Jurassic World Movies

jurassic world opening scene

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MemberCompsognathusOct-01-2013 7:44 AM
panning shot of isla nublar zoomed out and then scenes of the over grown visitor centre, nedrys car still stuck exactly where it was left with his skeleton in there as 20 years has now passed since the accident in the park. paddocks still unrepaired and fences broken. (ellie day dreaming) raptor chasing her out of the fenced area of the compound, power now back on!! ''RUN ...RUN'' she says as she sees grant. the memory as vivid as the day she left the camera fades out to see ellie staring in heavy rain under an umbrella stood next to lex, tim, grant, and malcom. Hammond is dead. they are all staring down at the grave laying him to rest, and a balding guy around 40 in a black suit approaches and says ''we need to talk''. all lookin bemused he hands them all a business card and walks off. all 5 of them go to meet this mysterious person in black in a secluded place. he hands them all the will of john Hammond. it states that lex and tim have been left a DNA sample of the dinosaurs in his safe in a freezer at his stately home. and with sattlers,grants and malcoms help the they can use their profiles to help the children get the funding and can rebuild the park. the business card read BioSyn!........ (continue the story) (no comments)
6 Replies


MemberCompsognathusOct-02-2013 6:22 PM
Dude, JW needs new characters, not old ones returning.


MemberCompsognathusOct-04-2013 3:57 PM
First of all i said no comments ! Carry on the story for a bit of fun! Second it was a cameo role at the beggining as a bit of a constant so the new trilogy actually would make any sense of there being one in the first place! Thirdly new characters can be introduced


MemberCompsognathusOct-09-2013 6:50 AM
Malcom takes the will out of the lawyers hand and studies it carefully, with a bemused and concerned look on his face. “I cant believe that old man still wants HIS dream to happen, does he not remember what happened 20 years ago!?” questioned Malcolm.  Tim, still upset with the death of his favourite Granddad grabs the will and the card and replies, “If you won’t help me I’m sure there are plenty out there who will!” “Listen kid too many people have died because of John’s dreams and we were the lucky few to survive.” Malcolm replied. Malcolm walks off and gets into his car and drives off. Grant puts his hand on Tim’s shoulder and says “Let’s talk about this over a drink, shall we?” Grant, Ellie, Tim and Lex leave the cemetery, where the man in the black suit then picks up is phone and makes a call. “We may have a problem…..”


MemberCompsognathusOct-09-2013 1:02 PM
21:00 San diego, california The sun sets in the far distance over the horizon and the city is starting to come alive as the night goes on. Grant, malcom and tim are drinking in a local bar ( country music playing in back ground) " so timmy what you gunna do , ur not planning on making more mess than ... Er mr hammond did are ya" said malcom in a sarcastic tone. " yh im not as young as i once was tim ." Grant exclaimed " yh i no , i no, mmmm guys use have been through what i have and my grandads dream was to get this park working , i have a degree in business managnent with ur help and professional opinion i think we can keep his legacy going ! " " y am i always right all the time "! Said malcom rolling his eyes . " what ???, do u not think it will?" Said tim " err did u not see my broken leg, and the complete failure which i must say i predicted , of the park last time ?" Iv er said this to ur gramps before u can not contain life!" Not unless u like having limbs missing"! Grant forced a smile of the nievity of tims idea. Grant looked at tim and put his hat on the bar " look kiddo , we will Sort this mess out one way or another , the last thing i want is a dino oppocolypse , malcom is write, as hard as it is to say it.!" Malcom laughs at grants gesture toward him. The silence is broke as tims phone rings and displays CALLING.. LEWIS DODGESON ANSWER. IGNOR U gunna get that ??? Grant and malcom look in deep concearn at each other .


MemberCompsognathusOct-09-2013 3:23 PM
Tim lets out a sigh, stands up. "Lewis..yeah I can talk.. just with a few old friends, whats up?" Tim walks outside the bar, the camera then pans onto Malcolm who is holding his bottle of beer in one hand and eating peanuts in the other. Grant checks his pda and signals the waitress for another round. Malcolm nods in approval. Tim arrives back at the table and takes a sip of his beer. "What did that guy want?" Malcolm asked in a stern manner. "Oh he heard of Johns death and he wanted to send his regards" "That was nice of him" grant responded in an almost sarcastic tone. "He also mentioned about a business opportunity on the island, he spoke briefly on a large support team ready to fulfill johns wishes" Malcolm slams his fist on the table "That bast.."


MemberCompsognathusOct-09-2013 4:59 PM
San jose , 06:00 the rain is beating down heavily in the tropical wilderness of costa rica. The lush green trees swaying in the wind. Dr cortez , a man in his early thirties black hair and tanned , just finished her late shift at the hospital . San jośe had been rather dead the last few weeks . An unusual lack of injuries and visitors . "Hmmm maybe its just the weather" he thought in his head . Cortez packed up his things n left the building. The light still very low as the sun had not yet risen. Cortez ran to his car with his brif case held over his head in act of sheltering from the rain, climbes in his car and started his hourney home. Cortez put on the radio and was heading down the road and sudsenly "FLASH " the lightning brightened up the entire sky . "Vamos" he said " i just want to get home" !!! 10 minutes had past Cortez slammed on his breaks !!!!!!! A blurr of brown went straight accross the road. "What was that" !!! His heart pacing as he thought he nearly hit a local wild boar that tend to scavange in bins around the village . Well surely it was just a bore, he thought. DASH !!!!!! Another brown blur across the road again!! " son of a bitch " !!!!!! RING RING RING RING " hola" " hola juan, its cortez" " is there native birds in costa rica that run on 2 legs?? Cos i think im seeing things!" " No no friend " it must have been a boar!! Even the Biggest lizard we have here is a Basilisk lizard!!" N thats 4 legged . " it had 2 legs !!" The size of a man !! " "Hmmm" juan replied bemused. " are u sure ?? Y not try send me a picture on ur phone if u see any more ! " " Ok my friend adios " "Chao" He put down the phone . He sat there in his car on the lay by inUtter confusion . The rain had stopped and the car had gotten all steamed up from the rain outside so cortez opened his window of his car to get some freah air , maybe he was seeying things. He climbed out n rested his water bottle on the car roof. There in the distance was what looked like a lizard the size of man on two legs , powerfull muscular forlimbs two huge claws on both feet , about 100m away alongside the road. Cortez took out his phone n focused on the animal. It all happened so suddenly first he heard some snarls from the side, then a window smash , and a heavy weight on his back ... he managed to break free from this blinde attacker untill he ws dragged back n there he saw, fangs n the stench of rotten flesh, he heard others near by and then felt a searing pain in his abdoman and then it all went black...............
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