Jurassic World Movies

Could Rexy be in Jurassic World?

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-12-2013 7:32 AM
After commenting on Black spino's discussion, I started to really wonder if Rexy could return to the franchise. I think there was only one Rex in the first movie, and that is Rexy, the Queen of Kings. Who else wonders if Rexy could be in the movie? What do think are some thing that could happen with her, and how would she look? We could get a Rex vs Trike in there too with Lady Margaret. That would be awesome if those two were in the movie.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

5 Replies

The forgotten king

MemberCompsognathusOct-12-2013 10:01 AM
Maybe they might re-clone Rexy but nublar was bombed with Rexy on it.also if the movie had a modern times look,then Rexy would probably be grandma Rexy
welcome to the new age


MemberCompsognathusOct-12-2013 11:29 AM
Rexy was already likely very old at the time of JP. I'm guessing at least 30, since she was 46 feet long, and that would make her the biggest Tyrannosaurus ever to live. Add another 20 years to that and she's at least 50, presumably nearing 60. She would likely be blind and wrinkled, not to mention unrealistically huge. Giant monsters aren't terrifying unless they can hunt you down.... Actually, that gives me an idea! They could use that to put an emphasis on how amazing Tyrannosaurus' sense of smell was! Im saying there's about a 20% chance of it happening. Not impossible, but not likely.
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Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-12-2013 12:05 PM
I would love for Rexy to be in it. She's like the symbol of Jurassic Park. Is it likely, probably not. But I hope she's in it. Who knows, she may have survived the napalm bombing(aka my Rexy vs Lady Margaret FBR Fight).
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-12-2013 12:07 PM
It was just a thought. I like the idea of re-cloning the old beast. I figured it would be unlikely, but just a thought. I kinda needed to post something today, getting a little impatient with chapter 14 today, can't wait for tomorrow.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Black spino 44

MemberCompsognathusOct-12-2013 1:47 PM
I agree with spinobro,Rexy could have died but john Hammond could find her blood and revive her.
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