Jurassic World Movies

what would you like to see in jp4

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MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 2:26 AM
personally i hope they'll do another t-rex vs spino scene and this time the t-rex wins
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MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 3:15 AM
I don't think a Rex vs Spino 2 would be a good thing because Rex is sure to win this time. While Spino would get a lot of undeserved hate off its shoulders it would also appear weak and Rex's fan base would be fueled, leading to Rex suddenly being super overrated. Also it's repetitive. Another thing I think would be cool is the introduction of a new villain that we don't see coming but is still cool. It should debut in a way unlike that of Spino in JP3 because, as I said before, controversy would follow. Maybe something like Suchomimus or Liopleurodon or Utahraptor as a secondary antagonist. I would, as with everyone else, like to see much of the original cast return. I think the plot needs to be fresh but at the same time true to the JP series. It should leave the audience in awe with stunning visuals and creativity but at the same time be grounded in reality and scientifically plausible. We should see more dinosaurs. I think that the park should be up and running and Spino, while not being a major antagonist, should get some screen time as perhaps an attraction in his pen at the park.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-12-2013 7:33 AM
I'd rather see something new. Perhaps Giga, Rex, and Spino are all in the movie. They could all be main antagonists. My idea is this; A Pair of Spino is out doing something (fishing, eating a carcass maybe), and they get attacked by a pair of Giga. The Giga pair kill one Spino rather quickly, and the other one manages to escape with it's life. At the end of the movie, a lone T-Rex and the surviving Spino are chasing the people (from opposite directions), and the people manage to get into the helicopter (or whatever appears to save them), and Rex and Spino square off (Grant could say something about the JP 3 battle if he is in the movie), and before Rex charges, the Giga pair appear and charge the Spino. Rex, knowing it wouldn't have a chance on its own, charges one Giga, knocking it off course, and saving Spino. Spino is confused by this, but appreciates it at the same time. Then they stand shoulder to shoulder (with Spino being visibly longer and taller, and Rex being visibly more heavily built). They charge the Giga pair, and the one gets wounded by the Rex (broken leg or something so that it isn't a huge threat anymore), and the other one ended up in Spino's jaws. Rex goes over to finish it off because Spino couldn't kill it with the bite, but it held it in place long enough. Then the other Giga attacks, and Spino slashes it with it's hand claws, and managed to hit with enough force to kill it. Rex watched the slash, and was impressed by the damage it caused, and Spino was impressed by the Rex's bite. They turn to each other, lower their heads, and then walk away.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 11:39 AM
I doubt that InGen woud have been dumb enough to breed [i]three[/i] land super-predators. Any rex-spino fight, whether it involved another predator or not, would feel repetitive, like a rehash of JP3. Team rex people should accept that progress marches on, and that T-rex is not the king anymore. Predator X should be the new, awesome villain.


MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 1:37 PM
InGen was stupid enough to bring a T-Rex to San Diego so I think that they would be stupid enough to breed some Gigas (maybe even a pack!). I would want to see a pack of Gigas terrorize the people on the island. Plus T-Rex is now found to be more of a scavenger than a predator so I doubt that T-Rex would win fights with other predators.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-12-2013 3:27 PM
I'm sorry i_is_honar_student, but I'm going to have to strongly disagree with what you said. T-Rex was an active hunter, it had a bite force over 6 tons (up to 9 apparently), it had banana sized teeth that were anchored in with deep roots, and it doubt that any scavenger would need binocular vision. [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nqa1-dQWJBA]What part of this screams scavenger?.[/url] [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uSh92R1fKWU&feature=related]This is BS.[/url] [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv6hEuODrLg&feature=related]This is probably how Spino fought[/url]

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-12-2013 3:33 PM
jurassicparkour What is predator X? I'm pretty sure I have read about it, but I forget what it is. It wouldn't be stupid to breed three super predators for a park, it would make good business sense. People love big predators, they're where the money would be. People would look at the Raptors and sauropods and ceratopsians, but who's going to even know what an Abeliasaur or Ceratosaur is? People might not even know what an Allosaur is! Most of the visitors would be families with children who have probably never heard of most dinosaurs. What gets little children's attention? Big dinosaurs! They would want to see T-Rex, and maybe Spinosaurus and the other ones.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 4:46 PM
Tyrannosaurus is a hunter who uses a bone crushing bite of up to 9 tons of force, 13 inch teeth that are like rail-road spikes, the intelligence of a predatory bird of prey, binocular vision, family packs, and speeds of nearly 25 miles per hour. End of story. MrHappy, Predator X is a controversial animal. Although it's certainly a pliosaur, it's unknown just what pliosaur it is. The specimen they have is around 50 feet and weighs close to 45 tons. It's just a juvenile though. I agree with the theory that Predator X is a young Liopleurodon, which in my opinion was up to 85 ft and 150 tons. [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111026194758/bbcplanetdinosaur/images/f/fe/Predator_X.jpg[/img] I want to see the return of Tyrannosaurus. If it fights another giant predator, great. If not, fine by me. As long as the king is back on his throne. [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/283/3/6/jurassic_park_tyrannosaurus_roar_by_yankeetrex-d5hedgu.jpg[/img]
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexAug-12-2013 4:47 PM
Thanks Rex Fan. I just want to see Rex return too. T-Rex is the king and always will be in my opinion.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 4:52 PM
Anytime. I also just want to see JP 4 in general, haha
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

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MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 5:08 PM
Actually predator x was an adult. The monster of Aramberri and the new dorset pliosaur are both 52 foot juveniles though. I very seriously doubt that Liopleurodon was 80 feet but I have no doubt that some species of pliosaur did. Plus, T. rex had a bite of only up to 6.5 tons, not 9. It had good hearing, decent vision with great depth perception (Spino had even better depth perception than humans for catching fish that swam towards it) and perhaps the best smell in the prehistoric world. There is also no evidence T. rex hunted in packs but it's possible. I have no doubt that T. rex runs a legitimate candidacy for the title of deadliest giant theropod but it is not the largest. Deadliest? Perhaps. Proportionately more powerful than the others? Yes. Scavenger? No. Don't hate it or overrate it. Show animals for what they are, not what you want them to be.

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusAug-12-2013 5:18 PM
In the documentary Mammals vs Dinos, Gregory Erikson stated that minimally Tyrannosaurus had a bite force of 6,800 lbs, but he sees no reason why they could not have bitten down with as much as 18,000 lbs of force. As for T-rex hunting in packs, in Jurassic Fight Club, they mentioned a group of young tyrannosaurs and adults together. Not Albertosaurus or another tyrannosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex itself. It was either in S. Dakota or Montana. I can't remember off the top of my head. T-rex is certainly the most powerful terrestrial carnivore and perhaps the largest. There is no reason why it might not be. Same goes for Giga and Spino. It's so hard to say with any real certainty since the fossil record is so incomplete.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98
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