Jurassic World Movies

Tim and/or Lex in JP4

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MemberAllosaurusAug-21-2013 10:20 PM
I was thinking that Tim could be a college student and he has to go back to the island and Lex comes along. Also, should unused characters from the books be in JP4, but they are sort of changed. Like Richard Levine(A book character) could be a college student but still keep some of his personality traits. And Thorne (another unused book character) be some guy that goes to the island to. I don't know, it is just an idea. What do you think it should or could be like?!


4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusAug-22-2013 3:33 PM
I want to see Tim as 18, lex running ingen. Eric in collage, and they all go to the island because it was their granddad's lasts wish. For Tim and lex, plus the other people who have been to his islands. To go and fly low over the island one last time. They call up on everyone and no one but Eric says yes. They go to the island, a flock of Quetlequatlus attack the plane and kill one pilot. They land and a Yangchuanosaurus kills the other pilot and chases the main characters off. I won't go into any more.



MemberAllosaurusAug-22-2013 9:39 PM
(To: Deltradromeus >) I was thinking of another idea, too. Maybe Tim and others go to the island for some college research plan, but Tim does not really know where he is going. And Lex comes to save Tim and the others, but she gets stranded some how and they have to find out how to get out, BUT I WANT SCIENCE STUFF IN IT!!! The 3rd was cool, I liked it but it did not have the same magic as it did from the first 2. I want to see some stuff of want InGen did. For example, in the 2cnd book, Malcolm reveals that InGen were having problems breeding the dinosaurs. So Hammond released all of the animals onto the island, but he never got ALL of them back to the lab. I want the 4th to bring back the moments that we remember from the first two movies.



MemberCompsognathusAug-22-2013 9:40 PM
Like raptors jumping on people?



MemberAllosaurusAug-22-2013 10:30 PM
And raptors killing people in the tall grass :)


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