Jurassic World Movies

How to make T.Rex more scarier in Jurassic Park 4??

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MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2013 3:03 PM
[img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/198/c/2/turkey_rex_xd_by_nebezial-d57k63e.jpg[/img] If you really want the Rex to be back for revenge in the fourth film, than we have to make the T.Rex look scarier. Maybe add a little bit of feathers on it's spin, or maybe some on the neck, just so that the T.Rex could look even more scarier as hell! I found this on deviantart, his username is http://nebezial.deviantart.com/ Check out his work!


3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2013 5:29 PM
i do recall colin tweeting "no feathers #JP4" or something... it can be done but its been stated before no one wants to watch 90 minutes of people running away form a giant chicken... it was a large stretch with the raptors in jp /// but their was a good reason, only female raptors in jp1 no feathers jp 2raptors didnt have feathers due to it being a pride of female hunters, jp 3 feathers due to there being a single female the rest were given feathers to show theyre male... you could do this with rex yes, but why???? it seems redundant... just my opinion here... Alas theres more then just feathers you could add to make it more scarier... perhaps... maybe... new colours... new attitude.... more intelligence... and MAYBE JUST MAYBE a mutation in the code that has arisen, that makes these creatures more lethal... Just ideas...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 11:29 PM
I'll stick to the "scales only" when it comes to big carnivorous dinosaurs like T-Rex thank you very much. I agree with x_paden_x, there are other ways to make it more scary, more attitude and intelligence would be cool, maybe even a new color design, like dark red skin with black stripes on it's back or something. they could make it's eyes look more evil too if they wanted. And being how T-Rex is said to have some sort of venom or toxin in it's bite, they could add that to it as well. like have a person survive a t-rex bite for some lucky reason but then slowly die because of the poison. Just an example.


MemberCompsognathusJun-07-2013 7:12 AM
Get rid of that visual movement cr*p, make it charge like a bull when it sees something it wants, being an hunter that lives in packs and ambushes its prey, you've got yourself a creature you don’t want to mess with! :)
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