Jurassic World Movies

will it ever happen?

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MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 4:06 PM
look im not being funny but will we ever see jurassic park 4 its this has been happening ever since the third film came out they say we will get jp4 and it goes away and its doing it again we get told all this information and it gets everybodys hopes up and then they tear it away from us, and personally i think its just going to keep happening. please give us your feed back
7 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 4:56 PM
i know this is the darkest thought of jp fans but if things keep up like this... we may never see jp 4 hit the theaters it wont be the first time something like this has happened. but as chris said it would be a total waste to can it this far in development. but its never to late for everything...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 7:10 PM
I know this is very sad but I have to agree with all of you guys because it has been going on for several years know on and off on and off. I would love to see JP4 but I'm afraid of it not coming out, and if it did would it be as good as the first two? (I exclude the 3rd film)
But John, if the Pirates Of The Carribbean breaks down, the pirates dont eat the tourists.


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 10:54 AM
It will happen. They were too aggressive with the date. They put the cart before the horse. Why would Universai Studios say what they did otherwise? Trevorrow's tweets have brought clarity.


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 11:06 AM
Well last time jp4 was spouse to come out they were at the script editing part and hadn't started on anything else From my thoughts judging by no production shots or tweets that the mechanics are in the works We're at the same place We were over 4 years ago... I'd really hate to say it but jurassic park 4 may be on the brink of extinction (BAM best pun yet on this site) but we should try and be optimistic until we hear from Collin Spielberg or frank about this It would be a ginormous finachel loss to cancel it now jurassic park is universals most sucseeful franchise also by now I'd imagine they were working in the mechanics fr the dinoscgi models and clay models for the animatronics ( ia may be a month or so off) if they cancelled it, all that goes down the drain and none of these items are cheap

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 12:09 PM
If it were dead...they would say it was dead. They would not perpetuate the story by contradicting it otherwise. What is there to gain by not telling the truth?


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 1:34 PM
Plus, in the previous situation a script was in the works, but they hadn't assembled the director and crew and stuff. The project is going to happen!! Trevorow, Marshal, and Universal have all made statements that it is still in the works. They have filmed in Louisiana, they're filming now in Hawaii. There's just going to be a new release date, which, by the way, everyone was hoping for. JP4 will be a better film for it.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 9:55 PM
Well maybe they're thinking they can save the film???? Sorry I'm trying to be the skeptic You can't stop a ship from sinking but you can try to save it... Why not if jurassic park 4s slowly sinking why not try to save it? Also filming not spose to start until like June why the heck start early ESPICAllY if your suspending the due date But I believe that jurassic park 4 I'd not headed to the drain I'm trying t be skeptical about this entire situation to show two sides to it (much like Ian n jp1 pointing out flaws and stuff) I really hope it works out and we get a new "epic" jurassic park

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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