, There are limits, Im just saying, even genetics isn't that exact... 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberAllosaurusApr-08-2014 8:41 PM

The sky is the limit!


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