Jurassic World Movies

My Plot Idea for JPIV

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MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 12:10 PM
Here’s my plot idea for Jurassic Park IV. It’s not a complete, full-movie kind of plot. I give an uber-detailed beginning, then more vague details in the middle, then a detailed final ending. Feel free to voice your opinions on the dinosaurs, actors, and themes I chose for my plot. The movie opens as we zoom into a scene in a conference room at BioSyn. Lewis Dodgson (Cameron Thor) stands at the head of a long table, motioning toward charts and graphs of the company’s financial decline since the events of the first Jurassic Park. Dodgson explains that the only way for the company to avoid further decline and eventual bankruptcy is to reinstate “Operation Nublar.” At once the room is in chaos, with people shouting that the operation was a failure, that it is far too dangerous, and that another attempt would be out of the company’s budget. In a minute Dodgson regains the board’s attention. He explains that the original Operation Nublar was full of holes (Nedry was irresponsible, the operation was doomed to fail on the shoulders of only one man, etc.). However, Dodgson reminds them that Phase 2 of Operation Nublar [i]was[/i] in fact a success. Phase 2 was for Nedry to hack into the system and, ultimately, to destroy the park facility, and this part of the plant worked. Dodgson says that now is the time for Phase 3. He plans to send an undercover team onto Nublar to finish the job Nedry started: obtain dinosaur DNA. And not just embryos this time; now they will steal eggs. The long, low blast of a ship’s horn sounds as the camera zooms in on a freighter sailing across the Pacific toward a huge island. [The classic Jurassic Park theme music in the background confirms to fans that the island is Nublar.] Now we are on the deck of the freighter. Agent Rachel Towsen (Scarlett Johansson), top field explorationist at BioSyn and head of the undercover team, converses with Dodgson over face-time. Dodgson tells Rachel that the failure of this mission will mean the job-cuts of half of BioSyn’s employees, including her own. With that, Rachel’s screen goes dark. Rachel paces the deck, observing her team. She sees Geneticist Charlie Newman (Chris Evans) preparing to run tests through a lab window. She looks up to the observation deck where Dr. Bill Snyder (Michael Keaton), Dodgson’s right-hand-man at BioSyn, glances at a magazine. Rachel scans the horizon. Her view of Nublar fades when a patch of fog covers the freighter. Rachel glances at the captain to see him look nervously ahead, and suddenly, the ship lurches upward, tossing everyone toward the railings. Chaos ensues. Our view goes underwater where a massive 82-foot long Liopleurodon, about the same size as the freighter, heaves upward and shakes the boat again. The monster then glides around the ship, smashing into the hull and leaving a gaping hole. Back on the ship, alarms buzz and the captain’s voice over the loudspeaker motions the small crew and the team of ten toward the lifeboats. Another jolt of the ship sends crew and team members overboard into the jaws of the hungry Liopleurodon. Agent Towsen’s elite team claims a lifeboat and unties it. Secured in the boat, they let it fall into the waves, each team member helping to row away from the disaster. Rachel glances back, regretting leaving the remaining crew behind, but sees the ship is halfway submerged, and not a single person remains on deck. She looks back at her team. Before, her team consisted of ten members, including herself. Now, the only survivors are herself and five others, including Charlie Newman and Bill Snyder. Despite this great loss, Rachel remembers Dodgson’s warning. She rouses her team, and they row toward the shores of Nublar, their one refuge from the chaotic ocean, and they hear one last echo of the distant Liopleurodon’s underwater roar. When the team of now six hit the coast, they dock and hop out of the boat. Agent Towsen sends three of her team members to scout nearby while she, Charlie, and Dr. Snyder examine the supplies they have salvaged. Communications with the outside world have been lost. The team has managed to save two small briefcases full of scientific machinery and information, as well as seven egg-holding canisters. Dodgson had requested five eggs per species on the island. Assuming more species had developed since Nedry’s infiltration, Rachel had supplied twenty egg canisters holding five eggs each, enough for one hundred eggs from twenty species. The remaining seven canisters would hold thirty-five eggs. Dodgson would be disappointed, but nothing could be done. Among other supplies in the lifeboat are water bottles, fire-lighters, and materials to set traps for food. Each team member is also armed with a gun and grenades. Okay, now just a few details about the in-between: - A base camp is set up - Team members are sent out in groups of two to collect eggs (Rachel and Charlie, Snyder and one scout, two other scouts) - Rachel grows closer to Charlie throughout the movie, and they have each other’s backs - Several encounters with dinosaurs will be: o A pack of four raptors (when the tam attempts to raid the nest) o A pair of adult Carcharodontosaurus or “Carchars” (these will be the main antagonists of the movie) o Return of Dilophosaurus!!! Lewis Dodgson has assigned Dr. Snyder to keep an eye on things. Snyder desires to lead the team and gradually turns half of the team against Rachel, believing that his approach to leadership on the island will be more effective. Snyder drives out Rachel from the base camp, and Charlie abandons the team to follow her. The two are forced to brave Nublar together, and both have character arcs: they realize the beauty of the island and the dinosaurs and turn against BioSyn and the scandalous raid on the island. Charlie and Rachel use up their weaponry killing two raptors and injuring the other two throughout the movie. The two Carchars will be constant threats. The Dilophosaurus will kill Snyder. Before the raptors are killed by Towsen and Newman, they will kill off the other team members on Snyder’s side. At the very end, as Rachel and Charlie make a final escape, they are chased by the Carchars. One Carchar will be killed by the pair using the very last of their weaponry. As the remaining Carchar lunges for them, a T-Rex rushes out of the trees, bowling into the Carchar and ending its life with a bone-crushing bite to the neck. As Rachel and Charlie run, the Rex lets out a long and triumphant roar. Dodgson has sent a helicopter to retrieve what remains of his team. Charlie and Rachel climb aboard, settling in for a quiet ride home and holding hands. They are no longer loyal to BioSyn, and they plan to help protect the islands from the company, following John Hammond’s wishes. I wanted to mix the plot up a little without Rex or Spino as the main antagonist. I feel like putting Carcharodontosaurus into the spotlight gave a unique change. Spino’s victory in JPIII isn’t crushed, but Rex still gets a triumphant return. Comments? Questions? Feel free to comment below.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant

11 Replies

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 12:25 PM
I love that. The story is kind of like the 2nd book when Dodgson went to get eggs on Sorna. The Liopleurodon was great. The size may be too large, but that's how big I think it was. It introduces an awesome marine reptile without going to far. I like using the Carchars. They give a new carnivore. No battle between Rex and Spino will keep the Rex and Spino fans happy. I love the end. Tyrannosaurus gets a great return and I am sure that Carchar fans won't mind. Their favorite get's the spotlight and Rex gets a nice return. Well done. I love it!
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 5:54 PM
I really love the beginning of the movie, kinda sets the tone for the film. Reminds me of the scene with Tron Legacy at encom tower where they have a business meeting, or when they had an interview for Rise Of the planet of the Apes. Now for when they arrive on the island, may I have a suggestion. Instead of a Liopleurodon, how about a Mosasaur, those are more cooler! And they are more scarier! And I now that Scarlett Johansson would be an awesome cast member for this, I don't think she would be affordable but who knows, but may I make a suggestion. How about elizabeth mitchell as Rachel, well I know she has been in Lost and Revolution, she's an amazing actor. And for the captain, Idris Elba. Oh and don't forget Stephan Lang! And as for the new dinosaur carcharodontosaurus, I think it's awesome! If it is the main antagonist, I hope it looks like the one from Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, with colour schemes like the Dilophosaurus. Here's a photo as to what I'm talking about. [img]http://images.wikia.com/jpog/images/8/83/Charcadontosaurus.jpg[/img] [img]http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/wgMx9E86eqw/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [img]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/9471/carchdrinkingjv6.jpg[/img] And they did had long arms so InGen could easily alter their genetic code and allowed them to have Spinosaurus arm length. And plus, the plot is really good. I was hoping that you should do something where they use a sonic gun to scare off the dinosaurs in order to get the eggs, like in the lost world novel.



MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 6:02 PM
Oh and I just thought of something awesome, I was thinking you should have Oviraptor, you could have a funny scene where an Oviraptor steels one of the teams dinosaurs eggs and the team has to now game trail this thing to get back the eggs before the Oviraptor breaks them. So they go through a heard of Parasolophus and other herbivors just to try to get back the Oviraptor's stolen egg. Or they can use vehicles in this film. Like the Lost world vehicles.



MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 8:04 PM
this sounds familiar.......


MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2013 10:49 AM
Thanks for suggestions! ALI3N, I was actually thinking about how expensive Scarlett Johansson would be. Not that I think they could possibly get her on board, but she would be my dream actress. ;) Elizabeth Mitchell is a little older than I envisioned; I was thinking closer in age to Ellie Sattler in the first JP. Idris Elba... that would be so epic, except he would die so soon! For an actor like that you would have to cast a more major role. What did you think about Chris Evans and Michael Keaton? I'm glad I was able to please with Carcharodontosaurus. I wanted to bring a new predator to the table that wouldn't make die-hard Spino and Rex fans flip out. Also, as you might know, I acknowledge Rex as stronger than Spino, but I didn't want to ruin Spino's victory for JPIII. Instead, I left both out of the plot, with Rex making a cameo return as the king of JP in the very end. I like the coloration you envisioned for the Carchars. Thanks for the input! @Rex Fan 684 Thanks also for your input, man! For the size of Liopleurdon, I realized I was referencing a dinosaur encyclopedia that is actually a bit outdated. Sorry for that. A mososaur would be cool, or a plesiosaur like Elasmosaurus!

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2013 2:44 PM
It's Hollywood. I doubt they care how big Liopleurodon was. If it was 80+ ft, then great. If it was only 30, then, like the raptors and Spino, who cares. We can make it whatever we want! If you know what I mean.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusJun-06-2013 7:14 PM
I was also thinking that the crew should be the size of the crew from the lost world. Have that many of people with vehicles. And their should be awesome game trails in this film as well!! Did you guys remember how many people where in the lost world capturing dinosaurs? But it could work in a way to have a pretty big group, make it easier for them to focus on just the center characters, and let the other characters be used as chewing toys. And they should definitely bring in some Biosyn vehicles. And the use of the sonic gun like in the novel. And we should bring those Jurassic Park night vision glasses for night scenes!



MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2013 10:10 PM
Glad to help, dinosaur.fanatic. I'm writing my own plotline with the stuff I posted a few days ago; I'll post it on a new topic soon.


MemberCompsognathusJun-08-2013 10:10 AM
@jurassicparkour Cool! I'll keep an eye out for it.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusJun-09-2013 1:03 PM
How do you start a new topic/thread/discussion here?


MemberCompsognathusJun-09-2013 1:13 PM
There should be somewhere to click. (On my phone its to the right) It's a big thing that says start a discussion.
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