Jurassic World Movies

PFG round 1 fight 10: Torvosaurus vs Suchomimus

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MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 11:36 AM

Today's competitors stretch the word medium quite a bit..


Length: 10 m

Weight 2.5 tons

Height: 3.5

Era: mid jurassic

Torvosaurus is at the top of its food chain. It's a hyper carnivore, taking mid sized sauropods, to the kills of Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. It doesn't steal the kills of other large bodied carnivores for some reason. Torvosaurus is the largest megalosaur, and it has a bite to match. It kills with the ferocity of other megalosaurs, and the three ton bite force makes it even more deadly. Torvosaurus has a brown head with a dull orange body covered in brown crossbars.

Length: 11 m

Height: 4 m

Weight 3 tons

Era: Early Cretaceous

Suchomimus looks like a crocodile on steroids. It spends the majprity of it's life in the shallow waters of isla Nublar, eating a variety of sharks and rays, and even the occasional crocodile. It has next to no competition, and because of this their numbers have exploded in recent years. They are somewhat social animals, especially when prey is plentiful. There has been as many as thirty of these spinosaurs on one stretch of beach. Suchomimus doesn't tolerate other spinosaurs for some odd reason, and they will even attack a large spinosaur if it intrudes on the Suchomimus' beach. These spinosaurs come in a pale green color, and sport a small yellow dewlap.


A lone female Suchomimus looks mournfully at the dried creek bed that used to be her fishing territory. The unexpected severe drought had left this once gargantuan lake to a mere puddle. The fish that once swam joyously through the water now lay dead or dieing, picked off by the odd pterosaur. A large sarcosuchus who once called the lake his home now sits feet from the suchomimus, keeping a weary eye on it. The crocodile knew the spinosaur wouldn't just attack it, but desperate times often brought desperate actions. He hissed loudly at the spinosaur, and the suchomimus started to move on.

The lake was the only place she ever knew, she duidn't even know where to begin to look for a new one.All around her she saw the dried mud of bodies of water that used to be main water sources for the Animals on the island. She noticed they were all getting desperate. She came upon a Dryptosaurus being helplessly torn apart by a pack of Deinonychus, and decided she didn't want any trouble.

The spinosaur was fast becoming dehydrated. She had been walking for hours, and the blaring noon sun wasn't much of a help. Finally, she came across a small patch of river that wasn't dried. Skeletons littered the banks, but the Suchomimus didn't seem to care for the cause. She went down on all fours and put her crocodile like snout  into the river and began to drink. Revitalized, she got up to turn and leave, when she ran into a large animal. She screeched and scattered back, looking up into the face of a bull torvosaurus. It growled softly, and suddenly the Suchomimus knew why there were so many skeletons laying around.

The Bull megalosaur stomped his feet and stretched his arms out, an intimadation attempt. The suchomimus saw this as a challenge, and flushed blood to her small ridge, turning it red. She didn't want to leave this oasis, for she might die if she did. She snapped her jaws and stood to her full height, trying to get the megalosaur to abandon the situation. The megalosaur stood firm, he wasn't going anywhere. He lunged forward and went for the spinosaurs throat. The suchomimus was fast, and darted away from the Torvosaurs' massive jaws. She tried to put herself at a strategic position for a neck bite, but the Torvosaurus pivoted to face her every time.

She had a sudden idea. She backed towards the water, her preferred fighting area. The bull megalosaur followed, rushing mouth agape towards the Spinosaur. the female Suchomimus swung her arm and connected wih the right side of the Torvosaurus' face. This sent the megalosaur reeling into the water, and the Spinosaur capitalized. She hip checked the Torvosaurus and it fell into the shallow water. She bent down and bit the back of it's neck,and tearing at his side with her massive talons. The brute strength of the megalosaur allowed it to get to his feet and pushed the marauding spinosaur towards the shore. The Torvosaurus let out a low guttaral roar, and again went the spinosaurs throat. The female suchomimus once gain thwarted his attack with a blow to the face.

The force of the blow was so great that the megalosaur slumped to his knees, almost in a crouching position. The torvosaurus tried to recover at the wrong time and position. The Suchomimus bit the bull on the back of the neck and forced him to the ground. He roared, but the Suchomimus was unrelenting. The Torvosaurus tried to get to his feet again, but the spinosaur threw him back to the ground. He kicked his feet and lashed out with his hand claws, but this was in vain. The Suchomimus looked up and saw they had an audience, a large herd of Brachiosaurus was observing the dueling theropods.

 The Spinosaur looked back down and was struggling to finish off the flailing Torvosaurus. She had pinned him with her massive feet, but couldn't seem to snap his neck like she planned. She repositioned her jaws on a thinner section, and flexed her crocodile jaws, snapping the Torvosaurus' neck with ease.The Spinosaur let the dead megalosaur slump to the ground. She was battered and a little bloodied, but other then that she was fine.The female Suchomimus let out a dinosaur equivalent of a sigh,  and turned back to the water to see if there were any fish. The Brachiosaurs had come closer to the watering hole, but kept a weary eye on the Spinosaur.


The Spinosaur put a plan in action, and the fight took place mainly in the water, the Suchomimus' home turf. The brash attacks of the Torvosaurus didn't even let it land a blow on the spinosaur

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

10 Replies

UCMP 118742

MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 12:20 PM

I was rooting for Torvosaurus, but the fight was still very well-made. :)

Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe in. -Brom-


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 12:32 PM

Yes, one of my favorite dinosaur won. Great fight.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 12:52 PM

Same as RexFan here. Another great fight, so well done.

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 3:45 PM

Well done PFG. Great fight.

If I could be anything I would be a Trex.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-18-2014 5:38 PM

Good fight. I was rooting for Torvosaurus (I personnaly think it would have won). I dont think that shallow at best water would drastically affect the fact that Torvo had the land fighting and killing advantage, but that's just me. Good fight still.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 6:46 PM

Great fight, really wish Torvo woulda pulled through (one of my favorite dino's) but a good fight nonetheless.


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 7:55 PM

@mr. happy The Torvosaur was slower in the water, less at home. Less used to the resistance water has on movement. The Suchomimus(at least in this fight) could move more fluidly because it was so at home. The main reason the torvosaurus lost is because it didn't think out its attacks, and just went for the killing bite every time. Suchomimus, being a little bit more advanced(early cretaceous rather then the mid jurassic Torvosaurus also gave it an edge. The Spinosaur weighed her options, while the megalosaur attacked out of pure aggression and instinct

Thanks guys!

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-18-2014 8:35 PM

I know, that was just my opinion though. It was a great fight nonetheless. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2014 8:37 PM

hey we all have different opinions ;) if you liked that, your gonna love my idea for the 100th post.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-18-2014 8:38 PM

Exactly, and can't wait for it.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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