Jurassic World Movies

My Own Dinosaurs Story !

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Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 12:40 AM

Hey Guys ! I wan't to make my own dino story, i got this Inspired by Raptor 401, thanks for the Inspiration.

This story i gonna called "Project : EDBS ( Elite Dinosaurs Battling Squadron ) " kind of similar to raptor 401 story.

Setting  : this story takes time at year 2283, 50 years after Raptor 401 were created, the world still rage with WWIII and many country start to cloned Dinosaurs.Scientist now had created a hormon that stimulate dinosaurs brain to work with groups and take order from human

Plot       : our main character was Experiment 1157, and called Joe ( My Real Name ). i was make the Story really cool, i just have to start planning the story as soon as i post this.

Character :

Experiment 1157 ( Joe ) - Our Main Character

Experiment 554 ( Trevor ) - one of only Dino soldier that works with Raptor401 and still alive right now. A Giganotosaurus and the Leader of EDBS Team 007 ( our main character Squadron )

Experiment 667 ( Sergei ) - An Acrocanthosaurus. Trevor's Best Friend, the Leader Of EDBS Team 001.

Dr. Phillip Reynaldo - The Man Behind EDBS and the New Hormon that Stimulate The Dino's Brain

Dr. Jeffrey - Developer of the New Dino Hormon and Dr. Philip Assistent

General Terrance - The Enemy Leader.

Other Character will Be On


So I Simply going to take the chapter From 1157 Childhood, In to Elite Squadron, and into the Battle. Thats It

I Hope You Like It  : )


5 Replies


AdminAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 1:14 AM

Very well written and yes it is very similar. 


MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 6:39 AM

I have a feeling this story is going to be awesome!!!!

P.S-Who is Experiment 1157


MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 6:21 PM

Your welcome wth the Inspiration! By the way, i think it would be better to do World war 4, just because I don't think world wars would take THAT long.



MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2014 6:24 PM

And to be honest, if it is going to take place 50 years after raptor401, I think you should wait for my story to finish so your story has consistency.


Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2014 10:32 PM

@Tyrant 963, Experiment 1157 is a Utahraptor, my story, will be completely pure Dino Breed.

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