Jurassic World Movies

DelaFights R 1: Siamotyrannus vs Concavevenator

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MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 2:20 PM
Welcome to the third DeltaFights. I had to make a change to the fight schedule. Instead of Aucasasaurus, who my research has found too small, I will have Concavevenator. Lets meet our contestants. Siamotyrannus [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111210210360/cooldinofacts/images/5/52/Siamotyrannus.jpg[/img] Length: 23 feet Height: 7 Hips, 10 Head Weight: 1.7 tons Weapons: Brain, speed, 1330 lb bite force with thick teeth 3 inches long Prey: Iguanadonts Habitat: Forest Behavior: Siamotyrannus is a very territorial dinosaur. Despite this, they are social with other Siamotyrannus from outside of their family, most likely because of their close family bonds. They are quite fast and have been seen running up to 28 mph to chase down a Tenontosaurus. They keep their necks in a recurved position, which is unusual for the tyrannosaurs. It doesn't seem like they have a particular fight style, using ambush, a full on attack, and taking one bite to let it bleed to death. Its brain power is around that of a hawk's or falcon's, and isn't anything special for a tyrannosaur. They live in fairly big groups to accommodate for their being on the smaller side, but it is not rare for the mother to be the only one with her children. This is because the father was killed fighting. The males are the only ones to hunt and protect the family while the females take 24/7 care if her children. Concavevenator [img]http://contentparadise.com/sellers/dinoraul/images/lrg/resize(400,400)/Concavenator_01.jpg[/img] Length: 22 feet Height: 6 Hips, 6.5 Head, 8 Sail Weight: 1.5 tons Weapons: 3 inch teeth, 2 inch hand claws, speed Prey: Hypsilophodonts, Stegosaurs Habitat: Grassland Behavior: Concavevenator is a solitary hunter. It it the color of grass, and the only thing that could show its position is its big sail when it is flushed red with blood. Concavevenator hunts by moving through long grass it in a crouch, not showing much of its body above the grass, but even when standing, it is hard to see. It is an ambush hunter, but only takes a few bites before it runs away and lets its prey bleed to death. It has a bite around 500 lbs, and can close its jaws with incredible speed. They have a very primitive brain, and will attack almost anything that gets in their grass, even if it dwarfs them. Even though it has long arms, it mostly uses its jaws to kill. They use their long hip sail as both a camouflage device, and a mating signal. When used for camouflage, the sail is the only thing above the grass, and it even has stripes that make it look like the grass. It also can flush its sail to ward off rivals and attracts mates, and it makes it very visible on open fields. The Dice Roll today is...... 4: Grasslands!!!!!! The grass is 3 feet tall and a light green. It also stretches for miles. Fight!!! A mother Siamotyrannus is walking with her chick to find a new territory. Her old one was taken from her by an Acrocanthosaurus, and her two children need a safe place to call home. The young Siamotyrannus chicks don't even make it to the top of the grass, but they uses chirps and calls to know where their mother is. Off in the distance, a Concavevenator hears the chirps, and decides to attack whatever is making them. Crouching very low, he moves through the grass with only his large hip sail sticking up, but it camouflages against the grassy background. As the Concavevenator gets close to the small family of Siamotyrannus, the mother starts to get nervous. Her maternal instinct is telling her that something is wrong, that there is a baby Siamotyrannus killer nearby. Suddenly, the mother Siamotyrannus hears a shrill cry. The Concavevenator had sneaked up and bitten one of her chicks. The Concavevenator stands up with the baby Siamotyrannus, dead in its jaws. Then, he turns and runs. The mother Siamotyrannus is shocked, scared, an confused all at the same moment. Then, she gets angry. Her child has just been killed, and now she wants revenge. She tells her other child to stay put, and then she runs after the Concavevenator. The Allosaur is both quicker and more agile than the Siamotyrannus, but carrying a the young Siamotyrannus is slowing him down and more importantly tiring him out. Finally, the Concavevenator stops and turns so that his side faces the mother Siamotyrannus. He drops the dead Siamotyrannus and roars at its angry mother. The mother Siamotyrannus isn't fazed and keeps running at the Concavevenator. The Concavevenator then flushes his sail bright red with blood, which also gives the rest of his body a red tint. The Siamotyrannus doesn't even notice and now, she is very close to her opponent. The Concavevenator roars once again, but the Siamotyrannus ignores it and bites right down on the Allosaur's bright red sail. The Siamotyrannus may have been biting a blood cookie for all the blood that came spilling into her mouth and squirting outwards. The Concavevenator roars in pain, and then the Siamotyrannus jerks her head and snaps the two large spines in half. The Concavevenator, not used to having to fight directly with his prey, roars in pain and spins around wildly. His tail hits the Siamotyrannus and almost knocks her down, but she recovers her balence just in time. The Allosaur then turns to face his opponent and lunges for her throat. His jaws close around the neck of the Siamotyrannus, but he doesn't have a strong enough bite to cause any real damage. His teeth do, however, cut fairly deep and very painful gashes. The Siamotyrannus roars and shakes her head, trying to break free. When she finally does, several of the Concavevenator's teeth either come with her or break in half. The Siamotyrannus swings her head and it slams into the side of the Concavevenator. The Allosaur stumbles, and is knocked down when the angry mother Siamotyrannus full on headbutts him. On the ground, the Concavevenator kicks out wildly with his feet, and manages to catch the Siamotyrannus's snout. The impact cracks the bone and rips through flesh, but the mother ignores it. She uses her great reflexes and snaps at a flailing leg. She hits her mark and gets the Concavevenator's shin in her large jaws. The Concavevenator roars in pain as his shin is crushed by the Siamotyrannus's powerful jaws and thick teeth. The Concavevenator kicks out with his other leg and hits the Siamotyrannus in the chest, knocking her backwards, and making her let go of his leg. The Concavevenator rolls onto his stomach as a surge of pain shoots through his leg. Despite this, he stands up and faces the Siamotyrannus. His broken sail is losing a lot of blood, and it is quickly exhausting him to death. The Concavevenator runs at the mother tyrannosaur and bites down on her snout. His teeth rip through the flesh like a hot knife through butter. Then, he opens and closes her jaws in rapid succession, always cutting up a new part of the Siamotyrannus's face. Finally, the mother Siamotyrannus backs up, but her face has been sucsessfully mangled. The Siamotyrannus then slams into the Concavevenator. She pushes him back, but the Allosaur uses his long arms to make long gashes in her neck. The Siamotyrannus finally pushes the Concavevenator to the ground, but all she gets are more long gashes when the Concavevenator kicks out and slashes at her chest. The Siamotyrannus is still angry at the death of her child, but she is tired, and she can't keep fighting the Concavevenator for much longer. This is what the Concavevenator hopes. He is an Allosaur, and they have lots of stamina to keep fighting for a long time as their prey bleeds to death. The Siamotyrannus isn't going to give up. She keeps trying to bite the underbelly of the Concavevenator, but the Allosaur keeps kicking her away. The Siamotyrannus gives a sudden lunge and tries to bite the neck of the Concavevenator. She avoids the kicking legs and grabs the Allosaur's neck in her jaws. Biting down with 1300 lbs of force, she crushes the fragile neck of the Concavevenator. She holds the dead Allosaur in her jaws for a while, and then she lets it fall. She gives calls to her remaining child, who quickly runs over to where she is. The mother Siamotyrannus then makes a little nest for her child, and claims the grassland as her own with a mighty roar. Winner..... Siamotyrannus!!!! [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/137/6/0/siamotyrannus_in_repose_by_sharkeytrike-d502n2a.jpg[/img] The two fighters where pretty evenly matched, but the Concavevenator made a fatal error. He attack the baby. That set of the Siamotyrannus's rage, and overall sealed the fate of the Allosaur.


8 Replies


MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 2:27 PM
Great fight. I was expecting Siamotyrannus winning from when I read that the Concavenator killed her baby. :D

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 2:31 PM
That does kinda give fights away.



MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 2:34 PM
Yeah. No way you can stop an angry mother ;)

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 3:04 PM
Good fight. Like some of mine, the outcome was a bit predictable, but it was good nonetheless.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-25-2013 3:06 PM
Good fight. I was rooting for Siamo either way.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusSep-25-2013 5:05 PM
Yeah regardless of whether it was predictable or not all of your fights have been pretty entertaining keep up the good work!


MemberCompsognathusSep-28-2013 7:43 PM
Siamotyrannus is cool. I like the last picture. Also, and most importantly, great fight!
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!


MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2013 6:13 AM

Hi folks,

We have translated to Spanish this post for our blog "El Cuaderno de Godzillin". In our post we have specified the original authors both of the text as the ilustrations. We hope not to bother you.


Greetings from Spain!!


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