Jurassic World Movies

Dinosaur Dream Fights

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MemberCompsognathusOct-17-2013 10:40 PM
Everyone knows about the Spino/Rex and Giga/Rex debates. But there are dream fights that nobody ever thinks of. What about Ekrixinatosaurus vs Edmarka or, my favorite, European Torvosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus? I mean, look at this picture. [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ToEu9ceeoZg/UmCsTvs4dHI/AAAAAAAAADc/KdUHsbuuXXw/s640/blogger-image--1296417639.jpg[/img] Now replace those two little guys with the Dinosaur Revolution Torvosaurus and shiz gets real. Can you imagine that?! Torvosaurus would have longer arms, a bigger skull, speed, agility and would represent Jurassic. Tyrannosaurus would represent cretaceous and would have power and a small size advantage (weight, anyways). These two both had foot long serrated railroad spike teeth driven by a 6 tonne bite. These two clashing is awesome as hell! Now what do you think would be an original dream match between two dinosaurs?
12 Replies


MemberCompsognathusOct-18-2013 5:18 AM
That would be pretty cool!

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusOct-18-2013 6:13 AM
I agree Torvosaur vs Rex a clash of POWER!

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-18-2013 9:35 AM
I thought Edmarka was just a large Allosaurus or a Torvosaurus. Either way, the concept is good. It'd be a good fight. As far as Torvosaurus vs Rex goes, I think Torvosaurus is smaller than many realize. [img]http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/images/species/t/torvosaurus-size.jpg[/img] But that can work in Torvosaurus' favor. Being smaller would allow it to be faster and more agile. It's arms weren't very long, but they were strong. It's skull isn't larger than Rex's(Rex= 5-6 ft, Torvo=3-4.5 ft), but it's strong. Megalosaurs have strong bites in general. Torvosaurus probably had a bite force of 3-4 tons per square inch. As high as larger predators like Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. It's teeth were also thinner than Rex's, but would slash flesh more and cause a lot of bleeding. It'd be a good fight with Rex coming out on top about 65-75 percent of the time in my opinion. A match up I'd like to see is Acrocanthosaurus vs Suchomimus. I don't know why, I just wanna see that. They have comparable sizes and each have deadly weapons. Not a bad fight in my opinion. Daspletosaurus vs Tarascosaurus was another one I wanted to see and thanks to DinoFights, it was done.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusOct-18-2013 6:39 PM
You're thinking of the American Torvosaurus, Rex Fan. European Torvosaurus had a 158+ cm skull and Sue, the biggest Tyrannosaurus, had a 140 cm skull. Ichnospecimens indicate 13 meter individuals. Also, some teeth and ribs from Edmarka rex indicate 11-12 m individuals. Edmarka has a longer skull than Ekrixinatosaurus with bigger teeth, but lacked the sheer power of the muscular abelisaur. Still, Edmarka could hold its own in the power department. [img]http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/dinosaurpictures/ig/Theropod-Pictures/Edmarka.htm[/img] In Tyrannosaurus vs Torvosaurus, it would come down to X factors. It is wholly 100 % possible that Torvosaurus had a more powerful bite. Being the baddest of the bad as far as megalosaurs go, Torvo would have had more mechanically efficient jaws. They could very likely open faster and farther than those of Tyrannosaurus rex, as well as close faster even IF Tyranno had a stronger bite. If this was a shoving match T. Rex might have the edge but in a knock down drag out brawl this would perhaps be 50/50. As awesome as Saurophaganax vs European Torvosaurus.
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-18-2013 10:44 PM
Why does everyone automatically say I'm thinking of just American Torvosaurus. The American species is only 29 ft long. In the size comparison I gave, it showed one that size and one 36 ft long. The 29 footer is the American, the 36 footer is European. I still haven't found any articles about Torvosaurus' bite force. I'm willing to read one and consider what it says, but first I need one to read. Until then, I'll be skeptical about Torvosaurus' bite force. As far as a shoving match between the two, T-rex wins hands down. We're talking a 7-9 ton T-rex shoving a 3-5 ton Torvo. No contest to be honest. But hey, that's just me.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusOct-19-2013 1:33 PM
The first European Torvosaurus was 11 m (36 feet) but others, like the Portuguese specimen I was referring to, are 12-13 meters. Also, megalosaurs aren't skinny. A 11-13 m Torvosaurus wouldn't be 3-5 t, it would be 7-8.5 t. If Torvosaurus was as robust as the extremely closely related and possibly synonymous Edmarka, it would outweigh a 12 m Tyrannosaurus (8.2 t) at 13 m (8.4 t).
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!


MemberCompsognathusOct-19-2013 1:47 PM
The Megalosaur's are buffed up Allosaurs with stronger bites, and Ekrixinatosaurus is an Abelisaur while Edmarka was a Megalosaur. Lets see, a 35 foot torvo would be at least 5 tons, at least. Since its heavier than Allosaurs (and probably Yangchuanosaurus) I'd say a 40 foot might be around oh, I don't know, 7 tons. It big, but still, a five foot difference rarely moves a ton.


Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-19-2013 8:58 PM
DinoFights, now we're seriously going to say Torvosaurus was bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex? If so many large theropods that we've known about for so long(Torvosaurus for example), why are they suddenly being considered bigger than T-rex? If they really were that big, then T-rex should never have been considered the biggest land predator in the first place. I can live with people saying Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and/or Carcharodontosaurus were bigger, but when you say Torvosaurus, that just sends me off the deep end. I mean come on, the theropods showed an obvious trend of getting bigger as time went on. There's a reason why the largest theropods were from the Cretaceous and not the Jurassic.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusOct-25-2013 10:50 AM
So why do we see Saurophaganax being about as long as Tyrannotitan?



MemberCompsognathusOct-25-2013 11:26 AM
I saw that Torvo does have a head like you guys said. Man, that means he is probably around 42 feet, and maybe 7-7.5 tons. Man, I'm likening this guy more and more every minute.


Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-25-2013 11:30 PM
The absolute highest estimates(and the most unreasonable too) for Saurophaganax is 15 meters(50 ft). But nearly everyone says it's 11-12 meters(36-40 ft) with 13 meters(43 ft) being out there once and a while too. However, Saurophaganax was an allosaurid, and allosaurids tend to be light-weight. Probably weighed no more than 4 tons(lighter than Tyrannotitan). And the skull of Torvo that is said to be longer than a Rex's has been given a smaller estimate. I've never seen an estimate for Torvosaurus higher than 11 meters(36 ft) and I've never seen and research going into it's bite force. Unless someone will provide me with a link or something that shows otherwise, I will not believe Torvosaurus(European species included) is above 36 ft and 4 tons
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2014 6:49 AM

That was an old estimate for Saurophaganax. A more recent one that i've seen puts it at 13 meters and 6 - 7 tons.

Torvo...Well we know it wasn't a 14+ meter animal. The portugese specimen...or more commonly nown T. Gurneyi, is around 10-11 meters and 4-5 tons. 

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

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