Jurassic World Movies

My Jurassic Park 4 story idea/synopsis

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MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2013 9:55 AM
Isla Sorna was destroyed by the Costa Rican Air Force as implied at the end of Jurassic Park III. InGen was bankrupted by the San Diego incident seen in The Lost World. Since then, the mysterious Swiss Grendel Corporation has obtained InGen and the islands. Biosyn has sought new management, outing CEO Bill Steingarten in favor of business veteran Jeff Rossiter. For months, animals from Isla Nublar have been making their way off the island to the mainland: pterosaurs, procompsognathus, marine reptiles. Dead dinosaur bodies have been washing up onshore. Biosyn CEO Jeff Rossiter asks his main man in the department of corporate espionage, Lewis Dodgson, to assemble a group to go to Isla Nublar to collect fertilized eggs of the creatures on the island, but says that he must consult the board on this one. He says Dodgson can pick the members of the team, but that they already have a contact set in stone that Dodgson will deliver the eggs to. After a Pteranodon attack leaves families and members of a little league baseball game injured, the president of the United States gives the Grendel Corporation an ultimatum: take meaningful action to further ensure the isolation of Isla Nublar from the mainland or his administration will. Lewis Dodgson goes in front of Biosyn's board of directors to compell them to approve the mission, and proves ultimately successful. He tasks close friend and Biosyn biologist Howard King with recruiting the members of the team. Grendel CEO Herman von Drax has a meeting with top advisors, one of which is Adrien Joyce who tells von Drax that after running a series of simulations, he's confident that if they let these escapes continue, the company bankrupts within 18 months. This seems to compell von Drax more than the president's ultimatum, as he then commissions a group to go to Isla Nublar to assess the condition of the island and do what is necessary to ensure the animals' future isolation from the rest of the world - or so is the official story. Howard King meets with Stanford Professor George Baselton to recruit him to join Biosyn's team which proves successful. Grendel recruits a number of mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, along with Adrien Joyce to spearhead the brigade. A man named Nando takes the Biosyn team to the island by speedboat. Dodgson, King, and Baselton are also joined by a man named Ed James, who Dodgson reveals is a private investigator that Biosyn hired a while back and that his knowledge of the island could prove useful. A ways off from the island, Nando stops the boat, telling them that this is the legal limit and that there's some patrol boats they'll hear from if they drift any closer. The team puts on scuba gear and swims the way to shore. As their company owns the island, the Grendel group takes a gunship-style helicopter in, avoiding stealth tactics. On the island, the Biosyn group is attacked when trying to obtain Tyrannosaur eggs. It is revealed that Grendel's real orders are to obtain samples of a select few species on the island, straight down from Herman von Drax himself, for whatever reasons. The Grendel team is ambushed in the decaying visitor's center lab. The Biosyn group finds Dennis Nedry's decayed body in the old Ford Explorer, alongside it, the 20 year old Barbasol cryocan. Contained within, the non-viable embryos of Isla Nublar's dinosaurs. The Grendel group is ambushed by velociraptors. A mercenary is toppled by one, but manages to shoot it from underneath the head, killing it and effectively saving his life. The Grendel group adds a lethal serum into the island's main water supply after obtaining their samples. The two groups get into a confrontation which the younger Grendel mercenaries easily win over the middle aged Biosyn group. They take the corporate spies prisoner for their presence on Isla Nublar. When their helicopter arrives, they gas the Biosyn trespassers. Lights out. Hours later, Lewis Dodgson awakens. Howard King is unconscious across the helicopter, George Baselton is at this point dead. Adrien Joyce is joking with the pilot in Spanish. The mercenaries don't notice he's awake. They're flying fairly low over water, parallel to a thickly populated beach. Lots of swimmers in the water. He grabs their briefcase of samples, and rolls out of the open side door. The crowd on the beach cheers. They think it's some sort of stunt. Dodgson struggles to get out of the water and hits the beach running. The helicopter swoops down at him from behind. The spectators now terrified. Dodgson runs past the beach to a busy street. The helicopter hovers above, following Dodgson low above. Dodgson runs down a back alley, hugging the walls to avoid being seen by the helicopter. He darts across the alley and in through the back door of a cafe. An old man sits at a small table shucking oysters, barely noticing him. He goes through the cafe, out to the street. A vendor pushes her cart down the back street, selling popsicles - Nima Cruz, Biosyn's contact. Dodgson approaches her with the briefcase. She opens it and Dodgson tells her they're going to plan B. He checks out the small Hotel Delphín across the street. He sees thugs driving up and down the street, looking for him, looking away to avoid them. He turns back around and jogs across the street. The desk clerk is reading a comic book and doesn't notice him. Dodgson asks if anyone's been looking for him. The clerk tells him that nobody's been looking for him. Dodgson considers, and takes his key from its cubbyhole. He walks out of an elevator and down a corridor. He opens the door to his room. A mercenary stands there with an aerosol can and henchmen behind him. Dodgson asks what that's supposed to be. As the mercenary sprays, Dodgson pins his arm against the wall and punches him in the face. He runs down the hallway aiming for an elevator to make his escape. Almost there, an arm extends from the branch at the end of the hallway just in time to hit Dodgson in the face. Adrien Joyce. Dodgson struggles to recover. Adrien Joyce gets down on one knee in front of Dodgson and tells him that they've reaqquired their samples and have taken care of Nima Cruz, but that she was a hard nut to crack. Joyce says that all that is left to do is to tie up the loose ends, which implies that Nima Cruz has been killed. He stands up and tells Dodgson that he didn't want his last impression of him to be one of cowardice and so he was going to kill him himself. He tells Dodgson that he's a decent man, so he'll make it quick. He pulls out a silenced handgun and shoots Dodgson three times. It's done. He hands the mercenaries his gun and tells them to take care of it and Dodgson's body. He also tells them to dry clean his now bloodstained vest. He walks down the hallway and into an elevator. The doors shut. A news report details Biosyn's bankruptcy. The spokesman for Grendel Corporation, Wilhelm Speiler, claims on a news show that Grendel's recent operation on Isla Nublar was a success and that he belives that the mainland problem had assuringly been solved. Cut to black. If you have any question of where i think it should go, I'd care to elaborate below. I'm open to any criticism, but I personally love the general premise. Keep in mind, this is just a synopsis I imagine it with a meatier middle than what is shown. The story would take place primarily on Isla Nublar, amongst the dinosaurs and would draw heavily from the scrapped Sayles/Monahan script.
3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2013 3:37 PM
Hmm... I like it, but I'm sure its not the JP4 script.


MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2013 7:29 PM
Your writing style for the script makes me feel like I'm watching your version of the movie. You have an interesting take on what a good plot would be, and I'm glad that we finally have a plot idea in which Dodgson is disposed of, haha! Nice work!

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusAug-09-2013 11:32 AM
Dude... isn't there anything original in there? No offense, but all your characters are taken from either Sayles' JP4 script, TLW book, or JP: the game. And the story sounds a bit too much like the one I wrote and posted in June: http://www.jurassicpark4-movie.com/community/forums/topic/25376
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