Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park 4 should have an AMP suit like AVATAR??

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MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2013 8:41 PM
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a AMP suit being controlled by a human to fight a T.Rex? That would make Jurassic Park 4 even epic!! A mobile mecha suit like in Alien or in Avatar. This suit would be built by InGen and it would be awesome! It could be even cooler cause they could make it into a toy! What do you think guys? An AMP suit vs T.Rex! Something to change up the franchise a bit. :D


9 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2013 9:22 PM
While that would be pretty cool, you have to imagine that it would be criticized quite a bit. It would be pretty epic to punch a T-Rex though.
Future Team Raptor member


MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2013 10:17 PM
why would it be criticized? ok well maybe a little bit cause it's taken the idea from Avatar, but c'mon, at least it would be epic! A battle between a mecha human suit vs a T.Rex would be amazing! I would totally pay to see that. Plus InGen has all the high tech equipment so it could work. And think of the toy they could built out of it! I wouldn't say copy the exact AMP suit, but do something different for an epic Rex vs machine fight!



MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 3:39 AM
I'm curious as to who would be operating it. It would be pretty awesome to fight with a T-Rex, but I can only imagine the terror one would feel if Rex started winning.
Future Team Raptor member


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 8:09 AM
Well that would add to the suspense of the film, we could have the Rex start winning. It could help the film become more thrilling and scary cause like what would you do in that situation, it could be very relatable and you could feel for the character.



MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 4:14 PM
me and ALI3N have been PMing about this, its very possible to do and such but.... does it quite frankly fit into the scenario i mean that would make an excellent fight scene, and we do have the technology 20 years later from the first jp but would ingen possess this equipment of destruction??? its possible and can be done but does it fit...?

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 8:54 PM
Well, it could be build by Grendel, who formed partners with InGen, they are able to create technology surpass this time frame, so they could joint ventures with InGen. An example like Stark Industries, from the Avengers. Tony is very intelligent and the technology he creates is present day. They could have the most highly intelligent scientists and high tech equipment, that they are able to produce this technology. InGen could have asked permission from Grendel, which is a secret advanced agency run by a secret government. (They created the F22 raptors and other high tech stuff, people assumed it was the Air Force that created them but it was actually Grendel Ind.) Think Grendel like Weyland industries from Prometheus. So this technology could be ready for primetime, when developed by the most advanced technologies Grendel uses, and also from the most intelligent scientists. So even though InGen was known for creating dinosaurs, nobody knows that Grendel supplied them with the most highly advanced technologies. So it could be plausible to be built.



MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 9:32 PM
grendal???? dont remember any grendal companies.... no sireee bob although you do bring up a good point about mr.stark possessing tech years ahead of its time... and a small conspiracy could add some spice to the next trilogy, and with ingen on the brim of "extinction" they probably would've either bought or were sold to grendal ind or they would've partnered up... its all possible and would look really cool *as i mentioned in the PM* but im not too sure if it quite "fits" into jurassic park... right now we dont have these amp suits for military combat, I've only ever heard/seen about them in Asia and they're in very rough and buggy shape... but its interesting to see one in jp 4...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 11:32 PM
You do have a solid point their, but it is science fiction so anything could be possible. I had this brilliant idea before as to where the island has become quarantined because of a deadly outbreak and people aren't allowed to leave the island. They must find a cure before they kill off the dinosaurs. My other idea was that people where talking a lot about this island retreat off the coast of Costa Rica, so this couple one this trip through a raffle ticket. They do go to Isla Nublar, but they soon realize that this place is not paradise. It was a test to see if humans could survive in a Dino infested jungle. As the couple must stop these evil guys from using the dinosaurs as a bioterrorists weapon. These are just some ideas thrown around.



MemberCompsognathusMay-18-2013 12:17 AM
"i like my dinos real not shaken..." *BURSTS OUT LAUGHING* best james bond parody ever XD but you do also bring up a point about something bad happening on the island *playing around in photoshop * how about this? [img]http://www.pizap.com/gallery_display_page4.php?imagename=pizap.com10.83013458456844091368851942989.jpg&datestamp=051813[/img] *having problems lately and it wont post so just uh copy and paste url into seach bar* sorry if its of poor quality this is my second shot at it my first one was very good as seen here in the picture *from the idea of them surviving in magma chambers* we have someone in a hazmat suit running from a t rex, the park is in a code red at the given time

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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