Jurassic World Movies

How Will Recent Discoveries Affect Jurassic Park 4?

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MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2013 12:05 AM
A lot of discoveries have been made since 2001's Jurassic Park 3, and not all were about new dinosaurs. The Triceratops' butt spines, the fact that Torosaurus were actually just full grown Triceratops, and the sauropods like Diplodocus having spiny whip-like tails all are surprising news about the familiar dinosaurs we know and love. The changes are actually pretty unknown, so the creators of Jurassic Park 4 will probably take advantage of the ignorance and stick to the traditional look of the dinosaurs. Not only would it save money, but it would avoid confusing the fans as to why all the dinosaurs were colorful, had weird looking spikes on them, why the Velociraptors had feathers and were the size of a turkey, and why the long-necks weren't so slow and stupid and why they were killing the T-Rex that tried to attack them. But you have to imagine it's an elephant in the room for critics. The material could simply come off as outdated. The dinosaurs would still look cool, but would be inaccurate. And while I don't think the producers will change anything, it's only human to think of it. Realism isn't a necessity for Jurassic Park 4. After all; it is an action movie, not a documentary.
Future Team Raptor member
4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2013 7:09 PM
lets take a skeptical look at this shall we? 1. Ingen started the island in 1988 5 years later they had the accident, in 1988 they had the dinosaurs of that time period nothing more nothing less, 2. in the book dr.wu mentions something about an unknown species they were hatching. 3.how would new dinos get on the island ?? even site b was making giant steps with having new dinos that weren't in the park 4.given there was unlisted troodon's in the park its really hard to hide big dinosaurs and was very hard for laura to hide her troodons in the quarantine pens but theres probably a way we'll see some new dinos somewhere, collins a creative guy "life will find away" it will be even harder returning to nublar due to it being bombed....

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2013 6:38 AM
1. the troodon reference is still in the air IMO because we do not know if filmmakers consider the JP Game as official canon. I think with regards to the movie it should not be considered as such until we know for sure. 2. I don't recall the island being bombed in the movie verse? In the books yes, it was bombed, but was it in the movie? In the movie verse, InGen has not filed for chapter 11 like it had in the books, which would lead me to believe that Site A would still be around and kicking. In the books half the reason the island was bombed was because of the animals breeding out of control/escaping to the mainland subplots. These were not in the movie version of the film (minus the breeding). Therefore there is no reason why, in the movie lore, the government would even need to bomb the island. InGen could have turned around and sued the pants off of the gov't for destruction of property et all. Not to mention all the spin off stories that take place off of movie verse Site A... 3. Just because InGen started the park in 1988, does not mean the dinos would naturally look the way they were assumed to look in 1988. The creatures would have grown into what we know dinos to look like today. However, Wu in both movie and book (albeit more books) does explain the genetic manipulation of the animals. I would argue it is the genetic manipulation that gives us the "classic" dinosaur look of the dinos on Site A...because InGen really only wanted people's money, therefore, as a corporation, they would want to give the public what the public thought dinos to look like. Now, I would bet it safe to bet some of the animals, like in Site B, could start showing evolutionary traits to bring them back to the new ideas and concepts science is giving us about the animals. Many people, even science folk, seem to forget about the genetic tampering element of Jurassic Park. If they were to read the book, the first one in particular, they would learn of how much tampering InGen had with the animals. Some creatures were up to v4. Another argument for why the dinos aren't the same visually as current ideas is this; the atmosphere and land, oxygen etc, are all different to when they originally lived, so evolution would develop differently.


MemberCompsognathusJun-28-2013 9:08 AM
1. In Jurassic Park III, Grant and Billy talk about the Spinosaurus, Billy saying "I don't remember seeing this on ingen's list. Grant then replies "well....they were hiding somethings... This Spinosaur could have been a secret project OR it could have been thought to have been a Baryonx, due to the snout factor (Baryonx was on the cloning list) 2. When Steven Spielberg released Jurassic Park, he wanted the behavior and look of the dinosaurs to be as real as possible ( the reason Jack Horner, Robert Bakker, etc. we're hired to give advice). If JP4 is going to use the classic dinosaur look, then what good is it hiring the best Paleontologists?!? 3. If you go to imdb.com and search jurassic park,it gives you a page of info. Clink on the FAQ and one of the questions is "how accurate are the dinosaurs to modern science? The Trex is the Most accurate, yet it has two or three problems. Now try and tell me someone wouldn't fix this crap going on with the tyrannosaur and brachiosaur? And if they are gonna fix the tyrant lizard king, they should fix the most lethal dinosaur in the movies...the raptors. It says on the website that the raptors are the most screwed up in all three movies. In conclusion, I think they may not add feathers, but they will fix all of the other bloopers as well.


MemberCompsognathusJul-04-2013 4:36 AM
The biggest reason why the dinosaurs should not look different is within the stories themselves: InGen was [i]creating[/i] these creatures off of extremely old DNA fragments and developing them as attractions. They were designing them to look the way they wanted them to look - the way people at that time imagined dinosaurs to be. Scientific fact is relatively unimportant in the light of this fictional genetic power that allowed InGen to design dinosaurs to their own specifications.
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