Jurassic World Movies

offering creative ideas Jurassic Park plot? share yours too!

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MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 2:44 PM
hey I'm a fan of any writer or director who is creativity artisically. to be honestly I'm quite tired of watching movies with sparkles, sparkles and bam, bam. To the point where its not like before where you wanna watch it over and over but instead all the movies are like Bleh! I've seen it once so I don't wanna see it again. But if you look at movies like 'scent of a woman', 'exam' or any movies you feel very enthusiastic abut watching it again, also becoming the best classic in the future. The reason why I like Jurassic Park, its because of the creative plot and scenes making it as if so realistic in a way of survival in real life and how will people act and do what i noticed the difference in the movies why it gets so successful, its the hidden and the obvious drama, like when JP's the first movie that came in was about family as in grandpa and grandkids, it has an amazing plot of a story of stealing, betrayl, consequences, actions and reactions. and the second movie is about boyfriend trying to rescue his girlfriend. its about bringing the fire to the relationship again. The third one which is about the parents trying to find their son. Especially where the mother uses a loud speaker to call out her son when there are predators around. I mean it the writer is quite creative with the characters. Here's a really good idea of a plot, if anyone likes it, thanks: There's a field trip for preteens, which involves flying on a plane and then something happens to the pilot, probably either ill or was drunk, the plane flew to the wrong direction towards an island and crashes at the middle of the island. they all survive safely thanks to the trees, river and rain that slows down the force landing impact aswell as putting out the fire. The preteens need to learn how to survive. And ofcourse each one has personalities and groups when they were at home, so it maybe difficult with sticking together, crash personalities and divisions among groups. Also lets not forget lone wolves who learn to team up with other lone wolves and then into the social groups. groups? like the popular kids, the hippies/vegetarians, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the musicians, the goths, the atheltes and the odd ones out. Remember, lone wolves are different personalities from mean, friendly to mysterious, having creative instincts with problem solving especially trying to survive on their own, but they do have compassionate to help others who ask. one of the lone wolves, happens to have interest in animals of various species even plants. since she knows what type of dinosaurs they are since she like to read about them, the groups try to lure her in to use her worse thing ever is where she's on her own when a giant stealthy predator appeared all the sudden following the athelete group, which they can out run the dino and lucky another dino shows up so the 2 end up fighting each other while the group gets away with. Unforunately her glasses are broken during the escape, so she can't identify which dino or plant or any species that is safe or not. worse thing ever is where she's on her own. she was afraid of sensing she was followed, since she's near-sighted she can't see far away away but close is fine. turns out the follower happens to be one of the group who left out and happens to be also having a crush on her, he handed over her a bag pack which her mother made her as she was travelling for the field trip. She found her extra glasses and the two of them are ready to find a way out of the island meanwhile the cheerleader group and popular group females suddenly find a bag of make-up and hair care, they fighting over it in order to look good, also the products makes them feel at home sothey have to have it. making the males feel uncomfortable as they fight. as for the nerds and goths are fighting over dinosaur bones and skin, the goths want it for themselves as decoration meanwhile the nerds want to use it as disguise to get eggs. but they have to use their skills and smarts to be aware of the stealthy dinsaurs who are hunting them. like computer, video games and comic IQ vs stealthy killer instincts. as for the goths they learn death is'nt a fun thing at all and you need to smile and live a little. the hippies, as they were running they stumbled upon a her of armoured herbivores. they get into an argument over thinking that its animals abuse using them as protection by hanging around and trying to defend them against predators. you know about bossy, push-over people? you could have a female harassing the male because he's hungry as he was trying to eat some fruits they dino's eating the other female pushes him and guilt tripping him ( sayngthe food is for dinos ) for trying to eat since the group finished all the food before him as he arrived. thy get frustrated wanting to eat the eggs. as they get tramuatized witnessing predators eat one of the herbivores they get hungry for meaty left overs. Remember the anime movie, my neighbour totoro? would'nt it be cute/funny if an asian preteen get lost from the group, meets a herbivore fury giant? does'nt have to be identically the same but i think a giant sloth would be ok. she calls im Totoro ^^. she also found him injured and took care of him even took pictures as friends. the sloth in the end died trying to protect her from predators. They all now have to survive in the dinosaur island by using their creativity, smarts and teamwork. there is tension at each groups as they learn each other through expression and then they combine and join other groups and they become one big groups combined fending themselves. And as for the parents their going to meet the former JP employees and they'll do anything they can to get their kids back even by going there themselves. And then they get the shock of their lives when they see the dinosaurs that the former employees are keeping it a secret so that they won't panic but now they found out its a dinsaur island. The parents then also have to learn to survive becuase the military have a hard time believing of dinosaurs as a joke since its all top secret and the island is hidden from maps ( plus military new staff members, only the senior employees remember ). same as the preteens what they went through as they arrived through the shore atleast, they all reunited at the park..... having dino barbecue... lol T-rex burgers XD as they were headed home, the girl remember eggs that she rescued from the predators who killed the mother and aswell the ones who wanted to eat the egg. she's happy that she has pets as they hatched as well as the asian girl realizes something creaping up out of her back pack turns out... its the baby of the sloth the snuck inside during the escape. Meanwhile the the girl and the guy start dating as she plays fetch with the dino babies. The End lol to be honestly i know little of dino's but if anybody likes the story plot, they could add tweaks from big to small changes. or any ideas that are creative to help to the writers of Jurassic Park. you know you could add ideas, besides preteens and parents, like maybe poachers who sell the animals at black market, college kids, tourists from a cruise ship. As for the military, they could be using missiles at sea for a test, where all the sudden it hits a rock opening a cave, letting out sea reptiles, so the military sends a submarine crew and navy seals, the navy seals are out to investigate the missing battles ship and crew members. they find a cave as they reteive a signal, they go further and further trying to survive through the exotic creatures who thought to be extinct. As they see a surface up front they, as they move up, they realize they're not at arictic snow anymore but a hot tropical island hidden under the snow ( yes just like ice-age 3 lol ), plus one of the navy seals have a gf who happens to be one of the crew battleship crew members.... to make the story more interesting ( depends on you preferance ), there has been an argument with green peace movement over the military using areas for weapon testing. the green peace arguing that the polars bears going extinct, ice melting and so on. so the military invites only 3 civilians to see and check for themselves. They sent a marine biologist proffessor, animal proffessor (british accent) and their best student. their best student happens to be in a relationship with one of the navy seals who are trying to rescue the civilians, captain and crew of the ship. They broke up before and now they're getting back, but only after they survive through the tropical island. yeah i know i wrote alot but thanks for reading anyway. Any ideas? lol. Even if you think it sucks, or something is missing, or an uncompleted idea just share them and we could all puzzle them together. Oh, and les not forget giving the dinosaur hunting and survival skills. like how to escape from predators who are either slow minded or fast at tricks, and how to manage not to provoke aroumored herbivores. oh, and give it some ideas for groups like skaters, swim team or stamp collectors lol.
13 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 3:04 PM
I was thinking that Tim Lex and Arick, from the first and third movie, go to the island on a plane and are going to see the dinosaurs from the plane, because John Hammond wanted his grandchildren to see the Island one last time after he died. The plane gets destroyed by some Quetlequatlus and they are stuck on the island. Tim knows almost everything there is to know about the island and the dinosaurs and constantly spouts facts about them. They get off the island eventually. I'm not sure how, but they do.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 4:41 PM
I had an idea where they went to spread Hammod's ashes on Nublar and Re-unite with Muldoon. Just give me a minute to find it and I will post it.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 4:47 PM
Found it, I just copy and pasted the whole thing, not just the actual plot idea. Everyone knows how in the first movie, Muldoon was killed, right? It did not show that he was actually killed, it just showed him getting face-munched. And there were a total of 3 raptors, but by the end of the movie, only two got killed by T.Rex. What happened to the third one? There is no proof Muldoon was actually killed. He could have fought off the Raptor, grabbed his SPAS 12, killed it, and escape into the maintenance shed before the other one realized he had escaped. So what if on JP4, the original cast returns to isla Nublar to spread Hammod's ashes, the helicopter crashes, and everyone goes into the jungle. Then later on, they are getting chased by a T.Rex, and get saved by Muldoon, who after living on the island for 20 years, knows the island and every place on it, and leads the T.Rex away. When he returns, they recognize the man as Muldoon and asked how he survived. Muldoon explains and tells them how he survived for 2 decades on the island and that he has one shell left in case of an emergency. At the end of the movie, a search and rescue helicopter arrives, they ask Muldoon if he wants to come with, and he says, "I've lived on this island for 20 years, I don't think I would fit in with people. And, I've gotten used to the place, I don't think I could adjust back to life like normal people. But some ammo would be useful." Then they leave the island, get back to the mainland, realize they forgot to spread Hammod's ashes, buy some ammo, go back to the island, find Muldoon, give him the ammo, and Muldoon says, "Didn't expect you take my request for ammo seriously" they tell him that they came to island to spread Hammod's ashes, ask him if he could do it for them, leave, and Muldoon spreads Hammod's ashes while saying, "This is where you belong, in the midst of your own creation." I would have added more, but I really could only think of the stuff involving Muldoon.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 5:07 PM
The other raptor wa locked in the freezer by Tim, so it is still alive and one the door gets rusty, one of the pack ofht s big one will be loose again on the island.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 5:09 PM
I think that me and someone else were discussing that. It would still be cool if they brought back Muldoon.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 5:13 PM
Muldon, or the raptor? And I want to see the raptor I jp4, and remembers Tim, who somehow got there, and is also like the old veteran who just kills everything in its path, or just smoothly goes through any obstical, like meeting a T. rex and blinding it.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 5:16 PM
The raptor in the freezer.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 5:18 PM
Yes, the rapor in the freezer unleashed onto the island and more dangerous, smarter and bigger than all the other raptors, who I want to be the ones in jp3. Then there could be this big fight that Tim and lex watch between the old raptor and the new raptor.


Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 5:21 PM
That's a good idea. What do you think of mine. It was one of my earlier posts (before 100).

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 9:19 PM
The raptor that attacked Muldoon was The Big One. As much as I liked Muldoon, it would be hard for them to bring him back. Despite what I say about Tyrannosaurus winning against Spinosaurus, I really don't care if there is a rematch. It'd be nice, but not the biggest deal to me. My one request is to see the dinosaurs as animals, not Hollywood monsters. Smart, deadly, cooperative, and sometimes, compassionate animals. Not the blindly raging monsters that dinosaurs were turned into.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 10:52 PM
I've got one I've been writing for the past few weeks now (its going in its own discussion )

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-10-2013 10:54 PM
I know it would be hard to bring back Muldoon, but it would be awesome to bring him back.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusJul-10-2013 11:21 PM
well... actually its not that hard... fairly easy... you see, hes spent the past five years of his life around the raptors and animals, he wouldn't have died that easily, my idea is that as in the comic book, he survived, because it wasn't a meaningful attack the raptor was more so "playing" with him then actually hunting... or something like that... i havent read it in years..

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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