Jurassic World Movies

Upset by the change of Park to World

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MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 3:31 PM
I am disappointed to say the least, imagine for a second hearing John Hammond say Welcome to Jurassic World, where is the magic? Its not there, JP is a very important part of my childhood and I was under the impression our glorious director was making this for the fans like he said and changing the name of what we are so passionate and protective over is kind of like a slap in the face. I understand the franchise needs new direction and ideas but don't drop the name, this sounds like something Disney would do :/ If anything I was happy with just JP IV but if a new title is wanted then make Jurassic Park the sur title as the Lost World did. Please let me know how you feel about this. Seeing the change of this website as well has docked my faith, the Jurassic jungle is gone and now it feels too shiny. Maybe its just me but I don't want to be hurt by another bad movie
10 Replies


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 4:31 PM
I will say that I agreed with you when I saw the change. In fact, I was so amazingly upset, that I looked for the clip from The Office where Steve Carell's character repeatedly shouted "NO! GOD NO! OH GOD! NO!" to express myself, and I posted it onto one of the pages I liked that gave me the update. However, when I got to thinking about it, I think it could work, given how the world isn't a park. Let's just hope Colin Trevorrow, who is being touted as not half bad, can do us right.
This is their last chance...

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 4:53 PM
I don't mind it. I don't think it's the best name they could have come up with, but it's alright. As far as the site change goes, I like it just fine.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 5:51 PM
As much as i dont like how much creativity 'aint going to go through this (the title... j-just gives everything away...) But I guess i'll end up accepting it one day... ALL I KNOW... is that we are going to see a lot of merchandise like in the first one

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 6:36 PM
JURASSIC PARK: RESURRECTION That should have been the title.


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 6:37 PM
You know, the name change could just be for this one particular movie in the franchise, it's still Jurassic Park to me, I think it has to do with the story mainly. If Universal is planning to do 2 more JP movies after this one, chances are they'll go back to the famous and traditional name as we all know. I don't mind it though, hey look at the bright side, at least it's still back to the original logo of the t-rex. I think the new site design here is cool too.


MemberCompsognathusSep-11-2013 6:41 PM
It could mean that there is going to be 2 more movies that are also called Jurassic World. After all, I heard somewhere that jp4 is the start to a new trilogy. Not sure how true it is, but all I want is to see man sized velociraptors eat people in true jp fashion.



MemberCompsognathusSep-12-2013 12:23 AM
I guess we'll find out in time. Same here, as well as see a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex swallow up people in one bite.


MemberCompsognathusSep-12-2013 4:26 AM
SCRuler thank you I was beginning to think I was alone in my opinion, I know at some point I will force myself to like it but my first thought was "oh god oh god were all going to die" from firefly haha! I hope that this isn't a permanent name change. And Resurrection is a great name!!! Seems like the studio should really ask the fans first about these things, but I agree with you guys, classic man sized raptors running through the park eating people and making the Rex kick some spino ass will set my dislike for the title aside...but notice I still said park and not world haha As far as the new site goes its growingon me but I'm still rather fond of the classic jungle look And I'm super stoked for all the new merch coming out for this movie, the original toys and stuff from the first was the greatest!! I'm still holding out for another pair of JP pajamas and sheets haha


MemberCompsognathusSep-12-2013 4:37 AM
But I feel like the conversation between Ian Malcolm and John Hammond describes this movie literally to a T. "You see I'm not going to make the same mistakes again" "No you're making all new ones John"....let's hope the team working on this movie taps into that because so far all they've done is make new mistakes. Its simple. All we want is: Nublar, theme park, t rex crushing fords and the cast from the first two movies somehow and ignore the third one


MemberCompsognathusSep-12-2013 4:53 AM
I don't know why everyone hates the title. It doesn't make sense to call the film Jurassic "park" when none but the first movie actually took place in the park. Besides, the very likely general plot outline still seems solid: Pteranodon cause trouble frequently since 2001, people run and try to survive. Pteranodon takes on a third-class villain role throughout the film. Original villains are reintroduced. Non-important characters die. Tyrannosaurus takes the spotlight as a big lumbering brute that crushes things, Velociraptor mauls people. Troodon (I'm guessing) is introduced after hints earlier on. Troodon outsmarts people, more people die. Velociraptors and/or Tyrannosaurus take up an antihero role Dinosaurs stand triumphant (guessing dinosaurs because people flee the island) Good general idea enough for me. I'm glad Spinosaurus is pretty much confirmed to not be appearing because, while it is big and scary, it was introduced in the wrong way and it will take a long time to live that down. Not to veer off topic, but Spino is hated for all the wrong reasons. We don't need a Rex vs Spino II, we need to move on. And with that, I think the movie will be good regardless of the title. The title isn't bad, it's just different. That's like, as my son pointed out, calling a movie "Madagascar" when only one of the movies took place on the island. Jurassic Park worked because it took place in a park full of dinosaurs. New stuff. The Lost World worked because it was taking place on a forgotten island, packed with dinosaurs that escaped. JP3 worked because... Well, it really didn't need another name. Jurassic World works because the dinosaurs are expanding, plus it's fresh, not a sequel called "Jurassic Park 4", something that would have made it sound old and washed up (which it's not).
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