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MemberCompsognathusOct-10-2013 6:32 PMWelcome to the second fight of the second round. I don't have anything to say, so lets meet our contestants. (The Siamotyrannus pic was made by DinoSteve)
Length: 26 feet
Height: 7.5 Hips, 9 head
Weight: 1.8 tons
Weapons: 15 inch hand claw
Prey: Fish, Hadrosaurs, young sauropods
Aggression: Small-Medium
Intelligence: Medium
Speed: 28 Mph
Defeated: Afrovenator, no kill
Habitat: River, Forest, Grassland
Behavior: Megaraptor was a very opportunistic and adaptable hunter. It isn't a Dromeaosaur, but it still had a thin-yet-long crest of feathers on its head, and long feathers sticking out of the sides of its tail. It could run fairly fast, hitting around 28 mph. It likes the water, and normally fishes. It has amazing reflexes, and uses its 15 inch claw to impail and kill fish that swim down shallow rivers. It can't swim, however, and doesn't go into water more than knee deep. It is common to find them in pairs, or even in small packs. It is surprisingly smart, and can create complex attack plans.
Length: 23 feet
Height: 7 Hips, 10 Head
Weight: 1.7 tons
Weapons: Brain, speed, 1330 lb bite force with thick teeth 3 inches long
Prey: Iguanadonts
Aggression: Medium
Intelligence: Medium
Speed: 28 Mph
Defeated: Concavevenator
Habitat: Forest
Behavior: Siamotyrannus is a very territorial dinosaur. Despite this, they are social with other Siamotyrannus from outside of their family, most likely because of their close family bonds. They are quite fast and have been seen running up to 28 mph to chase down a Tenontosaurus. They keep their necks in a recurved position, which is unusual for the tyrannosaurs. It doesn't seem like they have a particular fight style, using ambush, a full on attack, and taking one bite to let it bleed to death. Its brain power is around that of a hawk's or falcon's, and isn't anything special for a tyrannosaur. They live in fairly big groups to accommodate for their being on the smaller side, but it is not rare for the mother to be the only one with her children. This is because the father was killed fighting. The males are the only ones to hunt and protect the family while the females take 24/7 care if her children.
Terrain: The grassland that the Siamotyrannus lives in.
The Megaraptor is looking for a new territory after he was attacked by the Afrovenator. He passes a grassland, and likes it. The Megaraptor starts to wander into it. At the same time, the mother Siamotyrannus is patrolling the edges of her territory. The Megaraptor smells the Siamotyrannus, and, noting that another dinosaur is here, decides that this is a good place. The Megaraptor runs to meet the Siamotyrannus, and the tyrannosaur goes to defend her territory. The Siamotyrannus meets the Megaraptor roaring. The Siamotyrannus lunges at the Megaraptor, but the quick reflexes of the Allosaur sends his arm flying and cutting a deep gash in the Tyrannosaur's snout. The Siamotyrannus backs up, and then she lunges again. Once again, the Megaraptor slashes at the Siamotyrannus and makes another deep wound. The Tyrannosaur keeps trying to attack the Megaraptor, but the Allosaur keeps on slashing at the Siamotyrannus and keeping it away. The Siamotyrannus backs up, and decides to stay away and circle the Megaraptor. The Allosaur faces the Siamotyrannus, ready to attack if he needs too. The Siamotyrannus makes a plan and puts it into action. Once again, she charges at the Megaraptor and as he swings his arm, but at the Siamotyrannus pulls her head back at the last second, and the Megaraptor misses completely. The Megaraptor realizes his mistake and the Siamotyrannus bites down on the Allosaur's neck. The Megaraptor roars and tries to slash at the Siamotyrannus. The Tyrannosaur doesn't let go, despite the pain. The Siamotyrannus shakes her head around and digs her teeth deep into the Allosaur's neck. The Siamotyrannus then throws the Megaraptor away, and then starts to run at him at full speed. The Megaraptor painfully gets up, but before his is fully up, the Siamotyrannus headbutts him at full speed. The Megaraptor is sent flying, and the Siamotyrannus follows him. As the Megaraptor falls, the Siamotyrannus swings her body around, and her tail hits the Megaraptor as he falls in mid air. The Megaraptor rolls over himself, and keeps rolling for a while. The Megaraptor painfully gets up, and just in time sees the Siamotyrannus running at him, the Megaraptor turns very quickly and lashes out with his arm. He hits the Siamotyrannus and the Tyrannosaur is turned sideways. He slashes the side of the Siamotyrannus over and over. When the Siamotyrannus tries to attack, the Megaraptor slashes at the Tyrannosaur and knocks her back. The Siamotyrannus finally swings her body and knocks the Megaraptor away with her tail. Then, she turns and bites down on the Megaraptor's side and rips out a big chunk of ,eat. The Megaraptor roars in pain, and swings around to slash at her. The Siamotyrannus backs up very quickly. She has already had enough cuts that are as long as deep. The Siamotyrannus runs at the Megaraptor and snaps at his arm. The Megaraptor slashes at the Siamotyrannus, but even though she gets a large gash, she gets a grip on the Megaraptor's arm. Then she shakes her head around and tears up his arm. The Megaraptor roars and bites down on the Siamotyrannus's neck. He has a very weak bite force, but it still hurts and makes the Siamotyrannus let go. Then, the Megaraptor slams into the Siamotyrannus as hard as he can. The Siamotyrannus stumbles back, and when the Megaraptor slashes at the Siamotyrannus, she falls. The Megaraptor puts his foot down on the Siamotyrannus's neck. The Tyrannosaur roars, and the Megaraptor is about to kill the Siamotyrannus when he feels a sharp pain in his calf. He looks back and sees a young Siamotyrannus biting his leg. The Megaraptor shakes the young Siamotyrannus away and hears the Siamotyrannus wimped to the young one. The Megaraptor realizes that the Siamotyrannus is a mother and the young Siamotyrannus is her child. The Megaraptor feels sorry for the Tyrannosaur now, and gets off of the Siamotyrannus. Then, he growls at the Siamotyrannus to her, but it is a friendly growl. The Siamotyrannus understands the Megaraptor, and she is confused. She gets up, and cals her chick over to her. The Megaraptor walks deeper into the grassland, and he calls to the Siamotyrannus to follow. The Siamotyrannus painfully gets up, and she and her chick follow. The Megaraptor and Siamotyrannus make a partnership, and the Megaraptor helps to feed and raise the Siamotyrannus's chick.
Winner.... Megaraptor!!!
Megaraptor had long arms and claws, and that proved his main weapon. It kept away the Siamotyrannus, but he never killed her. Finally, the two dinosaurs made an unlikely partnership.
4 Replies
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-10-2013 6:36 PMGood fight. I was rooting for Siamo, but at least she didn't die. Man that Megaraptor is nice.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
MemberCompsognathusOct-10-2013 6:53 PMI concur - that is a really cool pic of megaraptor, and also the siamo one by DinoSteve
Nice fight!
"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."
--Alan Grant
Rex Fan 684
MemberCompsognathusOct-10-2013 9:57 PMInteresting ending. Good job.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names."
MemberCompsognathusOct-10-2013 11:45 PMGreat, I was rooting for Megaraptor
Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki!
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