Jurassic World Movies

Sammy the Spinosaurus Chapter 14

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-13-2013 6:03 AM
Time to kick off Day of the Dinosaur. I see this getting buried in the discussions today. Enjoy the final chapter and a sneak preview of Terrance's Story: New World The end of a Bloodline Tommy watches the Carcharodontosaurus plummet down the cliff. He turns back to where it had been running at him, and saw the heavily scarred pair, the male standing where the Carchar had been when it got rammed. The female was walking closer, ready for battle, and Sammy was going to be a few minutes still. The battle is currently a 3 vs 3, but the Giganotosaurus was huge, and they would probably need all the help they could get. Tommy moved away from the cliff side, seeing that it already lead to something getting killed. He stood next to the large male, thinking he was safer there in the battle, not fully trusting the female, and the male knowing this is the moment he was waiting for. The three remaining killers walked over to Tommy and the scarred pair, ready to single one out and kill them quickly. Unfortunately, they all had different ideas on which to eliminate. The male went for Tommy, the female went for the scarred female, and the Giga went for the scarred male. The scarred male and the Giga look each other eye to eye. When the Giga blinks, the male attacks. He bit the Giga's arm, and quickly ripped it off. The Giga used his good arm and slashed the male just under his right eye. The male jumps back and looks at the Giga, mad about what just happened. The Giga charged the male, and the male sidestepped. The Giga planned for that and lunged. What he didn't expect, was that the male had half expected that, and already had a counter attack. When the Giga missed, the male bit it's neck and after a great deal of struggling, the Giga freed himself. The scarred female and the other female attacked each other, they didn't bother with the staring contest, they both knew in a battle like this, it was a pointless waste of time. The scarred female made the first move, biting the other female's snout. The other female pulled out and lunged at the scarred female. The scarred female sidestepped, and much like her brother and the Giganotosaurus, the female lunged and missed. The scarred female bit her enemy by the leg, cracking bone. When the other female got out, she quickly attacked the scarred female in a blind rage. Tommy, being less experienced than the male, fought similar to his childhood battles with Sammy. The male, after attacking and missing multiple times, got frustrated and charged Tommy, not worrying about wether or not he could bite him, just as long as he could do some damage. Tommy managed to sidestep again, and the male looked at Tommy again, nothing short of angry. By now, Sammy arrived. He saw the scarred pair, he saw Tommy, he saw the other three, and quickly joined in. He went to help Tommy with the male. The male was attacking Tommy, and when Sammy arrived, went for him instead. The male was getting angrier every time he missed, and eventually he blindly charged Sammy and got caught by him. Sammy held the male in place and slashed him, while Tommy bit trying to kill the male. The large Rex and Giga were moving around the battlefield, and the male pushed it. This sent the Giga into the rival male, Tommy and Sammy. Sammy got knocked off balance, Tommy and the male fell, and the Giga landed ten feet from the cliff side. The large male walked around Tommy and the male, grabbed the Giganotosaurus by the neck, dragged it to the edge, and just before letting go, bit down full force and the Giga's neck made a sickening crunch. The male let go of the Giga, the rest of the combatants shuddered at the sound, and he was about to push it over the edge when he decided to get back in the fight. He immediately went to help his sister, who was starting to get tired. He grabbed the female by the neck, and before he could kill her, she gave a sudden push. The scarred male stumbled back, bumped into Tommy, who had just stood up and stumbled dangerously close to the edge and tripped, landing on the dead Giga, which cushioned the landing and saved his life. The male got knocked out when the scarred male bumped into him.Tommy had stood up, and now all four turn to the female. She turns to run, and the scarred female gets in the way. She turns a different way, and tries to run around Tommy and Sammy, and when she gets past Tommy, she doesn't turn fast enough and trips on the Giga. She landed next to the mangled body of the Carcharodontosaurus . The remaining male wakes up, stands up, and charges the scarred male. Unfortunately, the male is too big and the charge does nothing but anger him. He turns to face the last remaining threat, and Sammy, Tommy, and his sister circle the Rex, ready to kill him whenever they want. The male charges Tommy out of desperation and managed to get past him. Tommy bit the male's tail and didn't let go as he struggled. Sammy slashed his face and then bit his neck to hold him in place. Tommy bit the male's neck trying to kill him, but only succeeding in holding him still and injuring him. The scarred male, after being entertained by the Rex/Spino teamwork, walked over, bit the male's back, and crushed his spine and everything else that was in his mouth. The male drops dead, and the scarred male steps back. Now that the battle is over, Tommy and Sammy look at the scarred pair, scared of them now that they have no common enemies. The two pairs look at each other, and after a long silence, the male lowers his head in respect, and his sister does the same. Sammy looks at them, and mirrors the motion, and then Tommy does the same, after getting over his fear of these two giants that towered over him. The male looks at his sister, and after a gentle nudge, they walk away. Sammy and Tommy watched as the scarred pair walk away, and when they were out of sight, they too walked away, in opposite directions. Sammy then returned to his family, and Tommy went off in search of a mate. Epilogue Sammy returned to his family, a little injured and tired, and went to sleep after eating something his mate had killed. Tommy didn't have to go far to find a mate. The dominant female from the group had watched the fight, and was quite interested now. Tommy didn't have to do a mating dance or anything, the fight was enough for her. Several months later, their first egg hatched, and Tommy was happy to see his first child. Sammy became a skilled fisher, but still preferred to hunt hadrosaurs, and he began teaching his kids how to hunt, while his mate taught them how to fish. As for the heavily scarred pair, they went back where they came from, having finished what they came to do. They travelled thousands of miles to get back home, the valley they hatched and grew up in. They arrived early in the morning, and the first thing they did was walk to the area that they hatched, and where their parent's remains lay, partially buried and completely untouched. The male stood still, looking at the remains, deep in thought, remembering something. The female nudged him and he looked at her, and they got closer to each other, knowing that they are all they've got. By know, a few of the older herbivores in the valley had sensed them and looked toward the Tyrannosaur nest. Some of the herbivores had been there since the time the male was a hatchling. They all remembered the scarred pair. They were the reason there were no carnivores in the valley for years after they had left, leaving the herbivores in peace. The male and female look at each other, both having a sense of victory inside them. They both turn and look at the sky, and then roar in perfect unison, signalling their return to the valley, and for the joy of finally avenging their parents once and for all, and everything in the valley scattered, hearing the roars as though they were across a clearing. If dinosaurs had names back then, these two would be well known, and feared. Their names, Terrance and Thorn. Hope you enjoyed, here's the preview Terrance watched as the fire spread closer and closer to the nest, and he looked back at Thorn. She got the idea from the way he looked at her, and she growls for the chicks, and they follow Terrance to a waterfall. By the time they reached the waterfall, the fire had almost reached them. They walk into a cavern behind the waterfall, and the whole family barely fit inside it. Terrance remembered the cavern, it had saved his and Thorn's life multiple times while they were growing up.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

10 Replies


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 6:17 AM
Awesome is the only thing I can say. Awesome, awesome and awesome. Oh, did I mention awesome? Also, Can't wait for your next story

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-13-2013 6:22 AM
All around, how did you like Terrance and Thorn?

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 6:35 AM
I really enjoyed them.

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 7:34 AM
Amazing fight! It's nice to see a villain become the good guys. Can't wait for Terrance New World! Plus the best chapter out of Sammy the Spinosaurus!

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-13-2013 7:39 AM
Thanks tyrant. I'm not sure how long New World is going to be, it's got a lot of time to cover. Any thoughts on the preview?

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 7:57 AM
I loved the ending and I loved the preview. Thanks for contributing this to Day of the Dinosaur :)
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 1:08 PM
Happy day of the dinosaur everyone! I have to say this is probably your best chapter yet but from what I saw in your preview, that title may change hands soon...
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-13-2013 3:03 PM
What do you mean "May change hands soon."? I'm not the best at seeing what's not there, reading between the lines, whatever you want to call it. I chose the title with good reason, and by the end, you'll see why I chose it.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2013 3:38 PM
I knew it was Terrance and Thorn, I new it. Also, great, great chapter and story.



MemberCompsognathusMar-16-2014 2:39 AM

That was epic!

Though I am a little disappointed thtat Sammy didn't contribute more to the fight.

Youre fat, and I'm not sugarcoating it cause you'd probably eat that too.

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