Jurassic World Movies

More blood or gore?

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MemberCompsognathusNov-28-2013 8:09 PM

like the director said it's going to have a lot of terror in the movie, So im very curious if we will see any blood spilling or gore at all. But at least some blood spill in the film. I'm a fan of every Jurassic Park movie and the Author who wrote the book to, so my question to the Director is will there be a lot of blood in the latest insallment of the jurassic park film?

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7 Replies

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-28-2013 8:14 PM

I'll be honest, I hope not. Let's keep it PG-13, and let's keep it clean. Similar to TLW would be alright, but not much more than that. When I think Jurassic Park, I think of the magic that the first two bring when I watch them, not blood and gore. Thats just me though,  I don't want to see a "Jurassic Park" horror movie.


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusNov-28-2013 9:01 PM

Quite honestly it probably won't be, but I'm a HUGE Horror fan (noticed your leatherface icon, that was the scrapped leatherface design for Texas Chainsaw 3D right?) and I personally would like more gore. In the TLW however you do see two Tyrannosaurs rip Eddie Carr in half so there is that. But more than likely it will stick the way things have and there will be little gore other than the scrapes and cuts on the actors faces.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-28-2013 9:04 PM

That we see at least. We saw Eddie get ripped in half, and remember the guy that freaked out when the snake crawled down his shirt? TLW was bloody for a Jurassic Parl, and something like that would be fine by me


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2013 3:12 AM

I agree with MrHappy, too much gore would ruin the magic of the saga.

Also, people, don't get "terrific" same as horror. I mean, the first JP was already terrific. Even without blood and gore. I think Colin was saying "terrific" and was thinking about the suspense and thrill of JP, not some guts and blood all over JW.

All's relative.

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DJ Frasersaurus

MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2013 9:56 AM

I think a little bit more blood and gore would be fine but I couldn't accept any major stuff like dinosaurs ripping people's faces off or anything like that.


G: Far too low. PG: Too low. PG-13: Perfect. R: Too high. NC-17: Far too high.


U: Far too low. PG: Perfect. 12A: Perfect. 15: 50%. 18: Too high.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-30-2013 7:10 AM

That sounds pretty good DJ. Remember, G/U is for small children movies (Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Cars. Etc), and Jurassic Park is not recommended for small children. Some blood and gore is ok, and like I said before, similar to TLW s acceptable.


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusDec-08-2013 1:51 AM

i dont think there should be more

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