Jurassic World Movies

Guns that Should be in Jurassic World

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-10-2014 9:08 PM

What a surprise that I did this topic. I've got a few that are popular/well known and/or iconic/seen in the series. Seeing as to how Pratt's character is ex-military, I'd imagine some cool weapons would be in it.


Sniper Rifle

Barrett M82A1

My personal all time favourite rifle, the Barrett M82A1 is a .50 BMG, 10 round semi automatic anti material (meaning it was meant to shoot vehicles, not people) that is accurate at over a mile.




My all time favourite weapon, this Italian shotgun was made badass by Bob Peck in 1993 when it was used in Jurassic Park. 8 round semi automatic and pump with a top folding stock (with the hook in later variants) make this shotgun pretty cool.


Assault Rifle

M4 Carbine

Along with the SPAS 12, this weapon was seen in Muldoon's armoury in the 1993 Jurassic Park film. It is a 30 round, fully automatic .223 that is the same as most other American made assault rifles.




The M72 LAW was used by Robert Muldoon in the Jurassic Park novel, and using tranquilizer rounds, brought down the T-Rex. It is a military rocket lainches, but may be outdated compared to newer rocket and grenade launchers.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

5 Replies


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2014 10:04 PM

Yah, just normal ones, not some that are bazookas and just guns that pull off huge explosions.



MemberCompsognathusFeb-10-2014 10:23 PM

I like these guns:

ARX-160: a personal favorite of mine, always wanted to shoot one

Israeli Tavor TAR-21 assault rifle

XM-25: a weapon retired last year by the U.S. Army because it was too cumbersome (14 lbs as opposed to the standard M4 Carbine that is still in use), but it fires a 25 mm x 40 grenade.

Smaug The Magnificent

MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2014 12:10 AM


Ill just leave these here..............................

I Believe In Harvey Dent

Smaug The Magnificent

MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2014 12:16 AM

the hell? never mind everybody.

I Believe In Harvey Dent

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2014 7:24 PM

I'll Go With This :

1. Scoped M4A1 With Laser Sight and Grenade Launcher

2. M249 Squad Automatic Weapon Light Machine Gun

3. FN240B Light Machine Gun

4.M136 AT4 Rocket Launcher

5. AK-74 with GP-30 Grenade Launcher

AK-74 with GP-30 grenade launcher photo ak74m-gp30.jpg

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