Jurassic World Movies

Last Fight Of Round 2: Megaraptor vs Kelmayisaurus vs Daspletosaurus

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MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 8:52 AM
Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to my daily DinoFight. I always appreciate my loyal readers, but for those of you who are new, every day I pit two of the most formidable dinosaurs to ever exist against one another in a fight to the death (most of the time). Medium division, round fight 24: Megaraptor vs Kelmayisaurus vs Daspletosaurus *Sorry, once again I'm running short on time and have to copy and past old files. InGen File: Megaraptor [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110120135244/jurassicpark/images/c/c0/True_Megaraptor.jpg[/img] Code Name: None Danger Level: Very dangerous Height: 12 feet Length: 26 feet Weight: 3 tons Speed: 34 mph Diet: Various herbivores, fish Weapons: Bite, claws, speed Description: Megaraptor is a rare dinosaur from site B that has spread to Nublar and thrived. They are more common there for some reason, presumably because their original habitat is closer to that of Isla Nublar. Males are smaller than females but are more aggressive and use their enormous spinosaur-like claws to catch prey and fight. They proved to be very hard to keep from escaping due to the jumping ability all Allosaurids possess, though none have escaped. They preferred a mixed diet of fish and goats, and they liked playing with their prey before eating it. They toss it up in the air then catch it in their jaws and shake it around vigorously, then drop it and repeat until content. Females bonded with the keepers while males attacked them and almost killed two. One died of injuries but the other recovered. They are a tannish grey with a white underbelly, yellow stripes and red crests above their eyes. They roar loudly at dawn like a giant rooster, and their calls are high-pitched like a mountain lion screams. The roars were described as "disturbing" by some keepers. Unlike other allosaurids, it is only aggressive if provoked or, in the males' case, if they are around their mate. Megaraptor seems to despise real dromaeosaurs and constantly eat their young, and the raptors do the same. Due to their non-aggressive nature, four females are being caught for the new park where they will have a ceilinged habitat to prevent escape, much like the true dromaeosaurs. InGen File: Kelmayisaurus [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/363/7/6/_ea_by_PaleoPastori.jpg[/img] Code Name: Killer Danger Level: Extremely dangerous Height: 13 feet Length: 33 feet Weight: 3 tons Speed: 33 mph Diet: Carnivore Weapons: Bite, speed Description: Kelmayisaurus was notorious for being violent. They were cannibalistic and frequently broke out, totaling around 13 times. They ate four workers and severely mauled over fifteen, then killed the future star sauropod, a "Brontosaurus", which was a one of a kind lab created hybrid of a Camarasaurus and Apatosaurus over their escapes. They now dwell in the mountain range of Sorna with the other carcharodontosaurids. Though smaller, they exceed them in aggression and intelligence. They are strategic and fast predators that often fight with other inhabitants of the valley, ranging anywhere from the Troodon to the largest Giganotosaurus alphas. Their teeth are very sharp and effective at inflicting fatal wounds on sauropods, though instead of attacking sauropods, most of the time they let the larger dinosaurs kill them before scaring them away. Due to their very huge packs and extremely aggressive behavior, larger dinosaurs often wait for them to finish before dining. Kelmayisaurus are usually dark brown in color with white or black stripes on their backs. There are two packs and the members of each are identical to the others in their pack and are all females because all of the originals were cloned from the same individual. The other pack are their offspring and have black stripes. They can reproduce without males because of their DNA mutation that likely came from frog DNA. Because of this, they are going to be excluded from the new park. They would need a larger paddock if they reproduced. DNA, as usual, is requested just in case. Only one individual, an alpha named Kelsey, is sterile and could be kept, but her entire pack would defend her and she, as we have learned, is impossible to capture. InGen File: Daspletosaurus [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/137/1/3/albertosaurus_by_sharkeytrike-d502kos.jpg[/img] Code Name: Steel jaw Also Known As: Chomper Danger Level: Very dangerous Height: 12 feet Length: 30-36 feet Weight: 3 tons Speed: 28 mph Diet: Carnivore Weapons: Bite, speed Description: Daspletosaurus is a tyrannosaur that inhabits Isla Sorna. They hunts in packs of up to 10 members as subadults but adults are either solitary or hunt in pairs, sometimes taking their young along with them to teach them how to hunt. Like its descendant, Tyrannosaurus, males are dark brown to light green with black stripes and brown eyes while females are a solid brown to green, slightly larger and have yellow eyes. They actually closely resemble Tyrannosaurus rex down to the last detail but are slightly less robust, have longer legs, lighter bones and more prominent eye crests. Large females have been reported to grow up to 36 feet long in the wild. Interestingly, though they don't directly compete with any dinosaur full time, they loathe most other species, especially Allosaurus fragilis, and will fight them to the death. They occasionally form packs and interbreed with other tyrannosaurs but the packs are short lived being that they all share different habitats naturally and enjoy different prey. Daspletosaurus, for example, enjoys ceratopsians, Gorgosaurus specializes in hadrosaur hunting, Albertosaurus mostly takes speedy small prey and Teratophoneus is primarily a scavenger. They can and in one case did successfully breed with a Tyrannosaurus and the offspring were fertile. They closely resembled Tarbosaurus in shape and size but shared a color pattern with Tyrannosaurus and Daspletosaurus. Though they have never escaped, Daspletosaurus have badly injured two trainers by giving them affectionate bites. In spite of this every employee has stated that they enjoyed working with them due to their friendliness and easy trainability. They got their code name, "steel jaw", from one incident when a frightened Gigantoraptor kicked a Daspletosaurus in the jaw and left nothing more than a scratch while it would have shattered the jaw of most other dinosaurs. Despite the fact that it was found to be that the Gigantoraptor had only clipped it instead of actually kicked it full on the Daspletosaurus has been rumored to have survived adult bull Ankylosaurus tail blows to the face on the Internet, something that is impossible but still heavily rumored. The tyrannosaurs will be featured in the 2015 park as possibly another performing animal but if they can't perform without attacking they will instead be normal attractions. FIGHT! A Megaraptor is out looking for a territory. He is on the northern side of Isla Sorna, heading south, when she looks to see the the hulking mountains, normally only on the horizon, just a small distance aways. He heads towards them when suddenly she sees a nice clearing at the base of them. It's got a creek running through it, some Estemmenosuchus in the water, a few Ticinosuchus on the mountain it flows from, a bunch of small herbivores, trees to hide behind and it's just a walk away from the sauropod migration path, judging by footprints he saw earlier. In a word; paradise. But a Daspletosaurus, also looking for territory, comes from the west. Measuring a bit over 30 feet long, she sees that this other dinosaur apparently possessing this land is smaller and thus intimidatable. She raises her feathers on her neck and head and roars at him but he roars back, seeing through her intimidation. This territory is good enough for him to risk everything for, and he plans on fighting for it. The Megaraptor runs the Daspletosaurus, claws ready and jaws open. With a fearsome roar the Daspletosaurus charges as well, meeting the Megaraptor with a bite. She bites the Megaraptor on the snout but the Megaraptor's giant claw rips through his shoulder and flays it open, leaving a brutal wound. The Daspletosaurus pulls away and a deafening roar rips through the air, but it is not the tyrannosaur's nor the Megaraptor's. It is a Kelmayisaurus, angry at the intruders in her territory. She joins the party, biting the Daspletosaurus on the shoulder and turning to the side, her tail whipping the Megaraptor in the face and knocking him over. The Daspletosaurus tries to get away but can't free himself without harm, the Kelmayisaurus' teeth carving through his flesh like butter as soon as she turned and he pulled. The tyrannosaur headbutts her and she stumbles back, the just standing Megaraptor tackling her and slicing at her chest with a shriek. He leaves a series of slices along her chest and rib cage, exposing her bones before she bites his face and shreds the skin off of it. He still grips her with his powerful arms and wrestles his face away from her jaws. The Megaraptor pushes her jaw up with one arm while holding her chest down with the other, preparing to bite her neck but the Daspletosaurus sinks his teeth into the back of the Megaraptor. It turns and frees the Kelmayisaurus, slashing the Daspletosaurus' face. A wound to the face being nothing new to her, she easily shakes it off and gets a good bite to his foot, pulling him off of the Kelmayisaurus. She steps on his tail and leans down, biting his thigh and tearing a piece of it off. Just for good measure, she steps on his leg and breaks it. Before she can deliver the death blow, the Kelmayisaurus is up and distracts her with a roar, giving the Megaraptor a chance to escape. The two circle each other and the Daspletosaurus makes the first move, headbutting her opponent. The Kelmayisaurus retaliates with a bite to the face, but the Daspletosaurus come back with a face bite of her own after breaking free. Her teeth pierce the skull of the Kelmayisaurus at the nose and the two wrestle around, the Kelmayisaurus trying to break free while the Daspletosaurus tries to twist the Kelmayisaurus' neck. The two swing each other around, locked in a stalemate power match, when suddenly the wounded Megaraptor throws itself on top of the Daspletosaurus. He bites it on the neck but she has just enough feathers to protect her vital jugular vein, at least long enough for the Kelmayisaurus to attack the Megaraptor. She pulls the smaller animal off with ease and uses her razor sharp teeth to tear its back open. Surprisingly, it whips around and kicks her in the jaw using its good leg. When she leans down to attack it, it spears her through the lower jaw and pulls her down, snapping its jaws at her neck but she pulls to the side, instead suffering a bite to the arm. Its serrated blade-like teeth sheer her arm off before she can attack it. It gouges her eye out with its other claw before it is pulled from beneath her. The Daspletosaurus has him by the tail and yanks it a back before biting again, getting a good grip on the middle of its tail. The Kelmayisaurus stands and bites the Megaraptor on the upper neck. The tyrannosaur and the carcharodontosaur look at one another before running in different directions, killing the Megaraptor. The Kelmayisaurus still wants to defend her territory. She runs towards the Daspletosaurus that still holds the Megaraptor's tail, snapping her scissor-like jaws shut on the back of the tyrannosaur's head. The Daspletosaurus pulls away and returns the favor, closing her mouth on the Kelmayisaurus' skull. Her powerful jaws pierce bone and crush the Kelmayisaurus' lower jaw. It shakes her off and teeth break off in her skull. The Daspletosaurus headbutts her in the chest and she stumbles back, tripping over the Megaraptor's body and smacking her head on a log. The Daspletosaurus is quick to take advantage, running to the fallen animal. She stands over her and mauls the carcharodontosaur, tearing at her exposed ribs. The groggy Kelmayisaurus hooks her claws into the Daspletosaurus' head, biting it but getting shaken off. The Daspletosaurus bites her neck and holds it, waiting for her to suffocate. Its long teeth pierce her windpipe and she slowly runs out of breath. After a few minutes of struggling, the Kelmayisaurus is no more. The Daspletosaurus roars and the fearsome sound echoes through the jungles, scaring off a flock of scavenging Pteranodon. WINNER: DASPLETOSAURUS [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/288/2/e/albetosaurus_pack_by_tlmolly86-d4cycmc.jpg[/img] The bites were equally devastating for the larger competitors, and while the Megaraptor made up for its inferior bite with ripping claws, its size was its major flaw. In a fight where Daspletosaurus faced an animal of equal size, it came down to the Megaraptor as the X-factor that decided Daspletosaurus winning. SEASON 2 FINAL UPDATE I will be posting a fight every day until season 2 ends and quite a few bonus fights have been cut to make up for the lack of time I have. I will be getting married on the 19th and have lots of planning and inviting to do (really hard since I'm antisocial and don't like calling people) starting today, so I won't be around much. I'll post a schedule of bonus fights in one of the upcoming fights. Afterwards I'll be gone for a few weeks in Maui, but I'll update you guys on season 3's premier soon. It will go much smoother and be much better quality (not to mention more accurate) than season 1 & 2. I promise!
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!
17 Replies

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MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 10:12 AM
First, I love the fight. Second, I love the Daspletosaurus victory picture. Third, congratulations on the wedding! Fourth, aw! I want to go to Maui!

Black spino 44

MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 10:51 AM
Brilliantly written ,although I was voting for the kelmanysaurus I still think daspletosaurus would of won.Well done.Im also starting a a site B story called the life of long claw.


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 11:57 AM
Thank you both, and what's the story about?
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!

Black spino 44

MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 1:39 PM
It's about a young therizinosaurus who is alone after the jurassic park staff take his family to the Isla nublar petting zoo.Also a pack of American/European torvosaurus try to hunt him down since his parents killed the alpha


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 1:43 PM
Awesome fight. Brutal. Man, that megaraptor was in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the jaws of the Das and kelmayasaurus or however you spell it.


Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 2:48 PM
Great fight. Go Das! Congrats on the wedding man. Don't worry, I've got those bonus fights I'm doing for you and my upcoming fight to keep everyone occupied ;)
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 2:54 PM
Thanks everyone!
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexSep-09-2013 2:58 PM
Great fight and congratulations. I'm antisocial too (family gatherings and high school are awful for me).

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 3:23 PM
I hate people too, and I'm homeschooled. Only my sister and me for class, haha.



MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 4:41 PM
Great Fight even if i was rooting for Kelmayisaurus!


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 5:20 PM
Thanks again everyone. I never expected so may antisocial people and Kelmayisaurus supporters hahaha
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 7:31 PM
I'm rooting for Ceratosaurus to win in the next round.



MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 8:04 PM
Size is roughly even, they go shot for shot in speed, agility, weapons and everything, really. It will certainly be interesting to write.
Announcement Coming Soon Prepare yourselves, DinoFans!


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 8:08 PM
AMAZING! I LOVE THIS FIGHT! Not to be mean but its in my top 3 it was my third. Rex Fan's season finale and my first BR3

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2013 8:18 PM
Which season finale? The last chapter of The Fight To Survive or one of the Clash of... seasons? Just curious. Rooting for Ceratosaurus for the next one too.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Black spino 44

MemberCompsognathusSep-10-2013 12:48 AM
I've just released part one of my jp story,the life of Longclaw


MemberCompsognathusDec-03-2014 3:20 PM

yay this was an epic fight but i was going for kelmayisaurus good fight though

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