Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Ultimate Fan Experience

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MemberCompsognathusNov-03-2013 11:33 AM
http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/11/prweb11293924.htm And the bidding begins...
3 Replies


Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusNov-03-2013 12:05 PM
[i]Director Colin Trevorrow is offering two lucky fans the chance to visit the set of Jurassic World to benefit a great cause. Trevorrow donated an exclusive Jurassic World set visit to Swords to Plowshares, the San Francisco Bay Area’s leading nonprofit that helps homeless and low-income military veterans. The “Jurassic World Ultimate Fan Experience” will be available during a live auction for attendees of Swords to Plowshares’ 17th Annual Veterans Day Fundraising Gala on November 7, 2013 in San Francisco. Fans are invited to submit bids online via Bidding for Good to be included in the live auction.[/i] O.o
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberCompsognathusNov-03-2013 12:50 PM
Wow. Too bad I'll never get the chance to do this. Delta, you could try. You live in California, right?

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-03-2013 1:19 PM
That would be so freaking cool. Delta would have the best shot at going of any of us JW regulars.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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