Jurassic World Movies

What are your thoughts on Colin's New Script

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MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 8:03 AM
Since directer Colin has given a release date to this plot, it seems like he wants to take it all the way. Some may say that the plot sounds awesome and should be filmed ASAP, but others may say it's not a Jurassic Park film. What are your thoughts? Here's mine: I think the plot will be fine as long as they bring back memories from previous jurassic parks (I.e. If raptors broke into a restaurant they could re-imagine raptors in the kitchen.) In terms of cast, I think Jeff Goldblum and Julianne Moore. In TLW, they made a perfect team working together to save San Diego. It would be nice if Sam Neill came in but basically didn't want any part in it. Until Laura Dern got taken to a rex nest and he went to save her in a cool end battle kind of like in King Kong (2005) when King Kong is by his cave and fights the guy for the girl. Then a T-Rex rampages New York (Godzilla references) and Jeff and Julianne save the town. And in the end the two rexes get re-united and "life will find a way". The raptors can break out in tornado alley, and a brachiosaur wanders around the labrea tar pits. And as a climax-a trike v. Trex battle. These are just my thoughts- what are yours?
19 Replies


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 9:32 AM
I'm not saying anything about the plot until I'll get some information. Yes, of course it would be nice if they make a reference from the previous films. Personally, I like the leaked plot running on the internet about the functional park, even if I don't like the tamed dinos at all. But, if Trevorrow had denied the plot, as I said, I will wait for more informations.

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-22-2013 10:43 AM
I think returning to Nublar will have a lot of memories just for being Nublar. I'd love to see Rexy (or at least her skeleton) at some point in the movie. Maybe the Velociraptor skeletons in the visitor centre (and freezer), and perhaps Muldoon's skeleton.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 10:52 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm pretty neutral when it comes to the plot. I just wanna see the dinosaurs as the animals they were. Not the Hollywood monsters they've become.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 11:10 AM
Personally, a new park with a dino escape to the mainland would be cool. The delay was due to Colin's rewriting of the script to be more "epic and ambitious" than the original. A mainland sequence would make sense as the part that makes the movie more epic. As for the characters, only bring back Grant and maybe Tim or Lex, with just cameos of some other older characters. Give us mostly new characters, since this is supposed to be a fresh start for the franchise. I'm writing a script with similar ideas, but it won't be finished for a while.


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 11:53 AM
I want to know what happened to the raptor in the freezer?! Did it get out? Did it die? I hope they show it in jp4



MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:34 PM
I hope that too, even if I don't think they'll show it in JW. But I think she escaped, because -They open doors...-

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:36 PM
Ya, but the door was locked.



MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:40 PM
I know, but they're smart. Maybe she found another way to escape. :)

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:44 PM
Ya, or me be she just busted out of the f Does with seer brute force. And of course, she could pick the lock. Its just a simple slip in thing



MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:47 PM
Right. ;)

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 12:54 PM
The raptors are smart enough to use human tech, or at least will be in a few years. Right now they are learning how to use a tracking devi......... Oh no, I wasn't supposed to say that. Uh, uh, forget what I just said


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-22-2013 12:57 PM
Perhaps the Raptor survived until the power went out, and then managed to break the lock and escaped. That's my best guess.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 1:00 PM
I would understand that it would live. After all, its warm blooded, and there is meat in the freezer



MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 1:07 PM
I agree - the raptor would break out bc everyone knows "life uh uh uh uh finds a way".

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 1:48 PM
If it could break out, it would have broken out and fought the Rex with the Big One and the other raptor. If it did not escape, it would need more than warm blood and meat to survive. Water is important and that meat would run out eventually, especially after over 20 years.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusSep-22-2013 2:09 PM
Maybe it just broken the door after the fight with the t-rex, then it ran into the jungle and survived whit natural pray.

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusSep-23-2013 10:49 AM
what if one of hammond's family members went to nublar to try and get specimens for JP San Diego and everyone (except Ian's kid and the cast if JP 3) goes there to stop them. Then Grant and he other guys go on a raft down the river (like in JP novel) and Satler and Harding stay in the control room to alert them of Dinos. Then raptors can attack the girls and a Spino can mess with the boys plus many other action sequences


MemberCompsognathusSep-23-2013 1:16 PM
That's not a bad idea. I'd watch it, but it doesn't follow the name "jurassic world"



MemberCompsognathusSep-23-2013 5:09 PM
I think in the end Hammond should be shown dead and Malcolm should, on an interview, say this : " he did, uh, have one last wish." Then the news anchor covering the story cuts to the interview from the end of tlw where he says the animals should liver peacefully and that if we let them be "life will find a way"
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