Jurassic World Movies

10 Dinosaurs That Should Make a Cameo in Jurassic Park 4

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MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2013 6:24 PM
In this list, I won't be naming dinosaurs that should terrorize our protagonists throughout the film, but rather dinosaurs that should appear on screen for a few seconds, not really having anything to do with the plot, similar to the Ceratosaurus in Jurassic Park III. Here we go... 10. Stygimoloch [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZORg-CqNo2I/UZW72FL1lxI/AAAAAAAAAFs/ScCfL2sD2Zc/s1600/blogger-image--332015755.jpg[/img] This strange little kangaroo sized dinosaur is similar to The Lost World's Pachycephalosaurus. However, it is unique because of the crown of horns around its thick skull. The small herbivore could catch the audience's attention for the few seconds it was on screen. 9. Kosmoceratops [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NLMeUnuHH04/UZW93QCQWtI/AAAAAAAAAHA/Az9m-x51CZQ/s1600/blogger-image--1385781177.jpg[/img] Another creature with a strange arrangement of horns, the ceratopsian Kosmoceratops was certainly a unique dinosaur. The horned beast would provide a nice little bit of fascination for the audience. 8. Anurognathus [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e-cNg_-rFFo/UZW92BBZJlI/AAAAAAAAAG0/WW7MNqCJiww/s1600/blogger-image--46045780.jpg[/img] This little flying bug eater could have an extremely short appearance, perhaps just simply flying past the camera. After all, it's not really that interesting. Nice for a cameo, though. 7. Microraptor [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PyXViDVO6SQ/UZW78Tc05ZI/AAAAAAAAAF8/1CSj-F-IZCM/s1600/blogger-image-745862251.jpg[/img] I know that it was officially announced that JP4 wouldn't have any feathered dinosaurs, but they could have just meant the main dinosaurs. The feathery little Microraptor could glide overhead during a scene. Nothing more. It would at least show critics that the JP4 team knows some dinosaurs had feathers. 6. Megalania [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--q-8daLK4zo/UZW8Edcq_TI/AAAAAAAAAGE/S98zKkNqhFE/s1600/blogger-image--1447660302.jpg[/img] Though not actually a dinosaur, the prehistoric relative of the Komodo dragon could serve as a nod to the actual de-extinction of prehistoric animals (sadly not dinosaurs, their DNA is too decomposed but perhaps a reasonable facsimile), for which it may be up for contendership. It could do something as simple as crawl past the group of people, or try to attack them only to be killed by a larger lizard, like in King Kong. The Foetodon, a similar creature, was trying to kill Ann, but was eaten by the V-Rex, which gave chase, only to be killed by Kong. In JP4, perhaps it can be eaten by the Spinosaurus or T-Rex, which is then killed by the new predator... Sorry... Off topic... 5. Nyctosaurus [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DSz5wNDOHCw/UZW9zRzj3BI/AAAAAAAAAGk/SieKJFH1C-0/s1600/blogger-image-1699543705.jpg[/img] This little pterosaur may appear to be completely normal, until you see the huge antler-crest thing on its head. A small flock of these flying by or sitting somewhere could show fans how diverse and unique dinosaurs were (even though they aren't technically dinosaurs) with their strange head ornaments and sexual dimorphism. 4. Gigantoraptor http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0V76YEYeABk/UZXUZzWj0nI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/fBD6YVJXqUM/s1600/blogger-image--1099728768.jpg The name may sound menacing, but this gentle giant was anything but. Though tall enough to look into a second story window, much like it's smaller relative, Oviraptor, this dinosaur wasn't a hunter, but rather like a giant chicken. It certainly was interesting, though. It probably had little to no feathers, so no worries on exclusion due to feathers. 3. Therizinosaurus [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Tdb92d_mBzY/UZW8vJS7NgI/AAAAAAAAAGM/p2-sdlwNZv8/s1600/blogger-image-1709275995.jpg[/img] This huge, strange dinosaur would certainly capture the audience's attention. With its sauropod-like neck, potbelly, long gangly arms and three foot claws, this may have been the most unique dinosaur ever. It could appear munching on a termite colony, walking along, or running from/being eaten by something. 2. Pterodaustro [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BMwGCE2hB_M/UZW90qOgfKI/AAAAAAAAAGs/R2B3ZPXEwlQ/s1600/blogger-image--7048951.jpg[/img] For some reason, this strange pterosaur has always appealed to me. Many paleontologists think it was similar to a flamingo, feeding on shrimp, and it likely had a pink color from doing such. They could appear by the ocean feeding, or perhaps nesting on a sea-side cliff. Since they aren't dangerous, they can roam free, like herbivores and compsagnathus. 1. Amargasaurus [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6QVlv1uWwRU/UZW8zg-jKAI/AAAAAAAAAGU/Wjd_yIHgvD4/s1600/blogger-image--802834680.jpg[/img] This sauropod would again demonstrate the diversity among dinosaurs. With its long spines its neck, it has a far from average look that could usher in an era of non-traditional dinosaurs that began in Jurassic Park III with Spinosaurus. Sure, the T-Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptors and Diplodocus are cool and should still be prominently featured, but strange dinosaurs should be added to the mix as well. Also, as a bonus, if Giganotosaurus is the villain as I hope, a pack of Gigas taking out a herd of these would be pretty epic.
Future Team Raptor member
4 Replies

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2013 7:58 PM
Not a bad selection. I would like to see Ceratosaurus get some more camera time. Austrolavenator would also be cool to see, even if it is in the background.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2013 8:52 AM
Just a quick tip you could have included carnotaurus with its cameleon capabilities .
But John, if the Pirates Of The Carribbean breaks down, the pirates dont eat the tourists.


MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2013 5:12 PM
I think it would be very cool if the island was divided into four territories belonging to the four apex predators which would be T-Rex, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus with the other predators existing within these territories correspondingly with fauna to match (ex- Carnotaurus and Triceratops would wander around in T-Rex territory, Baryonix and Shantungosaurus in Spinosaurus's and such based on certain common traits.) That way the cast would constantly be escaping but would have to adjust to the structure of the new territories.

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2013 7:41 PM
Interesting idea. It would keep the super-predators from fighting. That would mean diehard fans of the different carnivores would not get upset if their favorite were to lose.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98
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