Jurassic World Movies

My Jurassic World Plot Idea

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-11-2013 8:15 PM
I decided to write my own plot idea for the new Jurassic Park. Sorry I wasn't very descriptive, hopefully you get the idea based off the dialogue (that's the main thing I have). Rexy's Rampage is what inspired this, and with DinoFights's permission, I included it in here. Without further adu, Enjoy. John Hammod's mansion San Diego, March 2013 Opens with a slideshow of the Park in 1993. "And this is what the island looks like now" Shows another couple images of park in 2012. "So what exactly do you plan on doing with the island Mr. Hammod?" "I have so many plans and ideas, but it would require your help Mr. Wolfley." "What do you want me to do? It's an island filled with dinosaurs, four people died on it!" "That's because Dennis shut the power off and all the dinosaurs escaped." "So back to my question, what do you want me to do?" "I want you to capture the dinosaurs after we rebuild the park." "How do plan on rebuilding the park with all the dinosaurs still there?" "I'm pretty sure there are only herbivores on the island, we only had a few carnivores." "What carnivores did you have?" "We had three Velociraptors, but one got locked in a freezer and the other two got killed. We had a Dilophosaurus, we had just released a pack of Ceratosaurus, and we had-" "What killed the Velociraptors?" "If you had been patient, I would have continued to tell you we had a T-Rex." "A T-Rex? No way, I'm not going on that island, too risky." "We had one T-Rex on that island over twenty years ago. She was twenty something when she escaped, there's no way she could still be alive. Even if she was, she'd probably be extremely slow, weak, and a full time scavenger." "What's killing things for this old Rex that may or may not be alive to eat?" "Well, I did say we had just released a pack of Ceratosaurus, so probably those." "Ok John, you have a deal. On one condition." "That is?" "I get free admission for me and family when you re-open that park." "You have a deal." South Isla Nublar, August 2013 Shows construction site with heavy machinery, scaffolding, building frames up, and the foreman has blueprints in his hand. "Alright guys, we're on a tight schedule, John wants this park to be complete by July 2015." "We're working as fast as we can! Buildings don't just pop up over night!" "I get it Dave! We've been here over a month and we only have one building up!" "Shut up Larry! At least I'm actually-" Dave gets cut of by another worker's yelling. "Larry! Get over here! You need to see this!" "What is it Jordan?" "I found a skeleton! It's all mangled, and the head, it's...... I don't how to say this, scratched?" "What to mean? How badly scra- Holy crap! That's bad! What the hell did Hammod keep on this island? What's this over here?" Larry reaches down and pulls up a Franchi SPAS 12 from the ground. "What the hell is a freakin' shotgun doing here? And what killed this poor person?" Larry reaches for his cell phone, goes to contacts, and calls Hammod. A phone rings in Hammod's mansion, and he answers it. "John, what the hell was on this island? One of my men just found a mangled skeleton. The head was all scratched up, and we found a shotgun of some sort." "Do you know what kind of shotgun? Does it fire?" "Of course it doesn't fire! It's been in the ground for years! I'm going to try right...." BOOM! BOOM! "What the heck did you just do Larry?" "It fired and I dropped it, so it fired again. Luckily no one was hurt." "Yes, very lucky." "What about the skeleton?" "Load it into a crate and ship it here. I want to have a good look at it. Ship the shotgun too." "Sure thing sir." "Alright men! Get the body and shotgun in a crate and shipped to Hammod's mansion ASAP!" North Isla Nublar, August 2013 Helicopter flying over an open plain with herbivores running in all directions away, four or five drop from the effects of tranquilizers. "Wolfley, what should we do with these dinosaurs?" "Same as the others, bring 'em to the holding pen." "Alright sir. How many darts do we have left?" "Just enough to finish today's round." One year later John Hammod's mansion, April 2014 "Alright John, my men have captured over a hundred herbivores and there was no signs of any carnivores the whole seven months." "You say that like its a bad thing." "I kind of wanted to see one, those ones are cooler if you ask me. I guess on the bright side, we didn't see that T-Rex you warned me about." Hammod sighs and shakes his head. "I just wanted to see Rexy before she died. Did you find a Rex skeleton on your adventures?" "No, I didn't, sorry Mr. Hammod." "It's fine, seems like she disappeared without a trace. Old bat was always kind of elusive." "I can keep looking if you wish, I want to see a carnivore real bad." "If you want to see a carnivore, go to the mountains, they like it up there." "I'll check it out." North Isla Nublar, September 2014 "Alright men, break time!" "Thank you, I really had to go." "Sure thing Joe." Joe goes to a large tree and a large shadow appears and Joe is carried off by a large, but not huge, predator. When the break is over, Joe still hasn't returned, so Larry decides to check it out. "Joe! Joe where are you!?" Suddenly, Larry hears a low growl. "Very funny Joe, I know it's you." A Ceratosaurus steps out and looks at Larry. Larry looks at the Ceratosaurus, which still has parts of Joe in its teeth, and turns to run. While he ran, he yelled at the other men, and they scattered. "Twenty, twenty one. That's everyone but Larry." Larry runs in, bleeding heavily and missing a hand. "And everyone's here." "What the hell was that?" "It looked like one of those Cerata, Cerato, whatever the hell the thing with the three horns on its face that isn't Triceratops asaurus." "I don't know what that was, but it bit my freaking hand off!" West Isla Nublar, that same day. "Have you seen any carnivores boss?" "No. You?" "No." Kkkkkkkkk "Wolfley, do you read me?" kkkkkkk "Yeah, what is it?" Kkkkkkkk "I'm up in the northern part of the island and I see a couple carnivores!" Kkkkkkkkk "I'll be there in a minute!" North Isla Nublar, five minutes later. "How many do you see?" "I see one." "Ok, go for it." "There has to be a second one somewhere around here." After the Ceratosaurus is tranquilized, the crew muzzle it and look for a second one. "Wolfley, come here quick! I found a nest!" "No way! John's going love this for the park." There was a sudden roar, and the crew went to check it out. *I requested DinoFights's permission to use Rexy's Rampage Suddenly, a quick bit of pain hits the Ceratosaurus' neck and he turns, seeing a woman holding his babies, his mate bound and muzzled on the ground, blackness and blurry silhouettes before he falls. He is muzzled and bound too as the chief Jurassic Park dinosaur control officer, James Wolfley, calls for the helicopter. A younger boy named Edward Morrison, his assistant, looks at the Ceratosaurus. "Beautiful, isn't it?", Morrison says in awe. "Ha", Wolfley laughs humorlessly, "It's the ugliest thing I've seen in weeks. Even without all the scars, gashes, exposed bones, creepy eyes and big teeth, Ceratosaurus are monstrosities." says Wolfley. "Not appearance wise, sir. Just... Beautiful..." "If you mean captivating, yes. Attractive physically? Hell no." "Code 7! Vampire!" Yells one team member. In a matter of seconds, Wolfley whips out his tranquilizer gun and darts the Balaur, code name vampire, that escaped its crate. "I think that's the last of 'em. Let's head back to the park and put these ones in the enclosures." says Morrison. A helicopter lowers a cable supported stretcher down to the entangled Cristatusaurus as a worker tranquilizes it and cuts it free, dropping it onto the gurney below it. He straps it down and flies it away as Morrison watches. "Okay, so I was wrong. That was the last." He says. They prepare to take the last of the dinosaurs to the park as the sun reaches its peak in the sky. As the final dinosaurs are loaded in to the choppers, the ground shakes. Everyone stands still, hearing the sound and feeling it. "Oh sh-" "Shhhh", Wolfley interrupts Morrison. "Calling sniper chopper 267a, it's the big bi-" A recognizable and famous roar cuts him off. A grin crosses his face as the Tyrannosaurus rex, the oldest and first created, Rexy, comes into view. At 50 years old, she measures 48 feet long and weighs 9.5 tons. It was never determined if she was naturally freakishly big, measuring 40 feet at age 14 and 46 feet at age 30, or if she just grew huge due to a DNA mutation caused by InGen. She's extremely old, can't hear well, she has cataracts, is slow and primarily a scavenger, but she's still a big beast. With an earsplitting roar, she opens her mouth and tries to eat the group of people nearest to her. They scatter as she runs at them and many of them jump on the departing helicopters, only a few members of the team staying. Several Ceratosaurus tranquilizers hit her from the helicopter, but she easily shrugs off the tiny darts. Wolfley pulls out his Jurassic Park issue "Rex Rifle" for the largest freak carnivores and asks Morrison for his backpack. Barely able to move in terror-induced paralysis, he manages to drop it. Wolfley grabs the dart box with his special darts and climbs a tree. The Tyrannosaurus pushes down a towering Wollemia. The people who climbed it make a desperate leap towards another, many people failing and hitting the ground. Rexy smashes a few with her foot before picking up an obese man in her jaws. She shakes him side to side before gulping him down. By then, several team members have crawled into the wreckage of a food trailer. Rexy tries to shove her head in if, but fails as she is too big. The crew inside is relieved when she leaves, but stricken with horror once again when her teeth pierce the trailer and she kicks it over. Placing her foot over the hiding prey, she starts to press down and they scream. Suddenly, a dart hits her in the thigh. She whips around with a roar, looking at the twelve inch needle jammed into her leg. She tries to bite it and pull it out, but she might as well be chasing her tail. Another hits her in the shoulder, but she sees the source this time: James Wolfley. With that infamous roar, she charges the tree they are in and rams it. It teeters and Morrison cries, babbling about not wanting to die. Wolfley throws a branch at Rexy and it hits her in the head. With a snort, she continues to shove the tree. With a loud crack, the gigantic tree falls, wiping out the helicopters carrying Rexy's containment unit that was lowering down. The sniper helicopter, however, is still behind her. The 267a team hit her with a barrage of darts and she stumbles. Drool falls from her mouth as she shakes her enormous and groggy head. A rescue chopper swoops down to scoop up the team in the trailer, but before it can, Rexy dashes for it. She bites its tail and it falls down, its blades spinning. She wisely backs away as she looks at her missing arm, her vision blurry. The team had come out to be rescued but half of the ten ended up being mulched by the blades. Morrison vomits from the fallen tree and passes out, being even more immobile now than he was before with broken legs after the fall. Wolfley jumped to another tree and sees Rexy approaching his limp body. Wolfley desperately shoots her eye and she stops with a howl of pain. Relieved, he shoots her sensitive nose and once again she yelps loudly. Suddenly, with one final dart strike, she falls, her multiton head crushing the helicopter pieces. As a calm falls over the forest, Wolfley surveys the damage. At least twenty people dead, five helicopters destroyed, Morrison wounded badly and out of ammo. Better than Wolfley thought they'd do. A helicopter team of five with five guard choppers load Rexy up and take her to her new paddock. She looks at her surroundings with her cloudy eyes, her vision much clearer than usual after the surgery she was asleep through, the darts gone and a large multilayered plexiglass wall in front of her enclosure. She pushes against it but can't get out. Confused and a little frightened, the nearly 50 foot dinosaur walks around, looking at her surroundings. A waterfall, a pool, a "mountain" built by InGen in the back, a mud hole to roll in, ferns, trees, a baobab with a cave carved into it, meat lying on the ground... Meat lying on the ground! Rexy eats it tentatively and looks around every now and then. After finishing, she looks at the dark sky. The stars spread across it and she meanders around more. She looks through the glass again and sees a Tarbosaurus on the other side. The two tyrants look at each other through a long but not tall hole in the glass, the Tarbosaurus in awe of her neighbor's size. A Zhuchengtyrannus that shares the habitat with Tarbosaurus is awaken by his friend's immense size. The female Bistahieversor in their habitat, still a juvenile, looks at the giant next to them. Not afraid, she climbs the Tarbosaurus' back and steps on his head, putting her head through the hole in the glass and smelling Rexy. Having been hear longer, she knows that Rexy was recently captured, still smelling of the wild. Rexy nudges her nose and the two newfound friends stare at each other warmly. Suddenly, Rexy hears the voices from her subconscious more clearly behind her. She turns away from her neighbors and looks at the people outside, walking over to them. An old man and some people in suits stand there. The old man... She knows him. Mr. Hammond smiles as Rexy turns her head, the people behind him gaping at her size before signing some papers. She growls happily as she looks at the old man and the familiar writing on the banner above her: Jurassic Park Carnivore Block Rexy is home. "That's the first dinosaur we created. We called her Rexy." "Fascinating John, how is she so big?" "Can't say I know for sure. She was always big. Nice to see she's getting along with her neighbours. She has to be at least fifty, so she won't be around much longer, but I have a special place reserved for her grave." "And that is?" "It's her original Paddock. She seemed to have enjoyed her time there, and I love her like one of the family, though my grandchildren might not." A loud roar is heard from a distance, Spinosaurus. Then, Rexy's roar is heard. Hammod immediately freaks out, and with good reason. Staff is at the paddock within five minutes with tranqulizers and fire hoses, but it's too late. Rexy stands over the Spinosaurus, bleeding heavily and barely moving, and looks at it, but decides not to kill it because it wasn't a big threat to her. Hammod, and the staff, is relieved to watch the Spinosaurus stand and run back to it's own paddock, realizing Rexy is going to be much tougher than the previous Tyrannosaurus that it had fought years ago. Later, Hammod is informed that it was a failure in the locking mechanism for the paddocks, and that it has been fixed. Rexy looks up at the banner above her, shuts her eyes, and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, the Spinosaurus wades through the river that goes through its paddock, looking for fish. When he gets out of the water, it looks at it's wound on his reflection on the water, and realizes how safe he is in the paddock. Several months later Rexy wakes up, and looks at the walkway, expecting Hammod with a piece of meat of some sort, but instead, sees all kinds of people with cameras, and starts looking for something to eat. The movie ends with the camera scanning over a few paddocks, all of which have people with cameras taking pictures of the dinosaurs, and then, it shows a poster that reads: Welcome to Rexy's territory. This female Tyrannosaurus is easily the largest one ever, and at fifty two years of age, is also the oldest. Please enjoy your time with Rexy, and don't forget to take pictures. At the bottom of the poster, is a picture of Rexy and Hammod. It shows Rexy reaching up, and Hammod is rubbing her snout. That's where we shall leave off for this idea. Sorry if some of the things didn't line up, you get the idea.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

6 Replies


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 8:52 PM
Nice use of my story! I really like your plot and everything! I agree that Rexy would be too much for Spinosaurus "aegypticus" (I've always theorized it was a mislabeled maroccanus because of its small size at only 43 feet and strange dual crests, curved teeth, short sail, oddly positioned hands, big head, etc.) and I really like your concept. Amazing!
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-11-2013 9:01 PM
It was your story that inspired the whole thing. Thanks.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 9:02 PM
Nice. It was a good story and some nice battles. Nice reference to Muldoon by the way ;)
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-11-2013 9:05 PM
Thanks. If we can't have him back, might as well have some reference

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 10:21 PM
I think it wouldve been a tad nicer if someone found his hat that was a relitive of him... sad happy eh... any who, Found this picture, twas concept art for JP1 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/971292_592437550791152_1310013108_n.jpg[/img] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1044867_592437720791135_1519703324_n.jpg[/img] So, I think, You should either do a "jurassic park world: part 2 OR a sequel story, this was damn good... (i have a plot story in the works and this kicks its ass...)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-12-2013 5:39 AM
I wanted to have it set up a sequel, the park in operation, everyone's happy, what could go wrong? Lots. I will think about the thing with Muldoon's hat and a relative.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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