Jurassic World Movies

Protoceratosaurus/Ceratosaurus in Jurassic Park 4?

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MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 2:30 PM
I recently watched jurassic park and I remember seeing an thing that said protoceratosaurus in one of the DNA columns. It is a but like Metricanthosaurus as one that you don't see except for there. I wonder if it will be in jurassic park 4. Protoceratosaurus could make an apperently in jurassic park 4 as Ceratosaurus did in jp3, or it could have just been mislabel like Metri/Yangchuanosaurus and have a more important role, aka chasing and killing somebody, or being chased off by velociraptors. What do you think, and I don't have any pics for this, sorry. Just watch jurassic park for yourself and then you'll see.


9 Replies


MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 2:49 PM
I'm sure Ceratosaurus will show up. Just a feeling, but I'm sure somebody gets eaten...
Future Team Raptor member


MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 3:07 PM
You know, me too. And I hope a raptor eats somebody, and it would be really cool to have Ceratosaurus in jp4.



MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 3:16 PM
I'd imagine colin would if he could put it in, But, we're on nublar, not sorena, meaning that we're only going to see the previous speices on the island, BUT.... heres an idea, they did hatch some eggs on the island, in the book there was a large cradle rocking eggs mark xxxx, meaning they didn't know what species it was... colin might try this vantage point for the mysterious predator horner mentioned...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 3:44 PM
Interesting. AI really ant wait for jp4. It better be good for all the time we have to wait.



MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 4:00 PM
It's proceratosaurus, not protoceratosaurus. And I'm guessing that carnotaurus will finally make an appearance, and therefore ceratosaurus will not make an appearance in JP4 (to avoid confusion between the two, like the confusion about ceratosaurus that arose when JP3 came out).


MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 4:21 PM
Agreed. If Carnotaurus appears, Ceratosaurus won't. I really hope one of them appears.
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MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 5:02 PM
I like Ceratosaurus and would like to see it get more screen time. The problem with Proceratosaurus is, it's small. They already have the raptors and Compies. Big predators are the ones that make impressions on people, with the exception of the raptors. I don't see them having a third small species. BTW, despite it's name, Proceratosaurus is actually a tyrannosaur. [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101129204852/jurassicpark/images/e/eb/Proceratosaurus.jpg[/img]
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MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2013 9:47 PM
If the park is set in the completed seaworldish setting, then I hope the dinosaurs break out thanks to the new carnivore and Ceratosaurus makes a cameo mauling and just straight up massacring a keeper.

Pie_Moose(Actually a Raptor!)

MemberCompsognathusAug-30-2013 3:51 PM
They need to have a spino in the background getting gang banged by 2 T.Rex
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