Jurassic World Movies

JW: What we know so far

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MemberCompsognathusNov-14-2013 6:06 PM
I just realized that there are no threads that really state all the big stuff that is going on with JW that we know as of right now. So, here goes... [b][u]The dinosaurs[/u][/b]: T-rex will probably make an appearance, judging by the logo, and almost certainly the velociraptors as well. Marine reptiles are also almost certainly going to be in the movie, according to a few inside sources. Other than these, we only know that a new dinosaur will be rising to stardom in this film, one that will make you "want to keep the lights on after seeing this movie", according to Jack Horner. No new hints on this new guy yet. [u][b]The Cast and Characters[/b][/u]: So far, these are the actors rumored to either be in talks or appear in the film: Bryce Dallas Howard (confirmed, supposedly playing a smart corporate scientist) Ty Simpkins (confirmed, supposedly playing B.D.H.'s nephew) Nick Robinson (confirmed, supposedly playing B.D.H.'s nephew/Simpkins older brother) Chris Pratt (in talks) Irrfan Khan (in talks) Jason Schwartzman (rumored) Jake Johnson (rumored) David Oyelowo (rumored) B.D. Wong (rumored) Idris Elba is already known to not be in the movie, and Josh Brolin dropped out. [u][b]The Setting[/b][/u]: Rumored to be present-day Isla Nublar in a new park; other than that, little else is known.
2 Replies


MemberCompsognathusNov-14-2013 6:28 PM
thanks you for clarifyinng
Cheerio my friends <3

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-14-2013 7:36 PM
That's too bad about Elba not being in it, but that is nice to clarify what we know.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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